"Operation Wetback" - Trumps latest anti-them strategy.


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Not the same. Until recently congress worked both ways across the isle to get shit done. That isn't happening anymore. On either side. Joe got in trouble for talking about the old days when he worked with southern segregationist. Folks today would rather not get anything done that reach across the isle.
practically all government shut downs have been the result of Republican actions. The first being in 1980 under Carter. Yes, things are more extreme today but the reaching across the aisle has been one-sided for far too long.


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Anyone ever interested in checking out the biggest trolls on RIU go ahead and google
UncleBuck aka UB.


SO MANY THREADS. He probably has ass soars from sitting around trolling RIU.
Just a dumb old bigoted troll.


33 minutes between your last 2 posts.....you've obviously been sitting there on your workers comp stalkin his ass......shut the fuck up already.


Well-Known Member
I was on veteran's disability for a few years after I got out of the army and a few people gave me shit about it but only because they hate themselves for being leeches. I put my life back together and even though I can't hear very well and don't make much money, I'm not a whiney little cunt like this fucking guy.


Well-Known Member
Dang bro, these guys here got you up against the ropes. You've been going off for awhile now over this. It's just words on a screen, you should chill. Rollitup is a cool mod, but he'll only put up with so much before he bans you. You can't keep spamming the forum with nonsense

Have you considered just taking a break for a few days?


Well-Known Member
That he’s a troll..and I guess are too by the sound of it.

What other weapons do we have in this weird world we now have with data manipulation and foreign trolls invading our political system with online disinformation? If people don't get called out on their lies people might start to buy into it as reality.

It would be easy to open up a few accounts on those other websites and post those conversations with yourself. Then posting it in here as 'proof' that UB is a dick. Classic Russian troll technique. Its like pulling weeds in the garden.
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