Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

For a while, I held out that it would return to normalcy. I no longer believe this to be true. I think for the rest of my life there will be a substantial group of people from both the left and right (more on the right because they are much less educated) that will believe in fiction as long as somebody takes the effort to make a good story of it.

HBO started an interesting show last week called "Years & Years" the authors of which also seem to feel this way.

The first episode ends with Trump nuking a Chinese island four days before he is scheduled to leave office.
Don't worry man, the way I look at it is we are in good hands with millennials and younger generations, all of the rest of us are still dealing with playing with lead as kids.


I figure everyone over the age of 35ish has at least a little bit of brain damage.
You stupid little nazi girl
lefties using "girl" as an attempt to demean or insult. LOL



She seems very confused. So you cannot be concerned with the mistreatment of others if you are wearing a watch over a certain value? Is that the point Pepe the frog is making that triggered her crying jag?

It doesn't even make sense.

And then she brings up the Clinton Foundation when Trump ran, and was forced to close due to malfeasance, a foundation that he never gave money to but merely used as a way to collect money from other people that he would funnel into his own businesses.

Is this little girl exceeding dumb or totally shameless?