Bernie Sanders 2020

The fact is people don't like government telling them what to do. This isn't "statistically". It's not conservative or liberal.

If you like the government telling you what to do, then I'd say you are the perfect Bernie bro.
When it comes to healthcare, you have to pretend like it's some kind of government takeover, just like Rob does when it comes to every day taxes..

When we both know it's not. No one can take you seriously when you pretend that's what it is, when the reality is M4A is more popular among voters.
When it comes to healthcare, you have to pretend like it's some kind of government takeover, just like Rob does when it comes to every day taxes..

When we both know it's not. No one can take you seriously when you pretend that's what it is, when the reality is M4A is more popular among voters.

Bernie's plan is political suicide. One can't implement any healthcare plans when they lose.
You are abandoning progressive principles to try to appeal to moderate voters who won't vote for you anyway

isn't Uncle Feely accepting CORPORATE donations because if he relied on grassroots he'd have no money?

regular joe's don't pay attention to this until debates and i'm sure those who rely on grassroots will bring this to the forefront..which basically is all of them.

Magic 8-Ball says corporate donations are the kiss of death this time 'round- and so is touching little kids under the guise of 'different generation'.:lol:

sad news- black people are telling me if they come up with another Clinton, they're sitting it out again- the NON-VOTE is more powerful than you can imagine..that's how we got Trumpy. You don't have to take my word for it- stats when the smoke clears will prove me correct, if that what happens- Biden.
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and yet here you are with your little meme that you took the time to post..really bothers you doesn't it?:lol:


Prog's are a united front and we won't stop..
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Did bernie win the primary with his 16% yet

Polls can be manipulated to be anything the pollster wishes.

Polls are not shows- the only thing that supposedly matters.

Uncle Pedo's dropping like a lead dress on prom night..

Don't worry Bucky, the delegates will choose for us..I know you're concerned about how many more votes one candidate receives over many did Clinton receive over Trump, again?

This is where is started for Sanders supporters- the knowledge that the system is indeed rigged and our votes don't count even in a landslide victory.

What happens when you win all 55 counties in a state?- it goes to your opponent:

West Virginia Democratic primary, May 10, 2016
Popular vote Delegates
Percentage Pledged Unpledged Total
Hillary Clinton 86,914 35.84% 11 8 19
Bernie Sanders 124,700 51.41% 18 18
Paul T. Farrell Jr. 21,694 8.94%
Keith Judd 4,460 1.84%
Martin O'Malley (withdrawn) 3,796 1.57%
Rocky De La Fuente 975 0.40%
Uncommitted N/A 0 0 0
Total 242,539 100% 29 8 37
Source: The Green Papers, West Virginia Secretary of State



How the state that loved Bernie the most went to Hillary Clinton, despite Bernie Sanders winning in every county in a landslide victory:

PS..this wasn't the only state that this happened to Sanders- can you name the others? as an american citizen, you should be appalled and outraged, whether he was your candidate or not- and yet you aren't.
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When it comes to healthcare, you have to pretend like it's some kind of government takeover, just like Rob does when it comes to every day taxes..

When we both know it's not. No one can take you seriously when you pretend that's what it is, when the reality is M4A is more popular among voters.
Isn’t that exactly what it is? A goverment take over of the healthcare program I mean. Sure seems to me that that is exactly what it is, good or bad.
isn't Uncle Feely accepting CORPORATE donations because if he relied on grassroots he'd have no money?

regular joe's don't pay attention to this until debates and i'm sure those who rely on grassroots will bring this to the forefront..which basically is all of them.

Magic 8-Ball says corporate donations are the kiss of death this time 'round- and so is touching little kids under the guise of 'differsad news- black people are telling me if they come up with another Clinton, they're sitting it out again- the NON-VOTE is more powerful than you can imagine..that's how we got Trumpy. You don't have to take my word for it- stats when the smoke clears will prove me correct, if that what happens- Biden.
Nice... All fox news bullshit.
Not a word is true. Especially the part where you say you talk to black people.

You are easily the most racist bitch on this site
Polls can be manipulated to be anything the pollster wishes.

Polls are not shows- the only thing that supposedly matters.

Uncle Pedo's dropping like a lead dress on prom night..

Don't worry Bucky, the delegates will choose for us.

What happens when you win all 55 counties in a state- it goes to your opponent:

West Virginia Democratic primary, May 10, 2016
Popular vote Delegates
Percentage Pledged Unpledged Total
Hillary Clinton 86,914 35.84% 11 8 19
Bernie Sanders 124,700 51.41% 18 18
Paul T. Farrell Jr. 21,694 8.94%
Keith Judd 4,460 1.84%
Martin O'Malley (withdrawn) 3,796 1.57%
Rocky De La Fuente 975 0.40%
Uncommitted N/A 0 0 0
Total 242,539 100% 29 8 37
Source: The Green Papers, West Virginia Secretary of State

I don't need a poll to tell me that telling 100 million people they will be forced from plans they like into Medicare is going to turn tens of millions of people into Trump voters. Just stop it with sabotaging Democrats with this stupid idea.
Isn’t that exactly what it is? A goverment take over of the healthcare program I mean. Sure seems to me that that is exactly what it is, good or bad.
No, not at all. The only thing that changes is the provider. The care, the doctor, the coverage, all remains the same. The only difference is instead of paying a copay, a premium and having a deductible, you pay a percentage or two higher in taxes on April 15. That's it. And 30 million more poor Americans can get access to healthcare, and 45K fewer Americans die every year because they don't. Not to mention the addition of reproductive rights, vision, dental, mental health, etc.

