Astral Projection!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone here had an experience with astral projection. Im very interested in learning how to do it and in reading experiences.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
I've tried it.I always get relaxed and fall asleep.My brother said he did it in prison and saw this blond girl on a beach.He came back with a hair in his mouth.


New Member
I had [somewhat] had an experience with astral projection .. But it's not fair to call it that because it wasn't voluntary and it was during a sleep paralysis episode.. But I firmly believe that if I knew what was going on at the time then I could have manipulated the experience to the point where I could have projected anywhere I wanted... I just floated up the wall behind my bed... and 'woke' up. If you know what sleep paralysis is then you should understand. This experience alone is enough for me to believe that astral projection is very possible... But you would have to practice. The only reason why it happened to me is because I was in the weak vulnerable state of sleep paralysis...

I'd recommend before you try to go straight for astral projection, to spend some time every day practicing meditation .. To get more in touch with your '3rd eye' ..and so you are not fearful when the time comes where you are disconnected from your physical body...


Well-Known Member
I meditate everyday.

I remember when I was in middle school waking up in the middle of the night and not being able to move my body. I remember freaking out so I just closed my eyes and fell back asleep. I think I may have had the ability to leave my body several times I just recently realized that that is what was going on.

I'm going to start keeping a dream journal. I can remember my dreams. Last night I had a dream about an ex g/f that I can remember vividly.

I also remember having a lucid dream when I was very young. This is the only reason I remember it. I was in the ocean pretty far under. I remember running out of breath and thinking "I won't make it to the top" and in the back of my mind I remembered hearing that if you die in a dream you will die in real life... so I took at deep breath and inhaled water and didn't die. So I was like I'm dreaming thats all. haha That is the only lucid dream I can remember.


Well-Known Member
all you have to do is get yourself to realize you are dreaming, then you can start to control them. it takes a few weeks of practice but it can easily be done. just think about what you want to dream about as you fall asleep. tell yourself you are going into a dream. soon you will be able to become "aware" in your dreams. it is scary the first few times. i think i got too scared too many times and stopped. when the wild boars crashed thru the front window and i couldn't stop them i started to have doubts. i think i just hid after that.


Well-Known Member
i tried astral projection a lot when i was in high school. i actually almost did it once...i was laying in bed and i meditated enough to become really relaxed...and i would visualize my spirit body hovering above my physical body...and then i was trying to transfer all my consciousness to the spirit body...well...i got this tingling feeling, like when your circulation is cut off...and it started at my toes and started (quickly) working its way up my legs. well...i got scared and lost my concentration...but thats the closest i've ever got while actually trying to project.


Well-Known Member
The implications for astral projection are huge. If we can go wherever we want instantaneously through astral projection, imagine what consciousness can do on this plane of existence.



Well-Known Member
hey thanks all you smart medatators..... i finally learned what astral projection is.... ......its floating off the bed when u sleep n stuff


Well-Known Member
I want to say that I had an experience, but I'm not sure.

What happened is I found myself looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, but instead of myself like I normally see myself I saw this smoky blue outline. It was kind of creepy in a weird way, so I ended up jerking awake.


Well-Known Member
I want to say that I had an experience, but I'm not sure.

What happened is I found myself looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, but instead of myself like I normally see myself I saw this smoky blue outline. It was kind of creepy in a weird way, so I ended up jerking awake.
dude, you will turn into a complete shadow and disappear. i'm not kidding. i've done it and it's freaky. do it in a semi lit room and it's really creepy. once you turn into a complete shadow you can try really hard to see yourself again but it's hard. you have to look away then look back. i've soooooo done that. friggin' creepy. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
dude, you will turn into a complete shadow and disappear. i'm not kidding. i've done it and it's freaky. do it in a semi lit room and it's really creepy. once you turn into a complete shadow you can try really hard to see yourself again but it's hard. you have to look away then look back. i've soooooo done that. friggin' creepy. :neutral:
Shocked the hell out of me, but I haven't been able to get it to occur again.

Not really something you expect to see when looking in the mirror at yourself.


New Member
This isn't really astral projection ... But it's something that happens to me and it's kinda weird... I've never told anyone about it, but here it goes...If I'm in a super relaxed state of mind and I'm just laying in a pitch dark room with my eyes closed, I can SEE through my eye lids... Like, at first I'll only be able to see objects in front of me n shit ... Like I'll wave my hand in front of my CLOSED eyes and see the outline and movement of my hand. But if I'm just facing a wall or something, I'll start seeing something that looks like 'static' kinda like this ..Except I'm moving through it ... It's not just still ...

After that, images of people and such start to come.... It can be a little scary...But now I'm so used to it....It starts off as a face.. It's very distinct in terms of shape and expression, but I couldn't tell who it was if I knew the person... But I don't think these are people that I know in life. The face is in my vision [my eyes are closed this whole time] and you can like, see the face react to me looking at it. Fck, this is what scared me when it first started happening.

The person turns their head, sees me, and puts on an expression like 'whoa where did you come from? Hello there' ...

After that, the person begins to take form of an entire body... He looks like he tries to talk to me as he's standing/sitting in my vision sometimes, looking at me... But mostly just moves around... The mean ones try to scare me by walking/pacing around slowly from a distance and then suddenly jerking their face into my vision...I don't think all of them like being watched... so they try to get me to open my eyes.

These people disappear and reappear constantly as I keep my eyes closed... Sometimes they just dance around too.. lol ......

What this is? I have no idea ... But I like to think that I visit, or get a little 'taste' of ... another dimension of existence.. You could call them 'ghosts' .... This only happens every once in a while... so that's what makes me believe that it's not just my imagination...

fdd - When you have these experiences, do you bring them on in some way? Or do they just happen? Because I notice you say "I've done it" instead of "it happened to me" ...


