What did you accomplish today?

View attachment 4353297
Sink is in and silicone set, tightened clamps (put all 12 in fml)
View attachment 4353298
@WeedFreak78 turns out Calculus is very handy. I used it to install my garbage disposal FUCK YEAH!

@Singlemalt my son gas a huge old fig tree (Santa Monica). He still has not reported back on how Sig Fig tasted.

Now on to installing the faucet and hooking all this bullshit up.

I hurt.


Happy Summer Solstice everyone......yeah i accomplished not looking at the back of my eyelids one more time.....

It's gonna be a hot one here, heat indexes gonna reach above 105F today......so if your in my area be warned....

Coffee is hot and ready come and get it....
Enjoy your sunny solstice I wish it was the summer solstice it’s the winter solstice here, it’s been 4c in the morning tops of 11c so 39-60f. It is good indoor weed growing weather though.:peace:
Enjoy your sunny solstice I wish it was the summer solstice it’s the winter solstice here, it’s been 4c in the morning tops of 11c so 39-60f. It is good indoor weed growing weather though.:peace:

i am wife has cold beer for me and there is a pool that has my name on it. Growing in the kinda heat i have sucks where i'm at. I'm more of a winter grower myself. Still got a sativa finishing up, when it's done i can kinda close shop for the rest of the summer, and do some re-thinking of the setup....
So I'm trying to complete forms for my background check for the new job on their stupid fucking website, :finger:, and it wants all employment info for a specific date range, but the company I worked for last doesn't exist anymore, just the name and one product line got bought out, everything else was dismantled. I don't have any old info, it won't allow me to leave that range blank and I doubt they want the new info seeing how the new people won't know me from a hole in the wall, so it won't allow me to complete it. I've had it kicked back twice now. It was 430 this afternoon when it got kicked back the last time and when I tried calling it went right to voicemail, so being Friday I figure it's not getting resolved until Monday now. So fucking frustrating:wall:. Between fucking around with that I cleaned up my grow area a little, vacuumed the AC fins on my portable and got it hooked up and did a bunch of trimming. I REALLY need to do a concentrate run, I didn't realize I had as much trim as I do. Maybe I'll make a bunch of edibles for my friends for the 4th, they don't do shit to me, but when I did try making them in the past, everyone loved them. I also lost a big hunk of finger hash from trimming that I was pissed about, then I found it stuck in my belly hair about an hour later. Win for the hairy guy.
I'm jealous. I've been planting perennial fruit or a few years now, but because I'm in New England, I'm limited on what survives the winter. I've been trying to get a cold hardy fig to grow, but it's been difficult, my tree died back to the roots last winter because we had single digit and sub zero temps for a couple weeks, but it threw out new growth, so I'm hoping it's got a good root system established. With the new job, I'm already planning on dropping up to a grand on fruit trees and bushes in the spring.

I wonder what bread with those bananas would taste like if they have an ice cream taste to them?
grats on the new job and yea that is what i am wondering as well i like my banana's mostly in pb n j sandwiches or on pancakes or shakes mostly but milk is fucking expensive here around $10 a gal. all the fruit plants at our house is in horrible condition though cause you know my grandpa doesn't take care of his garden so they don't bare fruit often and even when they do they don't taste as good as they should or don't get as big as they should. the only ones that really bare fruit often is the papaya's and his papaya's are so damn small compared to our neighbors one which is twice the size. the banana's bared fruit as well but once a year only idk how often they are supposed to bare fruit.

my grandpa is a straight up plant hoarder though. all he does is constantly plant more and more plants from seed or buys them from the store never ending cycle thats why our garden is so infested with pests and why i don't really do any outdoor gardening. could go outside and show you some diseased plants easily XD. he tries to give us some of his harvests for like vegetables but if my dad takes it and makes a dish out of it i don't eat it. tried many times to help him clean up the garden but he just plants more things so i stopped. he plants things just for fun too like vegetables and doesn't even eat it he just lets it wither in the hot sun and die.
This may sound like an odd request but could you post a pic of sister with a sock on her left sholder?
lol wtf.. you sound like my dad. my dad likes to take pics of us sleeping with weird shit on us. one time he put some fucking walnuts like the whole walnut on our eyes and took a pic. weird part was when my sisters friend who was living with us a long time ago asked me on my birthday "were you watching me sleep?" and she asked me right infront of my mom and sister too and im just like wtf..? this girl wasn't cute or anything and she was a straight up hoe. the way she said it too was like "happy birthday; btw were you watching me sleep last night?" i should of said yea early birthday present lol
finally made it to my weekend. extremely exhausted straight up got about 2 hours of sleep last night because i had the runs. think it was the beef jerky i ate one of the flavors we make is mostly ponzu base and for some reason i think the amount of ponzu vs my stomach it just destroy my butthole because my farts and poop smell like the cow died up in there and it comes out straight up water. plus my dad was up late not sure wtf he was doing but he kept going in and out of the house and slamming the door and our screen door makes a loud squeaking sound and he is just walking back and forth from his room to outside.

got paid today i got $875 saved up so far right now i should of broken $1k at least but since i spent money on smokes, drinks, and flowers for my mom/coworker it didn't break the 1k. think my boss is gonna put me on the payroll next week so i won't get paid for a while probably not for a good 3 weeks. not sure wth i should do with my money now since i likely can't wait 2-3 years to get a new car so opening up an account at the credit union would be pointless since i was primarily going to use it to get lower interest rates. that money is gonna drop down to $800 at least by my next paycheck unless i get paid again next week friday. i REALLY need to stop smoking soon got about roughly 6-7 more months to quit for good.

saw a nice ass muscle car today at work cause i work right next to a big auto shop that sells all kinds of auto parts. it was a mercury cougar never heard of it or seen one before. other then that im ready to relax for the weekend probably do some window shopping on cars and more research about cars, work on my puzzle so i can get that shit off my desk and then buy some stuff on amazon. gonna try buy those banana seeds and my trellis net since nobody wants to take me to the damn store or let me borrow there car.
lol wtf.. you sound like my dad. my dad likes to take pics of us sleeping with weird shit on us. one time he put some fucking walnuts like the whole walnut on our eyes and took a pic. weird part was when my sisters friend who was living with us a long time ago asked me on my birthday "were you watching me sleep?" and she asked me right infront of my mom and sister too and im just like wtf..? this girl wasn't cute or anything and she was a straight up hoe. the way she said it too was like "happy birthday; btw were you watching me sleep last night?" i should of said yea early birthday present lol

When exactly was this?