Lowlife White Russian Autos first grow... lets see what we got!


Well-Known Member
Whats up fellers!? Well... it's about that time to embark on a road to dank buds! I've watch and learned from many of my buddies who have done it for years and of course soaking up every bit of knowledge I can from RUI! But still feeling a bit unprepared to get the seeds goin... But thats what I've got yous guys for!!!

I recieved FEM white russian autos from Attitude (in only 5 days.. SWEET!) and want to germinate them... but I've ran into a couple problems with two of my first goes... I've experimented with bag seed and did just fine... of course I did 3 different approaches!

So here's what I've got... any and ALL comments, questions, critisism, and suggestions are more than welcomed!

I can't decided whether I want to soak them in a cup for a few days till they drop, or in the paper towel to germinate... the paper towel method screwed me last week... dunno what it was... it was placed in a moist towel, in a bag, opened, on top of my cable box... then I soaked them after a couple days, one sank, the other floated... put the sinker into a rockwool cube (growing hydoponicly) and the tap root came up, sideways, and down... thats it! I checked deeper to see what was goin on down there and it seemed the seed casing was having no part in it... so I did a little surgery, removed it, and the leaves where up, and root down...

Now I only have a 400w hps and I have it a couple feet above my grow tray where I just mist it daily... twice sometimes... I just recently made a make-shift dome to put over it to keep humity in... not workin so good with the 18/6 light... any critisim? It'd be appreciated!

Basically... I want to start germing now... so hopefully you good folks here will give me some good words of wisdom as I know there's MANY methods of this... I just don't want to eff it up since this is my first solo grow and am second guessing everything I'm doin!!!

I'll post pics soon of the bagweed... but I hope I'll be posting the russian in a few days and take off with a sweet journal!



Well-Known Member
Well... it's been two days since I soaked them! I did one test seed which is now an inch tall and doing great chillin under her (Fem seeds!) fluro awaiting her 4 sisters which are in RW cubes getting ready to sprout and hour now! I can see their hulls ready to break the surface! So 100% germ! Awesome! Well, I shouldn't count my chicks before they fully hatch... but so far so good!

The first seed I wasn't quite sure if I should being just a PINCH of nute since the RW has no nutes in them and so I figured just a drop of grow (FoxFarm) coundn't hurt... I feed her lastnight and she seems to have taken it well... since these are an auto strain, I know to recommened schedule probably won't apply... anyone have experiance with these and could lend me some advice? I figure a week and I'll give'em 1/4 strength and by week 2 bump to 1/2 strength and just see how they're taking it from there to determine if I should decrease, increase, or whatever....

I do not have any pics yet, tho there's really not much to see yet... But i do plan on using drip feed through out... water twice the first few weeks, and three times after 4-5 weeks... anyone have an opinion on this? First grow, so any help would be appreciated!

I'll check back soon when there's more excitment going on or if I fuck something up!!



Well-Known Member
Well it's been about a week since the oldest one sprouted... out of the 5... 3 came up strong within a few days... 2 had some sprouting complications and are currently in intensive care... I think one MIGHT pull through and the other... well, I'll give it a 30% chance... The one had somekind of shell film around it that I had to remove for the leaves to spread, and the other... well, it just had the whole damn seed hull on it still! Looked like the little shop of horrors! So I gave it a few days of not making any progress before I did a little surgry on them.

Here's a few pics of the 3 that are SO FAR doing good... I water them with a drip system once a day(or untill their cubes feel light) to prevent over watering (cubes hold the water pretty well) with distilled water and 1/4 strength grow nutes under 24/0 400w hps light. The temp maintains around 80-85 degrees and the humidity between 20-40 (currently 25).

What cha think? So far so good??



Well-Known Member
Wow man from the looks of things I am about one week ahead of you growin the same strain. I am super pumped I bought them from Attitude as soon as they came out. I am growing them in Fox Farm soil, and I am intrested to see how yours come out in comparison to mine. This will be great we will be of great help to each other even though we will encounter diffrent problems because of the growing medium.

I was kinda annoyed though one of my seeds never germinated so I was bumed about that but all four are lookin great. One is about a day ahead of the rest and so much larger. Low life said it is a easy strain to grow I hope they are right cause my first grow with bag seed was difficult as hell but I got through it and got some dank ass buds.


Well-Known Member
Wow man from the looks of things I am about one week ahead of you growin the same strain. I am super pumped I bought them from Attitude as soon as they came out. I am growing them in Fox Farm soil, and I am intrested to see how yours come out in comparison to mine. This will be great we will be of great help to each other even though we will encounter diffrent problems because of the growing medium.

