Lost the battle of smell.


Well-Known Member
I have lost the fight to contain the smell to the inside of the tent.
Not sure what is going on?
It could be the carbon filter is not working. How long does one last? This one is about 3, perhaps 4 grows old.
It also could be I am growing a particularly smelly strain. I have old school diesel going at 2 to 3 weeks before harvest.

Are there strains that just smell so strong as to not be containable?
How long does a carbon filter last?
The tent is a Gorilla grow 2x2.5 extra tall. 2 plants about 4 feet tall. Hydro/bubble buckets. Home made LED 250 watt light.

This is the top of the tent and the fan/filter.

The 2 diesels at about 50 days at 12/12.
Do you have any negative pressure in your tent? That appears to be a big enough filter. May need to replace the filter and make sure your fan isn’t rated too high or too low CFM
the charcoal can only absorb so much. so its not a matter of how long they last but how much shit has been through it. 4 grows, depending on length and how often u run the fan and air quality and stuff could definitely toast the charcoal. no way to be sure.

you'd have to try a new filter. also try turning the fan down and sucking the air thru the filter slower.
....and carbon filters less effective IF humidity is high. 70+ if mj memory serves.

I like running a scrubber to keep all odor to a minimum. While keeping filtration of airborne particulate chit at a maximum. Dirty socks not goot.
I think a filter should last about a year but I have read on these boards that connecting a fan directly to them shortens their live because the vibrations condense the charcoal to the bottom of whatever position they are in.
Will most likely finish this grow with what I have, about 2 more weeks, then replace it before the next grow goes to flower.
The whole house has that...side smell of green pot.
I rinse the one I have out with water and let it sun dry.... so far so good...I may just purchase another for insurance..
Hi Jeepster,
Activated charcoal isn't that pricey. It is possible to disassemble unit and refresh the charcoal. May have to drill some rivets and then use sheet metal screws so it'll be easier next time. Making them so you have to throw out the whole metal cannister seems kinda silly and wasteful.
I have read on these boards that connecting a fan directly to them shortens their live because the vibrations condense the charcoal to the bottom of whatever position they are in.

And on the same exact forums people say you cant refill your own because you don't have a vibrating tamper to pack the carbon.
Replacing a year old filter that is no longer doing it's job, is a good idea. Sometimes they don't last as long as intended due to environment, the quality of the charcoal, or other factors.
Don't know if it will work but I would give it a try. If you some felt or something to use as a sock on the exhaust (if you are handy) and throw baking soda on the inside. Might have to redo it every day or two, might get you through the rest of the grow. Or this could be a dumb idea.
Today...The wife comes up from downstairs(the grow is downstairs) and says...
"Well, the basement no longer smells...It reeks."

The filter is in the top of the tent and not accessible until the end of the grow, about 2 weeks.
I have a new filter on order.