Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

If it's driving ph down, I would bump feed a bit. That should stabilize it. Your ppm will bottom out and start to not drop as much when there are no nutes or low levels of nutes.

That's usually a good indicator. As they feed, they swap H ions to uptake nutes. When there's more H ions, it makes ph go acidic. If your ppm is getting close to bottoming out, most of the ppm you pick up is just waste.
Deep shit. Neat. Wish my brain would log it and not forget it :/
Maybe it didn't decarb right.

Next time, grind it up, put it on a tray and bake it at 200 degrees for 30 mins or until it looks like it baked good. Then add it. The rest of your process is pretty spot on I guess. I use a pan, not a crockpot but same difference.

Block of butter on top of water in the morning, right?
Gotta decarb before cooking, especially if the herb is fresh.
I use a rice cooker & coconut oil. Only cooks about one hour.
I've done the crockpot for extended periods and it only made the butter taste more "weedy".
Moab those blunts worth getting? How much flavor do you actually get?
You know. I wanted to bitch about lack of flavor. Until I tried the royal blunts “ogk” basically not flavored just the leaf.

Purple haze does have some grape and wet mango does remind me of summer zing. I’m actually going to start ordering wraps by the box. A fat blunt is for sure my favorite way to smoke.

Smoking a blueberry royal for a wake and bake.
Dude at work was like man you make some funny faces focusing while rolling that but god damn it comes out perfect every time! Haha
Ethos rare Cherry Garcia (back right) has fans almost as large as the bucket lid........

Wtf. Just rolling with it man. Chugging along nice. Prioritizing my day.

Gotta get some WEED shit done today.

Vegging with Mars Hydro ts-1000 and it’s doing fucking awesome!
Thanks friends! Following directions on my nutes. They’re made for weed and made for hydroponic use so fuck it. Someone was paid a nice bit of money I’m sure to figure out these ratios. So I’m going with them. I’m feeding “week 2” strength now.

In fact I just fed my little soil BH and that small blueberry sprout “week 2” amounts. Cool.