Good Morning/Weather Report Suite

About 0300 this morning we had a small thunderstorm pass through. I was at the camp, and looking forward to some good fireworks, but it didn't amount to much. It did lead a cool front in though. Much nicer today. At 1955 it's clear, 80F with 56% humidity. Low of 64F with no chance of rain tonight.
Not too bad today. At 1840 it's fair, 87F with 41% humidity. Forecast low of 68F with 20% chance of rain tonight. {the tv weather has us at 64F tonight} Would love to be sleeping out tonight.
Another pretty day. At 1230 it's partly cloudy, 88F with 55% humidity. Forecast high low of 89/69F with 20% chance of rain today and tonight. 10 day high low of 93/69F with 5 days of possible rain.
It was hot today. High only in low 90's, but still was a bitch. At 2055 it's partly cloudy, 82F with 78% humidity. Forecast low of 77F with 30% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 95/72F with 6 days of possible rain.
80s early, then hail in the afternoon.
Tuesday when I was driving Sister in from the airport, I was telling her about the hail in your neck of the woods.

It was in the low 50's when she got on the plane in Denver, low 90's when she landed in Panama City. Both her and the grand niece are suffering. They've spent most of their time in the river so far.
I just about got caught by the bear this morning. Got too hot stacking pine logs on the hayforks. At 1349 it's partly cloudy, 92F {heat index of 108} with 60% humidity. Forecast high low of 93/76F with 20% chance of rain today, and 10% tonight. 10 day high low of 94/71F with 5 days of possible rain.
Nice and cool in my office. Outside, not so much. At 1545 it's fair, 96F {heat index of 103} with 45% humidity. Forecast low of 74F with 10% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 95/73F with 6 days of possible rain.
Nice and cool in my office. Outside, not so much. At 1545 it's fair, 96F {heat index of 103} with 45% humidity. Forecast low of 74F with 10% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 95/73F with 6 days of possible rain.
The problem with your neck of the woods is that rain doesn't seem to cool things down much.
We didn't get any of the rain, but a good sized cell passed a few miles to the north of us. It did drop temps about 10 degrees. At 1710 it's sunny, 84F with 56% humidity. Forecast low of 76F with 20% chance of rain tonight. 10 day high low of 96/72F with 6 days of possible rain.
thank you, I just learned a bit about wind shear. Tornadoes are strengthened by speed wind shear, where the higher you go, the stronger the wind in the same direction. But it seems wind shear protects against hurricanes. Interesting.
Sheer pulls away some of the power. Several days before Micheal made landfall, the talking heads at wunderground were saying this storm is not acting normal. The sheer is not reducing wind speed like it should. So I had thought it might turn to be a bad one. {not as bad as it actually was}
Sheer pulls away some of the power. Several days before Micheal made landfall, the talking heads at wunderground were saying this storm is not acting normal. The sheer is not reducing wind speed like it should. So I had thought it might turn to be a bad one. {not as bad as it actually was}
Turns out there are two types of wind shear. Directional shear and "speed shear". I think a good example of directional shear is when we see the anvil top of a thunderhead sheared off by high upper level winds.
It does for a while, but then it just increases the steam effect.
You have to start with low humidity for evaporative cooling to be effective lol

Florida is the only place I know where I can step out of the swimming pool and not get chilled because of evaporative cooling lol
The wife said we had a good shower about midnight. It didn't wake me though. At 1310 it's partly cloudy, 89F with 52% humidity. Forecast high low of 93/73F with 20% chance of rain today and 20% tonight.