What did you accomplish today?

Lots of June birthdays here. Happy Birthday!

I bought one of those drain cleaner saw things at the dollar store and cleared the hair from the drains in the bathroom today. It smelled a rotting corpse. :spew: Nice taking a shower and not standing in a pool of dirty water.
I’m forever cleaning drains always hair or kids putting silly shit in them ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
. . . . . . . . . could easily spend $1k or more or an hours of fun there...lol
My work used to sponsor and host the 4th's fireworks in our little town. It got to the point we were paying $10K, and folks were bitching about how short the show was. I was really glad when our board decided to let someone else do it. I had to work every 4th of July for a long time. And I don't exactly love large groups of people.
another day another dollar.. beat af today practically did everything at work myself. only had 4 and a half sheet pans of meat usually my friend helps me but today idk think she exhausted af too so i just did all of it plus the cleaning it's okay though she gives me ride to and from work and i barely give her any gas money i did one time and she refused to take it so w.e. my coworker finally out of the hospital but got tomorrow off bosses didn't want to chance it she is stubborn so idk if she will show up for work tomorrow or not i think she will because she needs the money as well. pretty sure our company doesn't have PTO or paid sick leave.

tried to ask my sister to use her car but she says she got work at 6 and it's 4pm rn so didn't want to go traffic hour right now too pet store is close but meh i'll just wait. got some beef jerky from work idk what flavor it is but gonna pop open a beer and relax eat some jerky since i don't got shit to do or want to do right now. hopefully i get paid tomorrow since my boss don't come back until saturday i likely wont get paid until monday then he is going on another business trip idk how long for probably another week.

car funds are getting low and i forgot that i need to buy a longer and thicker chain for my necklace with my moms ashes the chain they gave me is super thin
sitting here getting tipsy and i found something weird. some blue banana's and i thought man this some bullshit. read the article and it says "Hawaiian Banana's" tastes like icecream. thinking to myself i've never seen these damn blue banana's or tasted banana's like these before and we grow banana's at our house. think i got my next big project which is to buy these seeds and see what happens. they are called Blue Java Banana's anyone know anything about um? im interested in um cause i eat a LOT of banana's and our banana tree i think got chopped down so imma try grow um outside in the backyard maybe so people dont steal um. sadly lots of people are trespassing in my neighbors front yard just to steal mangoes. i guess it's hard to simply walk up to the door and ask politely instead of throwing rocks and hitting there cars just to get some fruit
sitting here getting tipsy and i found something weird. some blue banana's and i thought man this some bullshit. read the article and it says "Hawaiian Banana's" tastes like icecream. thinking to myself i've never seen these damn blue banana's or tasted banana's like these before and we grow banana's at our house. think i got my next big project which is to buy these seeds and see what happens. they are called Blue Java Banana's anyone know anything about um? im interested in um cause i eat a LOT of banana's and our banana tree i think got chopped down so imma try grow um outside in the backyard maybe so people dont steal um. sadly lots of people are trespassing in my neighbors front yard just to steal mangoes. i guess it's hard to simply walk up to the door and ask politely instead of throwing rocks and hitting there cars just to get some fruit
Can you post a pic of the bananas
Can you post a pic of the bananas
which ones? the ones at my house or the blue java banana's? the ones we had at our house are just your basic banana's we also had apple banana's since those are popular in our culture but i think my grandpa chopped down both tree's as it used to be right outside of my old bedroom and now all i see in the backyard are papaya tree's with very small fruit.


some pics show a super blue banana but i think thats just photo shop. they are blue tinged when unrippened and i would expect them to look more along the lines of these. the ones at our house look nothing like these unrippened they just look green then turn yellow taste like your regular banana as well.

