When can I spray neem oil?


Well-Known Member
Hi I was wondering when can I spray neem oil on my seedlings or very young vegetative plants? I want to prevent from ever getting bugs. But I'm not sure if the the neem oil will be too harsh for only 5 week old plants grown from seed. They have been hardened off for a week but they did receive a slight bit of sun burn on the lower older leaves. I just transplanted them today to 30 gallon pots which they will stay till harvest this fall
Hi I was wondering when can I spray neem oil on my seedlings or very young vegetative plants? I want to prevent from ever getting bugs. But I'm not sure if the the neem oil will be too harsh for only 5 week old plants grown from seed. They have been hardened off for a week but they did receive a slight bit of sun burn on the lower older leaves. I just transplanted them today to 30 gallon pots which they will stay till harvest this fall
Give it a spray with half reccomened amount of neem oil. 5 weeks old is a good time to introduce it to neem. It's is systemic so it will have that barrier against mites and such for awhile. Plus it is great for the health of the foliage.
I use ready to spray neem and captain jacks dead bug. Start using it weekly once first plants are a week or two old. I’ve had bugs chew on seedlings leafs outdoors a bunch of times even with neem and captain jacks sprayed weekly
Thanks guys I'm gonna spray half the dose of neem oil tonight around 7. They took the transplant to 30 gallon pots well except a kosher kush plant stem almost broke it was laying on its side this morning. I put a few chop sticks and a tomato cage to hopefully fix the stem.
Thanks guys I'm gonna spray half the dose of neem oil tonight around 7. They took the transplant to 30 gallon pots well except a kosher kush plant stem almost broke it was laying on its side this morning. I put a few chop sticks and a tomato cage to hopefully fix the stem.
its important that you get in early neem oil is systemic and organic sold in the 'mericas as leaf shiner ...lol
once its systemic...inside and active you fear much less come mold time
avoid mixing with other shit as it ur lungs we care for here

good luck
its important that you get in early neem oil is systemic and organic sold in the 'mericas as leaf shiner ...lol
once its systemic...inside and active you fear much less come mold time
avoid mixing with other shit as it ur lungs we care for here

good luck
Do i have to mix with soap? I used Dr Broners soap this time and believe it's organic. But put a very little amount but tomorrow I'm actually gonna research if it actually is. And if not I'm gonna go to store and find organic soap.
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Do i have to mix with soap? I used Dr Broners soap this time and believe it's organic. But put a very little amount but tomorrow I'm actually gonna research if it actually is. And if not I'm gonna go to store and find organic soap.
Follow thwe direction on the label
but the old stuff from the 80's you had to add some surfactant like a little soap
the stuff I buy in Europe I've never added soap too either
