Does anyone have an idea what might be the cause and fix for leaves getting bright orange spots on them. Growing granddaddy purple from seed. The plants will be 2 months old on the 10th. They seem to be growing good, they put on an inch of height overnight when I checked them this morning. Using Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Royal Gold Tupur 70/30 mix. They were up potted from 1 gallon to 7 gallon about 3 weeks ago. Watering with RO water ph 6.5 only additive 6ml Fish Sh!t to gallon RO. Started giving Cal Mag Xtra once a week’s a couple weeks ago. Temp is between 75-77 humidity 48-55. Lighting with lm301b qb leds. Have 8” exhaust and 8”intake fans plus 16” hurricane oscillating fan and 1 boxfan inside tent. Orange spots are at random spots on the plants. Some on bottom leaves some middle some close to top. Was told if it was a form of fungus mold it would rub off on fingers if you rub it, it does not transfer to fingers. I also am growing autos right next to the GDP and none of them are doing this.