Bernie Sanders 2020

"Who moved the cheese" is for morons.

I support moving the healthcare system away from the current system and to Medicare or something better. I just don't support Bernie's stupid, half baked and politically obtuse plan.

He hasn't even said how it will be payed for and there has been no real effort at assigning how much it will cost.

"Who moved the cheese"


And you're just the right type of moron..
Are you aware how hard it was to get Social Security?..fought tooth and nail with Arizona being the you can't pry it out of a cold dead fist.


There's a really good old school book called 'Who Moved My Cheese' to help folks like you who can't understand that change is inevitable.
You should read another great old-school sales/motivation book. I am sure you would like it.

More truth; since tracking began in 1950, America has never been in a more liberal mood:

Too bad our political system has immunized itself against the will of the people.
Too bad you are so blinded by tunnel vision you didn't read the second line

"But thanks to the Senate, it probably won’t happen."

He's saying Republicans are blocking progress. If you want to see the policies you so avidly support become reality, vote Democrats in.
And you're just the right type of moron..
"Who moved my cheese?" is the kind of simple-minded self aggrandizing consultant-branded bullshit that mediocre entitled morons like Matt Kavanaugh would find intellectually stimulating. You too, apparently.

It's the same old bullshit message embraced every mediocre boss who blames his staff for his own inability to lead. I find it hilarious that a person who suffered under that kind of management and got screwed by it touts the message as if it were significant. Then again, you did lose and continue to lose. How is that 25 bucks a month in food stamps working for you?
That is true. Now imagine the size and scope of the outrage when people are forced from plans they don't like AND are through increased taxes pay for a radical expansion in Medicare. The next shoe to drop is that Bernie's plan is unfinished and unready for implementation. Republicans will do all they can to sabotage it too. Delays in service, mistakes are all going to create a backlash just like what happened with Obamacare during its roll-out except on a larger and more meaningful scale.

Forcing people from plans they don't like is a stupid idea. Then too, Bernie's half-baked plan is amateurish and an embarrassment to anybody who supports universal healthcare. Also, Bernie has no experience in getting things done. His plans are a disaster on paper, much less if ever implemented.

I support shifting the healthcare system to Medicare but not in the way that Bernie most ridiculously proposes. Elizabeth Warren and others propose giving people the choice of buying in to Medicare or not. This is a much more rational and politically savvy proposal.. Somebody with experience and leadership ability should oversee the shift to universal access to healthcare. This means somebody other than Bernie.
You can piss into the wind all you want. The fact is, on the ground, M4A is extremely popular. A public option isn't. If you want to lose to Trump again, put up someone like Biden or Delaney who oppose it
Hey @ttystikk buddy! Remember the other day when you said that British MPs were asking pointed questions to May about the Novichok incident? Still waiting for your sources, big guy.

I don't doubt that you read it - though I very much doubt it is true. But you said it so it must be true - so make me eat my words. Man up and post those sources! I'll bet the Carter Foundation certified it.
"Who moved my cheese?" is the kind of simple-minded self aggrandizing consultant-branded bullshit that mediocre entitled morons like Matt Kavanaugh would find intellectually stimulating. You too, apparently.

It's the same old bullshit message embraced every mediocre boss who blames his staff for his own inability to lead. I find it hilarious that a person who suffered under that kind of management and got screwed by it touts the message as if it were significant. Then again, you did lose and continue to lose. How is that 25 bucks a month in food stamps working for you?
I laughed my ass off when she posted that.

Fucking clueless.
You can piss into the wind all you want. The fact is, on the ground, M4A is extremely popular. A public option isn't. If you want to lose to Trump again, put up someone like Biden or Delaney who oppose it
It's not popular at all. Not when payment and the inevitable longer waiting times are included.

Cite where people say being forced into the plan is popular and choosing to opt in is not? I bet you can't. I'll just piss upwind of you while I wait for your citation.

If it's so Bernie's plan is so great, why are people forced into it?

I'm still waiting for your answer.

Meanwhile I'll piss upwind of you. Enjoy your shower.
It's not popular at all.
Yes it is, that's why 85% of Democrats support it, 52% of Republicans support it, and why every other advanced nation on Earth has implemented it in one form or another, and why the majority of Democratic candidates running in 2020 have adopted it in one form or another