Bernie Sanders 2020

Hey @ttystikk buddy! Remember the other day when you said that British MPs were asking pointed questions to May about the Novichok incident? Still waiting for your sources, big guy.

I don't doubt that you read it - though I very much doubt it is true. But you said it so it must be true - so make me eat my words. Man up and post those sources! I'll bet the Carter Foundation certified it.
I’m assuming deep state sources are at play here.......cough.
Yes it is, that's why 85% of Democrats support it, 52% of Republicans support it, and why every other advanced nation on Earth has implemented it in one form or another, and why the majority of Democratic candidates running in 2020 have adopted it in one form or another
Plain and simple. I've asked for a citation many times and you come out with more bullshit questions rather than a factual response.

Medicare as a public option is quite popular and a better policy for 2020 than Bernie's half baked and amateurish health care bill. Also, Bernie has done a very bad job (or outright sneaky one) of explaining what his bill means. When the details of his poorly written bill are explained, most say "hell no".

For example, read this article and comment on it if you dare.
Medicare for All Doesn’t Mean What Americans Think It Means

One problem for Sanders is that when most Americans hear the words “Medicare for all,” they aren’t necessarily imagining the sort of single-payer system the Vermont senator has proposed. Worse yet, support for national health insurance seems to vacillate a great deal based on how pollsters couch the question. ...many survey takers seemed to be confused about what Medicare for all, as it’s been formally proposed, would actually do. Among those under the age of 65 who had employer-sponsored coverage, 55 percent said they thought they would be able to keep their current health plan if Medicare for all were put in place.

The legislation that Sanders has written, and that many of his colleagues and potential Democratic primary opponents endorsed, would expressly ban private insurance plans that compete with the government.

That turns out to be a fairly unpopular idea. According to Kaiser, support for Medicare for all drops to 37 percent if survey takers are told that the bill would eliminate private insurance companies, with 58 percent opposed.

In other words, Americans want access to government insurance, but they don’t want to be forced to use it—people prefer optionality.
According to Kaiser


Ok so, here it is again. Gallup poll says 70% of people with private insurance like their coverage:

Most Americans Still Rate Their Healthcare Quite Positively

Then there is this one:

Medicare for All: Voter Poll


88% of Americans know some or less. Only 11% say they know a lot about Bernie's plan.

The facts coming back from survey after survey say the same things. Most are ignorant about what his plan entails and when they are informed, most reject his plan. Most people who say they like his plan think they will be able to keep their coverage. As soon as they learn they would be forced into Medicare, support plummets. What I don't understand is how you could believe people in this country would do otherwise.

According to Kaiser Healthcare, yes.
Everyone on the Kaiser board opposes universal healthcare. It is absolutely shocking the poll they conducted opposes it, too! Shocking I tell you!

You're not dumb enough to believe it. But you are scummy enough to adopt it, even though you know it to be a lie.
Ok so, here it is again. Gallup poll says 70% of people with private insurance like their coverage:

Most Americans Still Rate Their Healthcare Quite Positively

Then there is this one:

Medicare for All: Voter Poll


88% of Americans know some or less. Only 11% say they know a lot about Bernie's plan.

The facts coming back from survey after survey say the same things. Most are ignorant about what his plan entails and when they are informed, most reject his plan. Most people who say they like his plan think they will be able to keep their coverage. As soon as they learn they would be forced into Medicare, support plummets. What I don't understand is how you could believe people in this country would do otherwise.
You're citing libertarian statistics to oppose universal healthcare the same way RobRoy does because you oppose the person primarily pushing for it. And succeeding.
Everyone on the Kaiser board opposes universal healthcare. It is absolutely shocking the poll they conducted opposes it, too! Shocking I tell you!

You're not dumb enough to believe it. But you are scummy enough to adopt it, even though you know it to be a lie.

