CLOSE THE CAMPS: Nationwide protests gaining momentum


Well-Known Member
The horrific humanitarian crisis at the southern border seems to be growing in scale as overcrowded camps become more profitable for some business interests. This will be a key issue in the coming months as Democratic primary contenders seek to pander to the movement. Julian Castro, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and others call for action. The Department of Homeland Security, under which ICE is administered, is headed by an "Acting Secretary", which means its policies are being driven directly by the white house.
The horrific humanitarian crisis at the southern border seems to be growing in scale as overcrowded camps become more profitable for some business interests. This will be a key issue in the coming months as Democratic primary contenders seek to pander to the movement. Julian Castro, Alexandra Ocasio Cortez and others call for action. The Department of Homeland Security, under which ICE is administered, is headed by an "Acting Secretary", which means its policies are being driven directly by the white house.
Yeah these things are everything America is not supposed to be. The xenophobic assholes in the White House, especially that creepy Stephen Miller, need reining in. This country is showing the world its worst right now. Can you imagine those kids that got out of that one only to be taken back to it? That had to be soul crushing.
Funny how short of a memory people have around here. Dare you to click on either of these|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1144424486902439936|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1143871724708081664

Yeah these things are everything America is not supposed to be. The xenophobic assholes in the White House, especially that creepy Stephen Miller, need reining in. This country is showing the world its worst right now. Can you imagine those kids that got out of that one only to be taken back to it? That had to be soul crushing.
Trumptards used to chant "lock her up", how ironic will it be when he is in the slammer?
right after his impeachment? lol
How many minutes after he leaves office until SDNY slaps him with several dozen felonies?

It took them about 6 minutes to do it to his criminal campaign manager

And what about that pesky affair about being an unindicted co conspirator in a federal felony for which his personal lawyer now sits in federal prison?

Stupid little nazi girl
“Today, we pause to recognize Medal of Honor recipient Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia, who became the first Mexican immigrant to earn this distinction.

Garcia was born in Castanos, Mexico, in 1920. At the age of three, his family came to the United States in search of a better life and eventually settled in Sugarland, Texas, where they found work on a ranch.

Garcia spent much of his childhood missing school days to help the family with ranch work.

During World War II, Garcia, a non-American citizen with a grade school education, enlisted as an Army infantryman on Nov. 11, 1942. He said he felt a strong obligation to give back to the country he had called home for so many years.

Private Garcia landed at Normandy on D-Day with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. He was wounded during the beach landing and spent four months in recovery. He later rejoined his unit in Germany, where his actions would earn him the nation’s most prestigious military honor.

On Nov. 27, 1944, Bravo Company came under fire near Grosshau, Germany. Serving as an acting squad leader, Garcia was badly wounded in the shoulder and foot. He refused evacuation and pushed on alone toward two enemy machine gun nests. With some grenades and his rifle, he wiped out the nests, killing six enemy soldiers and taking four more captive. He continued fighting with his soldiers and was removed for medical care only after the company successfully seized its objective.

Garcia returned home as a staff sergeant in February 1945 and received the Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman later that year. He also received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal and Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

Soon after coming home, Garcia was refused service at a restaurant in Richmond, Texas, because of his ethnic background. A violent brawl ensued, and the police took a bruised and beaten Garcia to jail. He was let out the next morning, and assault charges were filed against him in the following weeks.

Garcia’s case became a symbol of the Hispanic civil rights movement, and support came pouring in for his defense. Richmond County postponed the case and quietly dropped the charges against him.“

Never have found a Trump being awarded anything except maybe a participation award.
“Sixty men of Hispanic heritage have been awarded the Medal of Honor. Of the sixty Medals of Honor presented to Hispanics, two were presented to members of the United States Navy, thirteen to members of the United States Marine Corps and forty-six to members of the United States Army. Forty-two Medals of Honor were presented posthumously.”
“Today, we pause to recognize Medal of Honor recipient Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia, who became the first Mexican immigrant to earn this distinction.

Garcia was born in Castanos, Mexico, in 1920. At the age of three, his family came to the United States in search of a better life and eventually settled in Sugarland, Texas, where they found work on a ranch.

Garcia spent much of his childhood missing school days to help the family with ranch work.

During World War II, Garcia, a non-American citizen with a grade school education, enlisted as an Army infantryman on Nov. 11, 1942. He said he felt a strong obligation to give back to the country he had called home for so many years.

Private Garcia landed at Normandy on D-Day with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. He was wounded during the beach landing and spent four months in recovery. He later rejoined his unit in Germany, where his actions would earn him the nation’s most prestigious military honor.

On Nov. 27, 1944, Bravo Company came under fire near Grosshau, Germany. Serving as an acting squad leader, Garcia was badly wounded in the shoulder and foot. He refused evacuation and pushed on alone toward two enemy machine gun nests. With some grenades and his rifle, he wiped out the nests, killing six enemy soldiers and taking four more captive. He continued fighting with his soldiers and was removed for medical care only after the company successfully seized its objective.

Garcia returned home as a staff sergeant in February 1945 and received the Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman later that year. He also received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal and Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

Soon after coming home, Garcia was refused service at a restaurant in Richmond, Texas, because of his ethnic background. A violent brawl ensued, and the police took a bruised and beaten Garcia to jail. He was let out the next morning, and assault charges were filed against him in the following weeks.

Garcia’s case became a symbol of the Hispanic civil rights movement, and support came pouring in for his defense. Richmond County postponed the case and quietly dropped the charges against him.“

Never have found a Trump being awarded anything except maybe a participation award.


“Today, we pause to recognize Medal of Honor recipient Army Staff Sgt. Macario Garcia, who became the first Mexican immigrant to earn this distinction.

Garcia was born in Castanos, Mexico, in 1920. At the age of three, his family came to the United States in search of a better life and eventually settled in Sugarland, Texas, where they found work on a ranch.

Garcia spent much of his childhood missing school days to help the family with ranch work.

During World War II, Garcia, a non-American citizen with a grade school education, enlisted as an Army infantryman on Nov. 11, 1942. He said he felt a strong obligation to give back to the country he had called home for so many years.

Private Garcia landed at Normandy on D-Day with Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 4th Infantry Division. He was wounded during the beach landing and spent four months in recovery. He later rejoined his unit in Germany, where his actions would earn him the nation’s most prestigious military honor.

On Nov. 27, 1944, Bravo Company came under fire near Grosshau, Germany. Serving as an acting squad leader, Garcia was badly wounded in the shoulder and foot. He refused evacuation and pushed on alone toward two enemy machine gun nests. With some grenades and his rifle, he wiped out the nests, killing six enemy soldiers and taking four more captive. He continued fighting with his soldiers and was removed for medical care only after the company successfully seized its objective.

Garcia returned home as a staff sergeant in February 1945 and received the Medal of Honor from President Harry S. Truman later that year. He also received the Purple Heart, Bronze Star Medal and Combat Infantryman’s Badge.

Soon after coming home, Garcia was refused service at a restaurant in Richmond, Texas, because of his ethnic background. A violent brawl ensued, and the police took a bruised and beaten Garcia to jail. He was let out the next morning, and assault charges were filed against him in the following weeks.

Garcia’s case became a symbol of the Hispanic civil rights movement, and support came pouring in for his defense. Richmond County postponed the case and quietly dropped the charges against him.“

Never have found a Trump being awarded anything except maybe a participation award.
I'm pretty sure bone spurs don't go away. #releasemedicalrecords see if he has bonespurs.