we have all kinds of fruit tree's at our house. Chico, guava, pomegranite, papaya, banana's, calamancie ( kind of looks like a tiny orange ), we used to have pineapple as well, avacado tree but idk if it's edible they look small, and dragon fruit. my dads dragon fruit plant is going ham shit load of fruit right now
The Yo Yo Ma concert was even better than I thought it would be. It was one of the best concerts I've ever seen. I had to wait in line at one of six security check points as I was 20 minutes early for the 3:30pm entrance time. The security force, consisting of seemingly teenage girls, checked my bag, but not my massive cart full of shit (cooler, blankets, folding chairs, etc.) What was the point??? Anyway, I claimed valuable real estate in a prime lawn location. set everything up, and proceeded to pour myself a solo cup full of Dewar's on the rocks. I broke out my vape pen about 15 minutes later. By the time my first friends showed up, I was nicely toasted. We had about an hour of sun come out then, and the weather got noticeably warmer. But right after that a cold breeze came off the lake, and everyone put on another layer. By the time it started, the place was jam packed. The deference given to Mr. Ma was absolute: one could hear a pin drop among the 10,000+ audience members for two and a half hours. It's a surreal experience to close one's eyes while swept away my the music, only to open them and be reminded that you are surrounded by a sea of silent people appreciating music written over 300 years ago. I'll never forget it...




This is awesome.
@WeedFreak78 -- thinking of you.
Hang in there.
So, I get the point he's trying to make, some things aren't worth the time, but what I also hear is if something is emotionally difficult, forget about it, don't try and figure it out. I get harboring positive thoughts and feelings, but negative emotions need to be dealt with, not pushed aside. It's something that I find extremely annoying with society today, everyone expects everyone to be overtly happy and positive all the fucking time, and if your not, there's something wrong with you. My view is there's a spectrum of emotion and most of the time I'm in a neutral state, not happy, but not sad, I just am. That's a tough concept for many people to comprehend. Too many people believe that if you say you're not happy, then you're automatically sad /depressed /angry.
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we have all kinds of fruit tree's at our house. Chico, guava, pomegranite, papaya, banana's, calamancie ( kind of looks like a tiny orange ), we used to have pineapple as well, avacado tree but idk if it's edible they look small, and dragon fruit. my dads dragon fruit plant is going ham shit load of fruit right now
I'm jealous. I've been planting perennial fruit or a few years now, but because I'm in New England, I'm limited on what survives the winter. I've been trying to get a cold hardy fig to grow, but it's been difficult, my tree died back to the roots last winter because we had single digit and sub zero temps for a couple weeks, but it threw out new growth, so I'm hoping it's got a good root system established. With the new job, I'm already planning on dropping up to a grand on fruit trees and bushes in the spring.

I wonder what bread with those bananas would taste like if they have an ice cream taste to them?
The Yo Yo Ma concert was even better than I thought it would be. It was one of the best concerts I've ever seen. I had to wait in line at one of six security check points as I was 20 minutes early for the 3:30pm entrance time. The security force, consisting of seemingly teenage girls, checked my bag, but not my massive cart full of shit (cooler, blankets, folding chairs, etc.) What was the point??? Anyway, I claimed valuable real estate in a prime lawn location. set everything up, and proceeded to pour myself a solo cup full of Dewar's on the rocks. I broke out my vape pen about 15 minutes later. By the time my first friends showed up, I was nicely toasted. We had about an hour of sun come out then, and the weather got noticeably warmer. But right after that a cold breeze came off the lake, and everyone put on another layer. By the time it started, the place was jam packed. The deference given to Mr. Ma was absolute: one could hear a pin drop among the 10,000+ audience members for two and a half hours. It's a surreal experience to close one's eyes while swept away my the music, only to open them and be reminded that you are surrounded by a sea of silent people appreciating music written over 300 years ago. I'll never forget it...

That's quite the mix of different age groups. Almost looks like a big picnic.
I'm jealous. I've been planting perennial fruit or a few years now, but because I'm in New England, I'm limited on what survives the winter. I've been trying to get a cold hardy fig to grow, but it's been difficult, my tree died back to the roots last winter because we had single digit and sub zero temps for a couple weeks, but it threw out new growth, so I'm hoping it's got a good root system established. With the new job, I'm already planning on dropping up to a grand on fruit trees and bushes in the spring.

