How fast do strawberries grow?


Well-Known Member
im wanting to plant some strawberry seeds outdoors and let them do their thing.
What size gal pot do you suggest I use?
Do they grow like cannabis?
Would they be good to grow in the same pot as cannabis?
If it was like cannabis, it would be like a 8 week veg and when the days get shorter, go into flowr


Well-Known Member
I grew from seed and they were slow to develop, but produced the first year. I overwinter them indoors, under lights and they're now outside in their third year and still producing well. I use 5 gal. pots and took off some old soil and replaced it in Spring. They do not grow like cannabis. Unless you want runners for more plants, stay away from high nitrogen food. Buy ever bearing seeds.


Well-Known Member
I grew from seed and they were slow to develop, but produced the first year. I overwinter them indoors, under lights and they're now outside in their third year and still producing well. I use 5 gal. pots and took off some old soil and replaced it in Spring. They do not grow like cannabis. Unless you want runners for more plants, stay away from high nitrogen food. Buy ever bearing seeds.
Crap. I was just going to plant some seeds that were in the strawberries from the store. You think that’s a no go?
If I planted them in a couple days, do you think they would be ready to eat mid/ end August?


Well-Known Member
Crap. I was just going to plant some seeds that were in the strawberries from the store. You think that’s a no go?
If I planted them in a couple days, do you think they would be ready to eat mid/ end August?
I'm not sure, but hey, give it a try, that's what gardeners do. I've been told to stay away from growing seeds that are from store bought varieties. Not sure why, but the advice is to buy seed meant for planting. That said, I've had plants grow from store bought avocados, corn and others that were put out as compost. Volunteers make strong plants, usually. Enjoy the experience.


Well-Known Member
Two kinds of strawberries.
Everbearing and June bearing.

I have 1000 plus plants. Have always planted, bare root in late winter, or as soon as soil can be worked. They fruit starting in June in my PNW Climate.

Never tried seeds.