I was kinda annoyed though one of my seeds never germinated so I was bumed about that but all four are lookin great. One is about a day ahead of the rest and so much larger. Low life said it is a easy strain to grow I hope they are right cause my first grow with bag seed was difficult as hell but I got through it and got some dank ass buds.
Rock on bro! I'm stoked 'bout it too! I've been contiplating the past couple days about whether or not my first hydro grow would be my last... I've seen and heard so many advantages about it, that I just might wait till they're bigger and switch to ebb&flo instead of drip.... I dunno... bongsmilie ... drip is fine for now...

Yeah, I've got the three goin pretty good, they're staggered though... almost lookin like a timeline! But the first one is stretched a bit because I just a fluro tube to start it and grew and grew the two days before I put the last two in there... then I said fuck it and flipped the hps on 'em and they've LOVED it! The two younger ones are hella lot shorter, but way ahead in forming their second set of leaves!

Have a journal? I'm definitly interested it seeing how yours goes! You must be 'round week 2 right?


Well-Known Member
Well my three WR are offically about 10 days old... and DAMN they've grown fast over the past few days! Now they're working on their 3rd set of leaves... hopefully they'll begin their flowering in just about 4-7 days! They claim they begin at age 14 days so... I'll be sure to post the pics up of that!

I increased their water tank's nutes to 1/2 strength and keepin the Ph high 5's low 6's... hps 400w 24/0 and everything is goin dandy so far!


Well-Known Member
Rock on bro! I'm stoked 'bout it too! I've been contiplating the past couple days about whether or not my first hydro grow would be my last... I've seen and heard so many advantages about it, that I just might wait till they're bigger and switch to ebb&flo instead of drip.... I dunno... bongsmilie ... drip is fine for now...

Yeah, I've got the three goin pretty good, they're staggered though... almost lookin like a timeline! But the first one is stretched a bit because I just a fluro tube to start it and grew and grew the two days before I put the last two in there... then I said fuck it and flipped the hps on 'em and they've LOVED it! The two younger ones are hella lot shorter, but way ahead in forming their second set of leaves!

Have a journal? I'm definitly interested it seeing how yours goes! You must be 'round week 2 right?
good luck on ur grow. ill be watching.Im very interested in the lowryder strains....


Well-Known Member
Yea looks good, i'm interested how that White Rhino auto does for sure too! I flower my WW around 2 weeks too so i'm interested too see what you'll get with hydro compared to soil.


Well-Known Member
Hey fellers! Welcome to my grow... should be interesting! I really have high expectations for them! And also thanks to your idea, I ordered 24 of those 4" pots and damn they were cheap! So I've got another unknown strain grown of a freebie feminized seed a buddy got for free from attitude... he only likes doin autos so he just passed it on and I'm gonna test out on my cloning skills and go for that perpetual harvest with the 2-3wk old clones like we talked about! Can't wait, I'll start a separate grow for that after I do some remodel of my grow area!

Buuuuuttttttt..... I have kinda noticed a few things... I figured it was because they grow so quickly and I haven't given any nutes that they were in need of some... well, it's only been about 8 hrs, and they haven't gotten better...

They are clawing upwards and WR2 has some dicoloration goin on as I tried to take the best pics I could... but, hey, camera BLOWS! So here they are... WR1 10days, WR2 8days, WR3 7days, first two pics are WR1 and the 3rd is and the 4th is just the 4 of them veggin out! WR2... WR1 has the most clawing and WR2 has the most discoloration...



Well-Known Member
It's hard to tell from the pics but it looks like it's yellowing so it could need some fertz. I noticed with my widow I had to supplement with some cal/mag nutes almost every watering too.. don't know if the WR would be that way too.

As for clawing I wouldn't worry about it, take a look at this pic of some girls I flowered in cups a while ago. I noticed it was a trait in the strain because many other people had the same thing happen.

I was wondering too.. how much did it cost to get those pots shipped to you? I live in AK and I would have to pay like 40 bucks to have it 2nd day air shipped to me, just for 25. So lame, I just wish they shipped with the post office.. sometimes sucks being so far away from everything.



Well-Known Member
I paid 20.18 total... I think a few cents off, but I wanna say the shipping was 9.84... thats outragous to ship out there!

WR1 most DEFINITELY did not like the increase in nutes.. the other two, well... I really don't think they cared... or at least yet... but WR1 on her second set of leaves seem nute burned rreeaalllyy bad. So I just flushed them right away and I guess I'll just go back to 1/4 strength for another week... but seeing how these are autos and start flowering in 14 days... think I should consider introducing some bloom in the next couple weeks?