What we do now is abysmal and it costs twice as much per capita than other first world countries that implement universal healthcare

Healthcare is a human right, period.

If you believe the bullshit Fogdog is trying to sell you, you'd think Sanders is trying to decrease the quality of healthcare for everyone just to give poor people who don't deserve it because they're poor or not white coverage.
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No, not at all. The only thing that changes is the provider. The care, the doctor, the coverage, all remains the same. The only difference is instead of paying a copay, a premium and having a deductible, you pay a percentage or two higher in taxes on April 15. That's it. And 30 million more poor Americans can get access to healthcare, and 45K fewer Americans die every year because they don't. Not to mention the addition of reproductive rights, vision, dental, mental health, etc.

What we do now is abysmal and it costs twice as much per capita than other first world countries that implement universal healthcare

Healthcare is a human right, period.
There are better strategies to shift healthcare from private insurance to Medicare than the one Bernie proposes. Bernie is the only one who would take away people right to choose which plan they want. Regarding Bernie's plan, you have bought a pig in a poke. There is no credible cost estimate nor is there a specified means to pay for it.

Updated: May 15, 2019

Several bills have been introduced in the 116th Congress that would expand the role of public programs in health care. As more legislation is introduced, we will continue to update the side-by-side comparison tool. The bills range in scope from broad proposals to create a new national health insurance program for all residents to more incremental approaches that offer a public plan option in addition to current sources of coverage, private or public. These bills are grouped into five general categories:

  • Medicare-for-all, a single national health insurance program for all U.S. residents:
    • Medicare for All Act of 2019 by Rep. Jayapal, H.R. 1384
    • Medicare for All Act of 2019 by Sen. Sanders, S. 1129
  • A new national health insurance program for all U.S. residents with an opt out for qualified coverage:
    • Medicare for America Act of 2019 by Rep. DeLauro and Rep. Schakowsky, H.R. 2452
  • A new public plan option that would be offered to individuals through the ACA marketplace:
    • Keeping Health Insurance Affordable Act of 2019 by Sen. Cardin, S. 3
    • Choose Medicare Act by Sen. Merkley, S. 1261 and Rep. Richmond, H.R. 2463
    • Medicare-X Choice Act of 2019 by Sen. Bennet and Sen. Kaine, S. 981 and Rep. Delgado, H.R. 2000
    • The CHOICE Act by Rep. Schakowsky, H.R. 2085 and Sen. Whitehouse, S. 1033
  • A Medicare buy-in option for older individuals not yet eligible for the current Medicare program:
    • Medicare at 50 Act by Sen. Stabenow, S. 470
    • Medicare Buy-In and Health Care Stabilization Act of 2019 by Rep. Higgins, H.R. 1346
  • A Medicaid buy-in option that states can elect to offer to individuals through the ACA marketplace:
    • State Public Option Act by Sen. Schatz, S. 489 and Rep. Luján, H.R. 1277.
Polls can be manipulated to be anything the pollster wishes.

Polls are not shows- the only thing that supposedly matters.

Uncle Pedo's dropping like a lead dress on prom night..

Don't worry Bucky, the delegates will choose for us..I know you're concerned about how many more votes one candidate receives over many did Clinton receive over Trump, again?

This is where is started for Sanders supporters- the knowledge that the system is indeed rigged and our votes don't count even in a landslide victory.

What happens when you win all 55 counties in a state?- it goes to your opponent:

West Virginia Democratic primary, May 10, 2016
Popular vote Delegates
Percentage Pledged Unpledged Total
Hillary Clinton 86,914 35.84% 11 8 19
Bernie Sanders 124,700 51.41% 18 18
Paul T. Farrell Jr. 21,694 8.94%
Keith Judd 4,460 1.84%
Martin O'Malley (withdrawn) 3,796 1.57%
Rocky De La Fuente 975 0.40%
Uncommitted N/A 0 0 0
Total 242,539 100% 29 8 37
Source: The Green Papers, West Virginia Secretary of State



How the state that loved Bernie the most went to Hillary Clinton, despite Bernie Sanders winning in every county in a landslide victory:

PS..this wasn't the only state that this happened to Sanders- can you name the others? as an american citizen, you should be appalled and outraged, whether he was your candidate or not- and yet you aren't.


What was the citizenship of the person who told you that you should be outraged as an American?