It's not left v right, old v young, us v them.. It's always been rich v poor

I don't hate Bernie because of his wealth, I hate Bernie because he's a hypocrite. I want every single American to have the same premium healthcare plan he has. If we're going to do something, let's do it right.

Bernie isn't trying to give us what he has, he gets something good and we get Medicare.

Bernie and his supporters are trying to shaft millions of hardworking Americans (like me) by taking away something we are happy with and work hard for and then replacing it with Medicare. I get no choice to keep what I want, just forced into some bottom of the barrel insurance plan and that isn't right. Fogdog has already said that Medicare is not the same as the private insurance - and that is truth 100%

So until Bernie wants to give me and the rest of America exactly what he has then I hate him for being a hypocrite

you mean the ACA? that's what Congress know that right? right?

stop listening to Bucky and his crew- it lowers your IQ.
Confiscatory funding which you voluntarily signed up for and used you fucking mooch welfare sponge

Things are not always as they appear...Simpleton.

I don't hate Bernie because of his wealth, I hate Bernie because he's a hypocrite. I want every single American to have the same premium healthcare plan he has. If we're going to do something, let's do it right.

Bernie isn't trying to give us what he has, he gets something good and we get Medicare.

Bernie and his supporters are trying to shaft millions of hardworking Americans (like me) by taking away something we are happy with and work hard for and then replacing it with Medicare. I get no choice to keep what I want, just forced into some bottom of the barrel insurance plan and that isn't right. Fogdog has already said that Medicare is not the same as the private insurance - and that is truth 100%

So until Bernie wants to give me and the rest of America exactly what he has then I hate him for being a hypocrite

If government didn't forcibly intervene you could chose the insurance you want, or none at all, just like you get to chose what color socks to wear in the morning and you wouldn't care what color socks Bernie wears. Amazing huh?

If government didn't forcibly intervene you could chose the insurance you want, or none at all, just like you get to chose what color socks to wear in the morning and you wouldn't care what color socks Bernie wears. Amazing huh?

The barter system retard thinks other people have bad economic ideas

What a tard
View attachment 4355635
3 years ago.

50% of households bring in more, 50% bring in less.

And everybody doesn't live in Cali where the cost of living is through the roof.

You ever travel the country? I've been in 38 states.

And I got out of the stock market years ago. Too volatile.
Now, stupid, divide by two.

The fiftieth percentile wage in America is indeed $30k. Average wages is skewed due to a small number earning far in excess of $200k/yr.

I bet you flunked statistics- if indeed you ever took it.
Now, stupid, divide by two.

The fiftieth percentile wage in America is indeed $30k. Average wages is skewed due to a small number earning far in excess of $200k/yr.

I bet you flunked statistics- if indeed you ever took it.

I thought if you had to resort to name calling, you lost the argument. Does that only apply when you say it?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics the median income for a full-time wage or salary worker on a weekly basis was $900. For a 40-hour work week, this translates to a yearly income of approximately $46,800.

So much for statistics.

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