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Well-Known Member
Rasberryglue xo haute genetic 7 week flowering

Feeding maxibloom 7g/gallon ,protek ,calmag until week 3 then epsom salt
Flushing since week6

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I voted for 2 more weeks but really it’s how long you can keep them healthy. As soon as you see any degradation I would start to harvest those parts and let the rest develop. I got a plant too and want to know what you think. How long should I have left?8B7283BC-5572-46AF-84BB-AC76F38714B0.jpegF1DCFA94-664E-4FA0-90C8-3477A3F342CC.jpeg2AA3A1CA-C8D9-4586-B900-77D25884352C.jpeg
Any thoughts on these girls as far as flushing week 8 just started flushing with cannazyme and boost