What to do with trim


Well-Known Member
I've got about a builders bucket and a half of mostly sugar leaves and the small fan leaves from the bud. My mate told me to chuck it out but seems a waste. Would take too long and would smell too bad to decarboxylate it all in an apartment.

Would a baking tray full be enough to make anything and freeze the rest?

I made dmt before which consisted of shaking up a tree bark in acid to extract the substance from the bark, then adding an flammable oil which the substance stuck to, then syringed the oil from the top, then left the oil to evaporate leaving the dmt.

Could you boil the trim and add coconut oil for a similar effect?
Don't listen to your buddy. Your sugar trim is valuable. Edibles, waxes, oils, tincture, salve..... I can keep going but I think you get the point. There's tons of info in threads on this site, search through the different sections. And you can pretty much google a recipe for anything you want to make with your trim. Go figure out what you want to make and then come back with your questions.
Don't listen to your buddy. Your sugar trim is valuable. Edibles, waxes, oils, tincture, salve..... I can keep going but I think you get the point. There's tons of info in threads on this site, search through the different sections. And you can pretty much google a recipe for anything you want to make with your trim. Go figure out what you want to make and then come back with your questions.

Cheers, ordered some oven bags to help with the smell
Don't listen to your buddy. Your sugar trim is valuable. Edibles, waxes, oils, tincture, salve..... I can keep going but I think you get the point. There's tons of info in threads on this site, search through the different sections. And you can pretty much google a recipe for anything you want to make with your trim. Go figure out what you want to make and then come back with your questions.

I've tried to do a bit of reading, but a lot of it is this way or that way.

I have a bag of trim, so I cook it between 210-235 for lets say 60 mins to be sure.

I cant cant cook all my trim in one go, so I decarboxylase it all, put it all in a container.

Now what would you recommend?

I want to cook it in some oil, coconut or butter. But what do I do to take the cooked plant to get it in the oil.

Im a slow reader and get mixed up so would appreciate your advice.

Do I take the cooked powder, boil it in butter/coconut oil and strain in a sieve?
For a reasonably strong butter

4 to 5 ounces of trim (or all lower bud if you have a high tolerance)

4 sticks of butter / 1 pound (5 sticks if your trim has some lower buds in it)

about 2 1/2 quarts of water

Put it all in a large kettle, and heat. Hold at just beyond simmer for several hours, longer is better. Some people use a crockpot. Your butter won't care, either way. Make sure to push all the green matter down into the liquid once the butter melts. Don't want to miss any trichomes!

Let it cool, but not all the way. (It's easier to squeeze the butter off the trim if it's still warm.)

Pour cooked liquid thru a ridged metal spaghetti strainer into another clean container, then squeeze the butter saturated cooked vegetative matter. I usually do this in 4 or 5 installments. I use a potato masher to squeeze the warm buttery liquid out of the vegetative matter thru the strainer and then use my super simian hand strength to manually squeeze it again to get as much butter out as possible. The leftover green matter, which kind of look like pot grenades, can be bagged in plastic and used again, since it will almost always still contain some butter, I donate mine to a friend.

You'll end up with some brownish greasy looking liquid in the container you strained and squeezed the buttery trim into. Don't worry, just refrigerate it for several hours. It will separate and harden into a green butter layer on top and brown water on the bottom.

After it hardens, cut a small hole in the edge of the butter and drain the underlying brown water for disposal or future use. Then container equal weight portions of the canna infused butter into several smaller containers for future use.

Store in a freezer if not using right away. Canna butter will go bad if left out!
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Cindy will get you going on some butter here. I've never added water. It's that for a longer cook time?

Hi Mac...I don't know about Cindy, but I add water to absorb chloraophyll and other unwanted water soluble stuff. Oil comes out just as potent but paler green with better taste. Pretty much the method RobRoy described.
Hi Mac...I don't know about Cindy, but I add water to absorb chloraophyll and other unwanted water soluble stuff. Oil comes out just as potent but paler green with better taste. Pretty much the method RobRoy described.
Ok that makes a lot of sense. I make my edibles with oil these days so I use a different process. I bet that gets a bit of the green taste out though.
Since I dry trim I do it over a 180u screen and sift the trim pretty well which gives me pretty good quality dry sift and can smoke it just as good as trimmed bud. What's left from the trim i jarr and collect it then wash it later with ethanol. Quich 2-3min shake will dilute leftower resin and won't pick up much of chlorophyll if any at all. I later evaporate the ethanol and mix the end product with coconut oil. Prior to mixing it with coconut oil I decarb it in the oven which also purges the leftover ethanol and water in the solution. Later I use the infused coconut oil to make caps, salves, edible...