They don't control the Senate though. From how I understand American politics (I am Canadian) for him to be Impeached both the House and the Senate need to vote (I think 2/3) to impeach, which sadly won't happen any time soon.
I laugh at when Americans talk about the 'MSM'. I get to see all the different US 'MSM's and Fox is no different then CNN, they all act and report very nearly the same, just targetted to their specific demographic and each leaving out details of a story as it suits them (just like news has always done). Regardless of which one you like and which you hate at least they report *something*. Did we forget that Trump just uh got rid of the Press Briefings, we never know anything that is going on except the now super rare times that Sarah Sanders gets up there and spews vitriolic lies.
The real 'fake news' are all the many Russian, Chinese, NK proxy cyber groups that do nothing but disseminate false information, organize protests specifically designed to pit 2 conflicting groups right with each other, so much more. Russians are masters of kompromat and deception and just because the USSR fell in 1990 (or was it 91) doesn't mean Russia is no longer our enemy. They have for many decades and probably many to come been our most dangerous adversary.
I can't even imagine how happy and thrilled Putin is that he doesn't even have to do any of the work now, Trump just does it for him calling his own media sources 'fake news', Putin must love that (as do all the other Autocratic leaders that have already called dissenting views in their own Countries 'fake news'.
It seems so clear how corrupt and frankly evil Donald Trump is yet some Americans just believe everything he says without doing any follow up. Are those Americans really that dumb? Can't go do 10 minutes of research. Remind me of the anti-vaxxers.