You're citing libertarian statistics to oppose universal healthcare the same way RobRoy does because you oppose the person primarily pushing for it. And succeeding.
Time and again the same answer comes up. The poll that you don't like is technically sound and free from controversy. Slate isn't exactly a conservative news source. The data keeps coming back consistently saying that people want choices, not forced into a single plan. It's not exactly unusual for people to say so.

I'm sorry honey-boo-boo but the information keeps saying your little fantasy is fake.

Cite your sources and I'll take a look at them.

If Bernie's plan is so great why does it force people into it?
The poll that you don't like is technically sound and free from controversy.
How is it "free from controversy" when everyone on the board at Kaiser who conducted the poll oppose universal healthcare?

That alone riddles it with controversy. Let's ask Phillip Morris if tobacco causes lung cancer..

people want choices their doctor, not their provider, which Sanders proposal provides
If Bernie's plan is so great why does it force people into it?
If the ACA is so great, why did it force people into it?

You're citing John Delaney and

How is it "free from controversy" when everyone on the board at Kaiser who conducted the poll oppose universal healthcare?

That alone riddles it with controversy. Let's ask Phillip Morris if tobacco causes lung cancer.. their doctor, not their provider, which Sanders proposal provides

If the ACA is so great, why did it force people into it?

You're citing John Delaney and

I'm willing to bet that a lot of conservatives are saying exactly what I am telling you. Bernie's plan is shit stupid because it forces people out of plans they like and into Medicare. All the polls are saying is that people who are comfortable with the plan they have react negatively when told they HAVE to change. This isn't a leap in faith. It's perfectly reasonable that people would not want to change what they have and like. It's you who are being stubborn and obtuse. Since when do you like to be told you can't have or do something you really like. For no good reason or better said no good reason has been explained to them.

Your argument about the ACA falls flat because it offered plenty of choices. Most people's coverage didn't change at all. Bernie's plan offers no choice and most people's coverage will change. If you are trying to make an analogy it is a false one.

Regarding the Kaiser study. Cite an article that is critical of it? If it's flawed, there are plenty of critics who would pounce on it. Cite one. Stick to facts, man. I took a look at the study and see no reason to disbelieve it. I searched for factual criticism and can't find it. Most importantly, other independently run studies show similar findings. Most people don't know what Sanders plan entails and when they find out that it would end their private insurance coverage for Medicare they reject it. It doesn't require a leap of faith to believe people would react this way either.

I don't know how you got so brainwashed but it's time to give your brain an enema to flush it out.
I'm willing to bet that a lot of conservatives are saying exactly what I am telling you.
No doubt they are..
Bernie's plan is shit stupid because it forces people out of plans they like and into Medicare.
It forces people out of plans they like into plans they statistically like better
All the polls are saying is that people who are comfortable with the plan they have react negatively when told they HAVE to change.
Of course, because that's a false narrative
Most people's coverage didn't change at all. Bernie's plan offers no choice and most people's coverage will change.
No one's coverage will change. Providers will change. Coverage/doctors will remain the same
I took a look at the study and see no reason to disbelieve it.
Because you're legitimately a dishonest person. I don't believe a word you say, nor should anyone reading this.
Too bad you are so blinded by tunnel vision you didn't read the second line

"But thanks to the Senate, it probably won’t happen."

He's saying Republicans are blocking progress. If you want to see the policies you so avidly support become reality, vote Democrats in.
Gerrymandering is a new idea to you, isn't it?
No doubt they are..

It forces people out of plans they like into plans they statistically like better

Of course, because that's a false narrative

No one's coverage will change. Providers will change. Coverage/doctors will remain the same

Because you're legitimately a dishonest person. I don't believe a word you say, nor should anyone reading this.
You should go back and read more about Bernie's plan. It's not as if you are alone in not knowing anything about it.

LOL the line about statistically.
You are abandoning progressive principles to try to appeal to moderate voters who won't vote for you anyway
The fact is people don't like government telling them what to do. This isn't "statistically". It's not conservative or liberal.

If you like the government telling you what to do, then I'd say you are the perfect Bernie bro.