I wonder what bread with those bananas would taste like if they have an ice cream taste to them?
Good luck on the fig, I've lost 5 in 35 yrs. Best I got was 4 yrs, then a killing frost. It grew back but was a little bush and got killed again. Lasted for 3 yrs but each year it had to grow back and deprived roots at expense of aerial growth. Didn't come back 4th yr. Now I've got one in a 20 gal container and build a removable "Greenhouse" around it, and wrap insulation around pot each winter. It's 3 yrs old, 8ft tall, seems happy. What variety did you have? I'm thinking it might survive free in my winters.
Good luck on the fig, I've lost 5 in 35 yrs. Best I got was 4 yrs, then a killing frost. It grew back but was a little bush and got killed again. Lasted for 3 yrs but each year it had to grow back and deprived roots at expense of aerial growth. Didn't come back 4th yr. Now I've got one in a 20 gal container and build a removable "Greenhouse" around it, and wrap insulation around pot each winter. It's 3 yrs old, 8ft tall, seems happy. What variety did you have? I'm thinking it might survive free in my winters.
Mine is either a Brown Turkey or Chicago Hardy, I believe it's the Chicago, they're both supposed to be good for me in zone 6a. I had both in pots originally, but the labels got sun bleached, one died and I'm not sure which one survived. The one that's surviving is the 3rd I've planted outdoors in the last 7, or so, years. The first one was doing great for a couple years until some Ahole decided to drive through my yard and tore it out, #2 never made it through the first winter, this one is going on its 3rd year. Last year I had close to 4 dozen figs set, but we had an early, and wet, autumn and they all got moldy. I think in the 10+years I've been trying, I maybe harvested a dozen figs.:cry: I have 2 in pots I'm keeping indoors from here on out, ones about 5ft tall and has a half dozen or so fruit sets already, one I'm doing as a bonsai. I've propagated new ones from cuttings almost every year so I have backups, plus everyone seems to like getting them as gifts. I've probably given away a few dozen over the years.

I blame the old Italian I used to work with for sending me on this mission, he had his cousin overnight freshly picked figs from their family farm in Italy. Nothing I get in the stores has even come close.
Mine is either a Brown Turkey or Chicago Hardy, I believe it's the Chicago, they're both supposed to be good for me in zone 6a. I had both in pots originally, but the labels got sun bleached, one died and I'm not sure which one survived. The one that's surviving is the 3rd I've planted outdoors in the last 7, or so, years. The first one was doing great for a couple years until some Ahole decided to drive through my yard and tore it out, #2 never made it through the first winter, this one is going on its 3rd year. Last year I had close to 4 dozen figs set, but we had an early, and wet, autumn and they all got moldy. I think in the 10+years I've been trying, I maybe harvested a dozen figs.:cry: I have 2 in pots I'm keeping indoors from here on out, ones about 5ft tall and has a half dozen or so fruit sets already, one I'm doing as a bonsai. I've propagated new ones from cuttings almost every year so I have backups, plus everyone seems to like getting them as gifts. I've probably given away a few dozen over the years.

I blame the old Italian I used to work with for sending me on this mission, he had his cousin overnight freshly picked figs from their family farm in Italy. Nothing I get in the stores has even come close.

Exactly. My grand father had a couple fig trees in his backyard (SoCal),huge trees and loaded every season. Produced enough for 4 families, so we all had glorious fresh figs. Never once have I purchased satisfactory figs from a store.
another day another dollar.. beat af today practically did everything at work myself. only had 4 and a half sheet pans of meat usually my friend helps me but today idk think she exhausted af too so i just did all of it plus the cleaning it's okay though she gives me ride to and from work and i barely give her any gas money i did one time and she refused to take it so w.e. my coworker finally out of the hospital but got tomorrow off bosses didn't want to chance it she is stubborn so idk if she will show up for work tomorrow or not i think she will because she needs the money as well. pretty sure our company doesn't have PTO or paid sick leave.

tried to ask my sister to use her car but she says she got work at 6 and it's 4pm rn so didn't want to go traffic hour right now too pet store is close but meh i'll just wait. got some beef jerky from work idk what flavor it is but gonna pop open a beer and relax eat some jerky since i don't got shit to do or want to do right now. hopefully i get paid tomorrow since my boss don't come back until saturday i likely wont get paid until monday then he is going on another business trip idk how long for probably another week.

car funds are getting low and i forgot that i need to buy a longer and thicker chain for my necklace with my moms ashes the chain they gave me is super thin
This may sound like an odd request but could you post a pic of sister with a sock on her left sholder?
Exactly. My grand father had a couple fig trees in his backyard (SoCal),huge trees and loaded every season. Produced enough for 4 families, so we all had glorious fresh figs. Never once have I purchased satisfactory figs from a store.
There are a bunch of them growing around here, don't know what type though. There is one growing on the edge of a pasture that was a volunteer I guess that no one takes care of, but it has fruit every year. Edit: Brown Turkey trees?
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