What PH Pen you guys recommend ?
Alright I place my order on the blue lab pen
Is this the right one for hydro?
SX610 Waterproof pH Pen Tester, ±0.1 pH Accuracy, 0-14.0 pH Range, Suitable for Test Tube Testing, Replaceable Probe https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01ESYG6B0/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_.V4cDbMFR9FBC.That's the one you want. I have the same.
All I can say is I've been using the apera for more than a year. Very rarely needs calibration and when it's off only by .1I heard Apera are good ph pen too how are they compare to Blue Lab.
Blue Lab
Well I find one cheaper by Apera what about this one?All I can say is I've been using the apera for more than a year. Very rarely needs calibration and when it's off only by .1
Thats a newer model I believe.Well I find one cheaper by Apera what about this one?