Spent 20 years growing aquatic plants... The first thing you learn about and always considered most important is the nitrogen cycle and how it works. Next is nutrients. Those little bacteria are freaking amazing. Like i said i feel the bacteria is the reason high temps can be done without issue but they are also sensitive so I run a chiller to be safe. No doubt water temps of 75-77 will provide optimal growth but also come with a bigger risk. The bigger and more established the system the safer you are.Even when I do a res cleanout, I try not to disturb the microbe layer, only rinse out loose dirt.
It was nice even with 25 buckets in the same room.It is cute when you have like one tank... I run 3 reservoirs and some aquariums and a dehumidifier and fans, the grey noise level in my house must be approaching 60db
I purchased a 70w chinese knock off chiller for a 5 gallon bucket, there are several variations of he same brand. This is only for a 5 gallon bucket I am using in veg. The rest of my potential moms are in soil, I am running a strain from Snow High which I can't get enough of, called Thors Hammer(Acapulco Gold x C99) x Vortex. I want to eventually put her in a 20gallon DWC pot. She has survived all week with outside temps in the 90-100 range. I've had to defoliate twice, because she makes so much plant matter. Temps have been getting up to 85 in the room, and I have no root rot, using Azo bacteria & hydroguard. That chillers not going to get here until Friday, but hell if I can keep this plant going like I have in these temps, I should be ok.What aquarium chiller did you purchase?
I really like your setup. What size chiller is that?I run no air pumps or stones in any of my rdwc setups, the bubbles coming out of the air stones do not add air to your water at all, its the bursting/turbulence of the bubbles breaking the surface that adds DO to your water. The most DO you can get into your water is around 8.5 mg/l (depending on your elevation/water temp) when using air stones or water falls or whatever method you are using to get more air in that is not adding/injecting pure oxygen. There have been studies done with various plants on the effect of more or less DO in the water when growing in hydroponics. Some plants can do just fine at 2 mg/l in the water where others that had 12 mg/l over 8 mg/l of DO were double in size. Not sure how well cannabis does with more but I purchased the o2 grow oxygen emitter (2 40 gal. kits) to do some testing in one of my rdwc setups and compare the 7.5-8 mg/l (running all systems at 68 F) which is what my current systems DO are sitting at as is and the 12-13 mg/l which can be achieved with the o2 grow. I guess water temp may affect that some also, have to experiment with it.
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I really like your setup. What size chiller is that?
hey guys, amazing info in this thread.
got some input that might be of use as i am considering doing it to my setup.
will using a faucet increase DO, using it in my tap makes water really cloudy so i suspect it might do something right?
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id like to also ask if dropping the waterfall at a 45 angle would increase DO since it will increase area of contact with the waterline which should increase agitation
Great thread!
Looks like I’ll be building a RDWC for next run.
What would you guys suggest for a 9x5?
I want to start using only half. So I guess really a 4.5 x5.
I’ll build another system later for the other half once I iron out the kinks for the first. Think this may be better as I can run two strains and tailor feed ppm to each strain.
Gotta question. I was think 4-6 pots per side. So 8-12 plants for a 9x5 eventually.
So 4 or 6 pots per side? I was thinking of maybe using 4 big containers with 2-3 net pot holes each so I could run different plant counts/sizes depending on what I want to do that run.
No problem. I'm here to help. I guess you can go with bigger totes I'd you'd like, but I say 4gals, because youyour roots really don't need a lot of water to sit in.Damn homie!
Thanks for the response. I’m going/already doing exactly what you’re saying!
Got the second veg tent, and I love the drying tent idea! I was thinking of heating part of the house from my grows already, the drying idea is slick!
I do like a slow dry and cure though.
I’m basically going to copy the system and do as you said. Although I may go 13 gallon buckets in the tent and a large res. I want ease of maintenance and the ability to walk for days.
I understand more water volume means more stable ph and a longe time between tops offs. Correct me if I’m wrong.
I’ve got a couple 6 month old plants I brought in from inside. They’re eating 900 ppm every water. Going to bump up next. Just put em on 12/12.
I’m ditching the air stones too. I hate them. Always knew they were a weak link.
Thanks for your time to you and all. These rdwc waterfall threads rule. I picture the whole system running in my mind. That’s when you know it’s time to build the fucker.
And I think four totes per half of the 9x5 is what I’m going to do from further reading and plotting.
And your experience with running multiple strains on the same system is very inspiring. It makes sense too. Widens my plans for runs. Of course they’ll eat as they please.