And this came up. Whorled something? Repotted and put it in a tent under a grow light. Any help
It could be Duckfoot. Let it grow!And this came up. Whorled something? Repotted and put it in a tent under a grow light. Any help
Check the strain Duckfoot.Doesn’t even look like any cannabis I’ve ever seen personally.
The leaves look wrong.
Haaaaa!!! Jinx. I'm 46!!!!!!It could be Duckfoot. Let it grow!
Actually it’s genetics. You even mentioned Duckfoot after I did. Keep it simple and don’t overwater. Not saying for sure it’s Duckfoot but it looks like it.Would some orchid food I gave it do this? Took some from Mom's garden. Honestly was cleaning and found three seeds thought they were g13 or silver haze, or maybe the complimentary freebies...
Check the strain Duckfoot.
I didn’t either until a grower gave me some seeds trying to get a male. It looked almost like a hops plant to me. No males from mine so it dried up here.It very well could be!
I’ll be honest I didn’t even know anything like ducksfoot existed so thank you broski!