Mine is either a Brown Turkey or Chicago Hardy, I believe it's the Chicago, they're both supposed to be good for me in zone 6a. I had both in pots originally, but the labels got sun bleached, one died and I'm not sure which one survived. The one that's surviving is the 3rd I've planted outdoors in the last 7, or so, years. The first one was doing great for a couple years until some Ahole decided to drive through my yard and tore it out, #2 never made it through the first winter, this one is going on its 3rd year. Last year I had close to 4 dozen figs set, but we had an early, and wet, autumn and they all got moldy. I think in the 10+years I've been trying, I maybe harvested a dozen figs.

I have 2 in pots I'm keeping indoors from here on out, ones about 5ft tall and has a half dozen or so fruit sets already, one I'm doing as a bonsai. I've propagated new ones from cuttings almost every year so I have backups, plus everyone seems to like getting them as gifts. I've probably given away a few dozen over the years.
I blame the old Italian I used to work with for sending me on this mission, he had his cousin overnight freshly picked figs from their family farm in Italy.
Nothing I get in the stores has even come close.