I'll post up some pics later... they still haven't lost their growth!!

I don't wanna sound like a weirdo... but my girl seems to think I am... and now that I think about, I made fun of ppl who actually and literally talk to their plants... do you guys? I mean, I don't tell'em about my day or nothing... but, heh, I guess I do sit there and ask them questions..... hhmm... while I'm high and thinkin with my fingers... maybe there is some logic behind someone being loopy... MAYBE, the plants DO like it because your givin them a lil C02 every word you say... HAH! IT IS TRUE!

SOrry, high moment... as soon as I get the motivation, I snap a few pics when I wake the girls!


Well-Known Member
Hey man nice grow. Are the white russian autos the same as lowrider? I've been wanting to try something like that but I've heard that potency is an issue with the autoflowering.


Well-Known Member
good luck on ur grow. ill be watching.Im very interested in the lowryder strains....
Hey man nice grow. Are the white russian autos the same as lowrider? I've been wanting to try something like that but I've heard that potency is an issue with the autoflowering.
ight... here's the history I've learned about it... they first crossed AK47xWhite Widow to create the White Russian... than lowlife crossed it with the lowryder #2 to develop the auto White Russian.

I've read and hear all the controversy of auto/dwarfs loss their potency due them being crossed with a rudeulous (whatever the hell it is!!!!) which gives cannibus the ability to dwarf/autoflower! SO, with crossing it with two potent strains and the lowryder they've claimed to be able to get a great THC level... which im myself I only believe it's only as good as the grower!

So with my two favorite and most reputable strains the ak and widow crossed with it, it was a quick decision!

This is my first hydro grow and I cuz I wanted the MOST out of my plants and quicker harvest... so I'm trying two new things here, but keep an eye on it and watch them flower soon, hopefully it'll be as easy to grow as they claim and I'll get some hellaciously frosted buds!


Well-Known Member
good stuff. I'm going to look into this more for a future grow and I'm definitely going to watch this grow. Keep up the good work.


Well-Known Member
Illusonist I will try and check the thread daily from now on. Just so we can help each other, my girls are doing the same thing with the clawing no discoleration though. I have never grown auto before though. Mine have grown so fast I am now on day 15 and I have 3 tiers of leaf sets. They are growing so fast it is amazing.

One thing I noticed was that the leafs on all four variy a great deal, granit this is only my second grow but I think my last grown with bag seed the plants were fairly similar with leaf structure. But other than that I havent realy noticed any problems, I believe this white russian strain will be quite potent for the time it takes to grow.

But anyways illusion I wont do a grow journal just cause I cant deidcate the time but I am for sure going to keep you upated. Its so weird how we are growing with just a week difference between us, same strain and a brand new strain on Attitude.


Well-Known Member
Hey Jim! Yea... pretty awesome we got basically the same thing goin, but like you said, its good cuz we can compare! I'm always excited to hear how your are doin!

I know I promised pics lastnight.. but ya know how that goes.. so here are a few individuals and a group.

Since I've been flushing them since yesterday, I have not noticed any more buring occuring. I'll probably flush the rest of today and throughout the night and change it tomorrow back to 1/4 strength... or anyone want to object and tell me to keep flushing? anyone?

Anywho, they seem to be doing fine and WR1 is pretty burnt on her tips on the edges that are begining to form into a bigger leaf! WR2 i was most concerned about b/c it was going throughout all the leaves slowley and faintly... but since the flush she's regaining greenery. WR3, well... #3 is just coming along with not a complaint... juss doin her own thing!

pics are WR1, WR2, WR3, and the group!



Well-Known Member
Yea illusion I would keep flushing I havent given mine any nutes yet and they are all a beautiful green. I think I will give them nutes the next watering just to see how sensitive they are.

Ur girls look good beside the burning u are right on schedule. I wish Attitue would sell the lowlife blueberry I want to grow that next so bad.


Well-Known Member
u got my approval

ppl who talk shit about autos are those who cant do itt the right way,they flowere right away so it takes hands on activity plannin ect. do it right and u will have the dankiest shit known to man........exageration but still autos fuck u up and get u sooooo high


Well-Known Member
Holy Shit! WR3 has blown up! I can't believe how fast these girls are growin!!! I'm gonna put a yesterday and today pic of #3 up cuz it's amazing to see and I want to compare!

But time to pack one, run to the store, and come back give some pics for your entertainment!

"preciate the approval wacky! Hopefully this strain and grow that Jim and I have goin on will put the auto beating to rest!!!

I really want to try hindu kushxlowryder next! That is if I don't start my perpetual plan first! We'll see how these ladies turn out!