AOC Applauds Wayfair Employee Strike Over Sale Of Beds To Migrant Detention Center

OK, good to have it on record, so when Biden or whoever the establishment puts up loses, you won't blame it on progressives, since they're only 10% of the electorate, right?
The people who promote Bernie are dumbfucks. It’s obvious to outsiders that that old boiler hen is there to split the vote and increase his property portfolio. What has he ever achieved except punching the air with his boney fist?
Strokes chin and comes up with another convenient oversimplification

Yeah, ok.

The people who promote Bernie are dumbfucks. It’s obvious to outsiders that that old boiler hen is there to split the vote and increase his property portfolio. What has he ever achieved except punching the air with his boney fist?
I expect you won't blame the loss on progressives again, either
I expect you won't blame the loss on progressives again, either
Already laying the groundwork for absolution after your kind does their best to fuck things up?


Seriously are you going to go on record with your premise that something can't be strong and weak at the same time? Are you that dishonest?

"they can't be both" Every day you show how intellectually dishonest you are. There is no possible way you are this stupid.

Trump supporters are strong in their devotion to Trump and weak in their mental facilities.
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Progressives are strong when centrists lose elections, then it was all the progressives fault. But progressive are weak when enacting policy, then, only 1% of progressives have won their races and shouldn't hold a say in party affairs..
Progressives are strong when centrists lose elections, then it was all the progressives fault. But progressive are weak when enacting policy, then, only 1% of progressives have won their races and shouldn't hold a say in party affairs..
"Progressives" will be weak in enacting policy as long as they continue to put forward half baked and unpassable policies. And yet that same characteristic makes them strong to people who are intellectually dishonest or naive about the political process.

Strength and weakness are also largely relative. For example, the fact that "Progressives" are willing to accept obvious propaganda is a strength to the Kremlin and a weakness to the anti-Trump forces.
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half baked and unpassable (extremely popular) policies.

That's what Republican propaganda keeps trying to tell us, except we can pay for $1.5 trillion tax cuts, and every other modern nation on Earth has one form of universal healthcare or another..

So while you think what you might be saying is important, it's not. And it only helps Republicans
He managed to rename two post offices and write a book about how failed and flawed career politicians are.
Don't sell him short. He has succeeded in creating a sizeable cult who have lifted him into the ranks of millionaires for the first time in his life.

But as far as policy goes... damned little besides convincing his cult members that he is somehow the originator and owner of long-standing progressive policies.
That's what Republican propaganda keeps trying to tell us, except we can pay for $1.5 trillion tax cuts, and every other modern nation on Earth has one form of universal healthcare or another..

So while you think what you might be saying is important, it's not. And it only helps Republicans
Again, you just can't help being dishonest.

Almost every single Democratic candidate is in favor of some sort of universal healthcare and yet you twist this into "if you don't support Bernie's "plan", you are against universal healthcare."

Do you know how dishonest you are or are you fully aware of it? Either way, I can see why you and @ttystikk are so close.
Well, he was. He went 'all in'. So did his followers I'm told.
I don't hold any real animosity toward Bernie. I supported him last time but I know we can do better.

His "movement" has been seized upon by a whole lot of factions both foreign and domestic that I have a much dimmer view of but I still don't hold him entirely responsible for it. I don't see his candidacy going too far, the important factors are how those factions react.
Again, you just can't help being dishonest.

Almost every single Democratic candidate is in favor of some sort of universal healthcare and yet you twist this into "if you don't support Bernie's "plan", you are against universal healthcare."

Do you know how dishonest you are or are you fully aware of it? Either way, I can see why you and @ttystikk are so close.
What universal healthcare bill do you support?