Banana Crack Information Thread

I'd like to point out that no one strain is responsible for the blueberry smell, and no one strain is responsible for.the banana smell. I've had plants smelling like straight banana in the past and the had nothing to do with banana OG.

It's all about how terpenes arrange themselves, please stop thinking "oh this strains smells like bananas it comes from banana og." Or "oh this strain smells like blueberry it has dj short blueberry in its lineage" well let me tell you it's absolutely not true.
I don't know if you are talking to me when you are saying "Banana OG doesn't make all Bananas" and "Blueberry doesn't make all Blueberries"

I understand that and I have no idea why you would say I didn't other than a misunderstanding as to what I am saying in this thread. I am WELL away that for example Strawberry has come mostly in America from Strawberry Fields/Strawberry Cough, but the rest of the World got most of their Strawberry Strains from the Swiss "Erdbeer".

And we even discussed in this thread, someone said "I got Pineapple Funk from Holy Smoke" and I said that I think Pineapple Punch (Elemental seeds maybe) seemed like the best Pineapple Strain. And those have 2 different lineages. I have also made it very VERY clear elsewhere that I am using African strains to bring out flavors, like Durban did for Girl Scout Cookies and Cherry Pie.

I really don't get where you got the idea that anyone in this thread thinks that each flavor has only appeared once.
They're just hating on you because they know your decades ahead of your time. Keep up the groundbreaking work.

#fin cervantes
#finnigan Rosenthal
#garden fin
#George fin puttin
#finn-ishing plants
#finna grow that bomb
They're hating because that guy clearly doesn't know what he's talking about
Here is something strange that most people probably do not realize.

Many strains are simply just a certain cut of a certain strain, for example Cindy 99 is just a special cut of Skunk #1, and Green Crack is just a special cut of Skunk #1, and Cheese is just a special cut of Skunk # 1. Skunk # 1 itself is a certain Phenotype of Skunk, which is a wider variety.

Tahoe OG is just an OG Kush variety, and OG Kush comes from Chemdawg, Premium Diesel is just a special cut of Chemdawg. Original Diesel has Chemdawg and Skunk genetics, both with Skunk # 1 in their lines. And there are tons of other examples in the OG/Diesel/Chemdawg line.

And if you take the special cut of Skunk # 1 called Cindy 99, and mix that with the special cut of Skunk # 1 called Cheese, you get a new strain.

Another example is that the Kong strain used to make Danky Kong was a strain that had been being cloned and shared around Colorado dispensaries and had been dubbed "Colorado Kong".

So it is possible to create strains within strains, and make clone only varieties that are only available because it was a weird almost fluke mutant seed that ended up being different than the rest of its brothers and sisters.

So within my new strain, the new breed I make that I use as breeding stock, similarly to Bomb seeds "Bomb # 1" that they use to basically create a new version of every popular strain, but just a bigger plant and bigger yield because of their "Bomb # 1" Genetics. I don't know if mine will be the F1 Phenotype or some random fluke plant, but I'm going to find a plant that has THCV and smells combined in a way that has not been seen before.

Sure, people mix Durban with Cindy, or Durban with Girl Scout Cookies (it's even already in Girl Scout Cookies) and maybe someone grows Malawi Gold, and maybe they even mix it with Diesel. Or they grow Zamdelica, or whatever. But no one has decided that Durban was not going to be their focus, that they were going to mix in as many fruit tones as possible, and that they wanted high THCV. No one has done all of that, and usually when anyone does anything close its with Durban only.

None of that is true about Skunk and C99 lookup C99 by brothers grimm (original breeder) on that tells the actual story of C99

It's mother is likely jack herer father is unknown. It was stabilized via cubing a 4 or 5 generation process.

What you're describing is more akin to how many newer breeders make F1 crosses. They chose a nice cut of something then cross it with another desired variety and sell those seeds without stabilizing.

The same cannot be said for C99.
The problem with irony is that not everyone gets it.

But thanks for dragging up this dead thread. I did get a laugh out of it.
None of what you said changes the fact that this person doesn't exactly know what they are talking about. Nor was anything in any of this thread ironic. Threads not closed, more information is always better regarding a database of growing tips/information. Douchy trolls like you however.. less is more. Not sorry if my pointing out that this person is not knowledgable is offensive to you it's a matter of fact. ✌️

Because your music is played out.. here is something different..

