Homemade oil for my vape pen

What was your

starting concentrate? I use shatter that I’ve made or fresh rosin.
I have to agree, Rosin is the best. What I do mostly for cartridges is use my reclaim. I have a jar of alcohol i put all my dabbers and scrappers and everything else that gets all gooey. After a while, i filter the alcohol through a coffee filter, evaporate it, and use the normally tasteless reclaim with the flavored dilutant.
I have to agree, Rosin is the best. What I do mostly for cartridges is use my reclaim. I have a jar of alcohol i put all my dabbers and scrappers and everything else that gets all gooey. After a while, i filter the alcohol through a coffee filter, evaporate it, and use the normally tasteless reclaim with the flavored dilutant.
so you use reclaim, dliute the hell out of it with liquidizer? Yeah I'll just stick with pure distillate and terps. Or, actual shatter and a hell of a lot less liquidizer. 30% is a complete waste of time for me.
I have to agree, Rosin is the best. What I do mostly for cartridges is use my reclaim. I have a jar of alcohol i put all my dabbers and scrappers and everything else that gets all gooey. After a while, i filter the alcohol through a coffee filter, evaporate it, and use the normally tasteless reclaim with the flavored dilutant.
I do not “ reuse “ or recycle my product
I do try to make the most of everything that I yield . I do you wash my Rosin pucks and ethanol to extract whatever is left
so you use reclaim, dliute the hell out of it with liquidizer? Yeah I'll just stick with pure distillate and terps. Or, actual shatter and a hell of a lot less liquidizer. 30% is a complete waste of time for me.
Im with you on that. My GF likes the liquid because its weaker. There's also no odor with vapor, so it has it's time and place, However, when its every other time, I, Like you, am a Shatter man through and through.
My liquid is the Marijuana equivalent of Bud Light Lime.
I want use rosin to make some vape carts. What product do you guys recommend to get the best results? Also, which carts do you recommend?
I want use rosin to make some vape carts. What product do you guys recommend to get the best results? Also, which carts do you recommend?
To get the BEST product, you must do as reallybigjesusfreak mentioned, with distillation.
Using distillation, Your end product should be over 90% THC.
Using a dilutant as I do, your end product is somewhere between 25%-35% THC.
A full distillation set up w/ heating mantle is about $150-$200 U.S., dilutant is obviously way cheaper, but if you truly want quality you must use the distillation process.
For cartridges, i recommend low resistance (low ohm) cartridges. They're only a couple bucks each on ebay.
To get the BEST product, you must do as reallybigjesusfreak mentioned, with distillation.
Using distillation, Your end product should be over 90% THC.
Using a dilutant as I do, your end product is somewhere between 25%-35% THC.
A full distillation set up w/ heating mantle is about $150-$200 U.S., dilutant is obviously way cheaper, but if you truly want quality you must use the distillation process.
For cartridges, i recommend low resistance (low ohm) cartridges. They're only a couple bucks each on ebay.

I just want to use a rosin press. What are some trusted terpene companies?
To get the BEST product, you must do as reallybigjesusfreak mentioned, with distillation.
Using distillation, Your end product should be over 90% THC.
Using a dilutant as I do, your end product is somewhere between 25%-35% THC.
A full distillation set up w/ heating mantle is about $150-$200 U.S., dilutant is obviously way cheaper, but if you truly want quality you must use the distillation process.
For cartridges, i recommend low resistance (low ohm) cartridges. They're only a couple bucks each on ebay.
Good luck with a200$ distillation rig.
Good luck with a200$ distillation rig.
Right?! Let's see that deal! Maybe $2,000 but that still seems low.

I just want to use a rosin press. What are some trusted terpene companies?
Trust me, it's going to tricky trying to get resin into carts without winterizing out the lipids that clog the carts and turn them black. A few pages back I laid out my routine for winterizing rosin and effectively making a distillate from it using ethanol and a stove top. All the terpenes are designed to be used with winterized products. You'd need an ungodly amount to liquefy resin. Otherwise you are looking at PG/VG solutions to emulsify and blend all those fats.
Right?! Let's see that deal! Maybe $2,000 but that still seems low.

Trust me, it's going to tricky trying to get resin into carts without winterizing out the lipids that clog the carts and turn them black. A few pages back I laid out my routine for winterizing rosin and effectively making a distillate from it using ethanol and a stove top. All the terpenes are designed to be used with winterized products. You'd need an ungodly amount to liquefy resin. Otherwise you are looking at PG/VG solutions to emulsify and blend all those fats.
Dude! He doesn’t need vg/pg To liquify rosin. AND @MstrChief don’t cook your ethanol and pressed rosin on a stove top!!!! Don’t listen to armpit....
if you are just getting started doing this you can use the .22 micron filters to screen out most fats and lipids. Use mct oil for your cutting agent. Read through all the thread... ALL of it. Many of us here have evolved from page one. DO NOT LISTEN TO SCHARMPIT.
Right?! Let's see that deal! Maybe $2,000 but that still seems low.

How about $150? Theres 2 Distillation sets, they are sold at a local Science Supply Store, American Science and Surplus. The also sell online @ sciplus.com
Ive seen these set ups in store and they are all high quality lab glass and everything you need but.....20190613_204955.jpg
A heating mantle that will get up to about 350°C (at my elevation) here's the link for this one. https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https://www.ebay.com/ulk/itm/401576114391
Ive used 'trees x' https://treesx.com/?age-verified=4b85e31ce8 and they were exactly what they said they were.
As I said, to mix rosin without removing lipids you will need PG or VG or similar. It's what is in all these different wax liquidizers. That's exactly what is in this TreesX stuff. They recommend 20-30 drops per gram of material, maybe more. That is a lot! I've tried this countless times and have found from experience that I get a much better product by winterizing the resin with ethanol and mixing in just a few drops of terpenes only to the finished product.

I am not sure how I became the crazy person to ignore, but that reaction definitely fits the general vibe of RIU.

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As I said, to mix rosin without winterizing you will need PG or VG. It's what is in all these different liquidizers. That's exactly what is in this TreesX stuff. They recommend 20-30 drops per gram of material, maybe more. That is a lot! I've tried this countless times and have found from experience that I get a much better product by winterizing the resin with ethanol and mixing in just a few drops of terpenes only to the finished product.

I am not sure how I became the crazy person to ignore, but that reaction definitely fits the general vibe of RIU.

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What happens to your carts if you add zero terps or dilutant? I've tried to make carts with no additives using your recipe but the winterized rosin starts to butter up in the cart. Do you think just a drop of terpine would fix this issue?
What happens to your carts if you add zero terps or dilutant? I've tried to make carts with no additives using your recipe but the winterized rosin starts to butter up in the cart. Do you think just a drop of terpine would fix this issue?

If the rosin is buttering up then it sounds like it has not been properly winterized and filtered. The buttering action is typically caused by the lipids that the winterizing process removes.

My end product without any terps added is like the consistency of distillate, which most ccell carts handle just fine in raw form. It needs to be slightly warm to even load. I only add the terps in mostly for flavor as the process of purging the ethanol removes lots of the natural terps. I can vape it without terps and the consistency never changes, just not much flavor. I add 2 drops of terps per 1ml of product. I also add 2 drops of Floraplex terpene dilutent per 1ml. I found adding that improves the viscosity of the oil in it's cooled state. When I flip the cart I want the bubble to crawl whereas without either product the bubble simply won't budge. Having a bit more viscosity seems to result in much better usage in the cart.