CLOSE THE CAMPS: Nationwide protests gaining momentum

Just gotta keep loving a dumb bitch living within seeing distance of Mexico on here wailing about Mexicans migrating to their traditional homelands. Bet she supports Israel and the boatloads of Jews who rushed to Palestine to steal it from its rightful inhabitants.
Just gotta keep loving a dumb bitch living within seeing distance of Mexico on here wailing about Mexicans migrating to their traditional homelands. Bet she supports Israel and the boatloads of Jews who rushed to Palestine to steal it from its rightful inhabitants.

as any good evangelical should..
Just gotta keep loving a dumb bitch living within seeing distance of Mexico on here wailing about Mexicans migrating to their traditional homelands. Bet she supports Israel and the boatloads of Jews who rushed to Palestine to steal it from its rightful inhabitants.
This is offensive. Not all Jews are Zionists.
This is offensive. Not all Jews are Zionists.
Not all Mexicans are bums or takers. The comparison is valid.

Edit add: please note I didn’t say Jews should have been barred from Israel. I just feel the Palestinians have born the brunt of Israel’s anger at the world for allowing the Holocaust and yet they probably had less to do with that than Americans do. We knew. We had the weapons, industry, resources and the manpower to do something about it far sooner than we did.
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That's probably because nobody cares about Breitbart.

right after his impeachment? lol
He won't be impeached because a corrupt Republican led Senate will not hold him accountable for his actions. He has already committed several impeachable crimes (at least 10 if Mueller report is to be believed).

Also uh that's kind of how it works with a President in the USA, you can't (at least it's not 'tradition') pursue criminal charges against a sitting President.

Your Country has *A LOT* of ground to make up with other Western nations once he's gone. You've lost basically any faith or confidence we had in your democratic method of governance or any of its 'values'.
Dismiss and ignore lol. I don't care, it's a post for those who do. I'm glad we're all in agreement that the illegal shit isn't Americas problem
Their response of caging kids up is Americas problem (immigration from Mexico is definitely a real problem but not a crisis and not comparable to concentration camps).

Remember trumps first words coming down that escalator?
"“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.”

Imagine replacing the word Mexico with Poland, reminds me of a speech some weirdo mustachioed art wannabe germaphobe might have said to his people before invading Poland and enslaving all those criminals, rapists, drug dealers in concentration camps?

The parallels of today are just ... chilling, esp. to the memory of the many who gave their lives to eliminate this kind of tribal xenophobic blind hatred.
“Today, we pause to recognize Medal of Honor recipient Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia, who became the first Mexican immigrant to earn this distinction.

Garcia was born in Castanos, Mexico, in 1920. At the age of three, his family came to the United States in search of a better life and eventually settled in Sugarland, Texas, where they found work on a ranch.

Garcia spent much of his childhood missing school days to help the family with ranch work.

During World War II, Garcia, a non-American citizen with a grade school education, enlisted as an Army infantryman on Nov. 11, 1942. He said he felt a strong obligation to give back to the country he had called home for so many years.

Private Garcia landed at Normandy on D-Day with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. He was wounded during the beach landing and spent four months in recovery. He later rejoined his unit in Germany, where his actions would earn him the nation’s most prestigious military honor.

On Nov. 27, 1944, Bravo Company came under fire near Grosshau, Germany. Serving as an acting squad leader, Garcia was badly wounded in the shoulder and foot. He refused evacuation and pushed on alone toward two enemy machine gun nests. With some grenades and his rifle, he wiped out the nests, killing six enemy soldiers and taking four more captive. He continued fighting with his soldiers and was removed for medical care only after the company successfully seized its objective.

Garcia returned home as a staff sergeant in February 1945 and received the Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman later that year. He also received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal and Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

Soon after coming home, Garcia was refused service at a restaurant in Richmond, Texas, because of his ethnic background. A violent brawl ensued, and the police took a bruised and beaten Garcia to jail. He was let out the next morning, and assault charges were filed against him in the following weeks.

Garcia’s case became a symbol of the Hispanic civil rights movement, and support came pouring in for his defense. Richmond County postponed the case and quietly dropped the charges against him.“

Never have found a Trump being awarded anything except maybe a participation award.

whoa, curb the Antisemitism Hitler Jr.
Anti-Semitisn is telling the truth? Amazing. Now shut the f up and go away. Bet if the Mexicans did the same thing to the parts of the USA they TRADITIONALLY came from you’d be in a Fox frenzy forever just like everyone else on this thread that thinks the same way about Israel.

Especially coming from a dumbass who hates Mexicans! Bite me, Chubs.