Triggering sex


Well-Known Member
image.jpg i have 4 peacetrain from subcool genetics. I usually roll with fem seeds but this time I got reg seeds. My question is can I put them in my flower tent early and speed up sex showing? Then take them back out and put them back in my veg tent? Keep in mind the plants are very young. I’ll take a picture of one of them. Thanks
View attachment 4353788 i have 4 peacetrain from subcool genetics. I usually roll with fem seeds but this time I got reg seeds. My question is can I put them in my flower tent early and speed up sex showing? Then take them back out and put them back in my veg tent? Keep in mind the plants are very young. I’ll take a picture of one of them. Thanks
You can do that. But at that stage you're looking at weeks, if not more than a month to get it into flower and back to veg. Let it grow out enough to take cuts. Take cuttings and then put it in flower. If it's female now you have a lil herd of lady's to flower while the original plant reverts backs to veg. If she's a winner you can just keep using her as a mother. There's also companies like farmer freeman that do sex testing at like 10 bucks a pop. You just send them a snip of a leaf.
You can do that. But at that stage you're looking at weeks, if not more than a month to get it into flower and back to veg. Let it grow out enough to take cuts. Take cuttings and then put it in flower. If it's female now you have a lil herd of lady's to flower while the original plant reverts backs to veg. If she's a winner you can just keep using her as a mother. There's also companies like farmer freeman that do sex testing at like 10 bucks a pop. You just send them a snip of a leaf.
Thanks man
Good call Mac! Taking a cutting then using that to determine sex is the way to go. Hope its a girl! Subcool genetics are killer. Can't wait to see what you end up with snoeman.
Plants reach sexual maturity at 4-6 weeks. Putting them in shorter light hours before then is just going to cost you growth.

The easiest and least stressful way to sex a plant {other than the old fashioned way of looking at it} is to mark a limb tip on each plant with a twist tie or something of the sort. Cover the marked tip with a brown paper bag each day after 12 hours of lights on. Remove the bag after light out. Repeat everyday. Should have flowers on the marked tips in 10-14 days.