Threads not closed, more information is always better regarding a database of growing tips/information.
Cool, hit us up with some of that new information then.

Douchy trolls like you however.. less is more. Not sorry if my pointing out that this person is not knowledgable is offensive to you it's a matter of fact. ✌️

You just resurrected an almost 2 year old thread to argue with people whose positions on the matter matched your own.
The position in question was whether someone on the internet is 'knowledgable' (sp).
Your personal attack on the musical tastes of another member was made as irrelevant as your post with your rebuttal of even shittier music.
I will not, however, question your subject matter expertise on 'douchy' (sp) trolls.

Do you have some new position to further, or are you just this worked up because somebody was wrong on the internet 2 years ago?
{1}None of what you said changes the fact that this person doesn't exactly know what they are talking about.

{2}Nor was anything in any of this thread ironic.

{3}Threads not closed, more information is always better regarding a database of growing tips/information.

{4}Douchy trolls like you however.. less is more.

{5}Not sorry if my pointing out that this person is not knowledgable is offensive to you it's a matter of fact. ✌️

{6}Because your music is played out.. here is something different..

1. Finshaggy is the punchline to a joke. When you are here a while you will realize this.

2. mr shunshine (the post you replied to) was being ironic when he said how knowledgeable FS was. {see point #1}

3. Finshaggy threads are not meant for tips and information. {see point #1}

4. You have a point here. As trolls go, I'm not one.

5. {see point #1}

6. A person's musical tastes are their own. Most folks on here won't hold that against you.

Welcome new member.

Considering your folks taste in music indicates a group of aging hippies out of touch with the modern world I really could care less what you all think ✌️ you'll all probably be gone from this Earth soon enough
Reason I commented is that there is misinformation in this thread pertaining to Skunk #1 and Cinderella 99. Worth giving the true background of the strain for a few reasons. The information is correct and the story outlines process of cubing to create a stable strain. Let's all get personal though it really makes these communities fun to be a part of. Love the toxic attitude.

"None of that is true about Skunk and C99 lookup C99 by brothers grimm (original breeder) on that tells the actual story of C99

It's mother is likely jack herer father is unknown. It was stabilized via cubing a 4 or 5 generation process.

What you're describing is more akin to how many newer breeders make F1 crosses. They chose a nice cut of something then cross it with another desired variety and sell those seeds without stabilizing.

The same cannot be said for C99."

Here's the new information I added being right wasn't my intent, pointing out whether or not a person was wrong was not my intent. Providing the correct data on something that's well documented was my intention.
Never said it was good but it certainly is not played out and is original unlike that garbage you old hippies post

Way, way back in the day, there was a guy named Herbert whose stage name was Tiny Tim. He was original. Probably not played out. And not good, after the novelty wore off. Only saying to let you know that the 'original/not played out' niche is not a new concept to old hippies. Now...get off the lawn, punk ! :P
Way, way back in the day, there was a guy named Herbert whose stage name was Tiny Tim. He was original. Probably not played out. And not good, after the novelty wore off. Only saying to let you know that the 'original/not played out' niche is not a new concept to old hippies. Now...get off the lawn, punk ! :P

Way, way back in the day, there was a guy named Herbert whose stage name was Tiny Tim. He was original. Probably not played out. And not good, after the novelty wore off. Only saying to let you know that the 'original/not played out' niche is not a new concept to old hippies. Now...get off the lawn, punk ! :P
I grew up in a hippy California town. I'm familiar with aging hippy douches. Considering this is a forum and there's no lawn I'll be staying right here. Also considering I have been active in the cannabis industry in California for over 15 years I really don't have any interest in dealing with petty trolls that likely have nothing to contribute and a small knowledge base at best
I grew up in a hippy California town. I'm familiar with aging hippy douches. Considering this is a forum and there's no lawn I'll be staying right here

Aw, c'mon, junior, I'm just having fun. What do you do when you smoke weed? Dust off that sense of humor, amigo, friendly elbows are just that, nothing more.