Well-Known Member
This isn't really astral projection ... But it's something that happens to me and it's kinda weird... I've never told anyone about it, but here it goes...If I'm in a super relaxed state of mind and I'm just laying in a pitch dark room with my eyes closed, I can SEE through my eye lids... Like, at first I'll only be able to see objects in front of me n shit ... Like I'll wave my hand in front of my CLOSED eyes and see the outline and movement of my hand. But if I'm just facing a wall or something, I'll start seeing something that looks like 'static' kinda like this ..Except I'm moving through it ... It's not just still ...

After that, images of people and such start to come.... It can be a little scary...But now I'm so used to it....It starts off as a face.. It's very distinct in terms of shape and expression, but I couldn't tell who it was if I knew the person... But I don't think these are people that I know in life. The face is in my vision [my eyes are closed this whole time] and you can like, see the face react to me looking at it. Fck, this is what scared me when it first started happening.

The person turns their head, sees me, and puts on an expression like 'whoa where did you come from? Hello there' ...

After that, the person begins to take form of an entire body... He looks like he tries to talk to me as he's standing/sitting in my vision sometimes, looking at me... But mostly just moves around... The mean ones try to scare me by walking/pacing around slowly from a distance and then suddenly jerking their face into my vision...I don't think all of them like being watched... so they try to get me to open my eyes.

These people disappear and reappear constantly as I keep my eyes closed... Sometimes they just dance around too.. lol ......

What this is? I have no idea ... But I like to think that I visit, or get a little 'taste' of ... another dimension of existence.. You could call them 'ghosts' .... This only happens every once in a while... so that's what makes me believe that it's not just my imagination...

fdd - When you have these experiences, do you bring them on in some way? Or do they just happen? Because I notice you say "I've done it" instead of "it happened to me" ...
wooahhhh... sometimes when i close my eye i see something appear big,,,then small....then mediums sized...then big again.....continuosly.....

i really am starting to think you guys are smoking way to much ganj....
it s funny how your brain lets you see what you want to see....
but i think this is somekind of urban bloody marry or the :roll:


New Member
wooahhhh... sometimes when i close my eye i see something appear big,,,then small....then mediums sized...then big again.....continuosly.....

i really am starting to think you guys are smoking way to much ganj....
it s funny how your brain lets you see what you want to see....
but i think this is somekind of urban bloody marry or the :roll:

lol ... I considered that it was just my brain playin tricks... But when it's actually happening, it's the most real thing...

and it's not even like I read it or saw it in a movie somewhere.. It just started happening out of nowhere...

I at least know for a fact that I can see through my eye lids.. I would never be able to just imagine the exact shape of my hand and its movement..


Well-Known Member
lol ... I considered that it was just my brain playin tricks... But when it's actually happening, it's the most real thing...

and it's not even like I read it or saw it in a movie somewhere.. It just started happening out of nowhere...

I at least know for a fact that I can see through my eye lids.. I would never be able to just imagine the exact shape of my hand and its movement..
in biophysical psychology class we learned that the eyes or retina... doesnt see light as it comes through your protection... first the light bounces from the back of your eyes.... and we see the reflection.....
i dont know why i mention has been a couple years since i studied this....
but i would say that your seeing all the objects or matter in your eyes.....
i sometimes close my eyes and stare at the sun.... and i can see objects....even tho my eyelids are closed....
some blind people have this special sight called blindsite.... where they can see movement and object even tho they are blind... it has alot to do with rods and cones..... the cone see dark and movement ...
while cones seee colors and bright lights.... im confused still about this....:roll:


Well-Known Member
This isn't really astral projection ... But it's something that happens to me and it's kinda weird... I've never told anyone about it, but here it goes...If I'm in a super relaxed state of mind and I'm just laying in a pitch dark room with my eyes closed, I can SEE through my eye lids... Like, at first I'll only be able to see objects in front of me n shit ... Like I'll wave my hand in front of my CLOSED eyes and see the outline and movement of my hand. But if I'm just facing a wall or something, I'll start seeing something that looks like 'static' kinda like this ..Except I'm moving through it ... It's not just still ...

After that, images of people and such start to come.... It can be a little scary...But now I'm so used to it....It starts off as a face.. It's very distinct in terms of shape and expression, but I couldn't tell who it was if I knew the person... But I don't think these are people that I know in life. The face is in my vision [my eyes are closed this whole time] and you can like, see the face react to me looking at it. Fck, this is what scared me when it first started happening.

The person turns their head, sees me, and puts on an expression like 'whoa where did you come from? Hello there' ...

After that, the person begins to take form of an entire body... He looks like he tries to talk to me as he's standing/sitting in my vision sometimes, looking at me... But mostly just moves around... The mean ones try to scare me by walking/pacing around slowly from a distance and then suddenly jerking their face into my vision...I don't think all of them like being watched... so they try to get me to open my eyes.

These people disappear and reappear constantly as I keep my eyes closed... Sometimes they just dance around too.. lol ......

What this is? I have no idea ... But I like to think that I visit, or get a little 'taste' of ... another dimension of existence.. You could call them 'ghosts' .... This only happens every once in a while... so that's what makes me believe that it's not just my imagination...

fdd - When you have these experiences, do you bring them on in some way? Or do they just happen? Because I notice you say "I've done it" instead of "it happened to me" ...
What if it is your consciousness that is directly perceiving a different dimension? When I meditate directly after smoking then I can see my third eye more clearly. It has a gravitating affect like it pulls your attention towards it , no? Well I believe what you are saying. All spiritual experience is subjective.

No offense to 323cheezy but you have offered nothing to the discussion that is meaningful or helpful. Maybe you should try meditating and figure out what we are talking about instead of saying that we smoke too much weed.