Why won't Republican Congress grow a spine?


Well-Known Member
Why won't the Republican Congress stand up to clear crimes of obstruction of justice (and allowing subpoenas to be defied) when they were chomping at the bit to impeach a President for lying about getting his pole smoked by a fat intern in the 'oral office'?

Just wondering, don't expect any educated responses.
Why won't the Republican Congress stand up to clear crimes of obstruction of justice (and allowing subpoenas to be defied) when they were chomping at the bit to impeach a President for lying about getting his pole smoked by a fat intern in the 'oral office'?

Just wondering, don't expect any educated responses.
How to Have a Productive Phone Call With Your Legislator's Office ...


Call congressional offices directly or through the switchboard. If you do not have the direct number, you can reach US representatives by calling 202-225-3121, ...
I'm not American, just fascinated by your current politics, it is literally INSANE.

But I don't think a million calls to their offices will change anything so long as they are getting kickbacks or donations from lobbyists.

Imagine if Obama had done any one single thing that Trump sometimes does multiple times a day? He would have been dragged out of office and lynched in the street.
But I don't think a million calls to their offices will change anything so long as they are getting kickbacks or donations from lobbyists.
that isn't the real objective, calls only serve one who is seeking some sort of gratification via the placebo effect...
Why won't the Republican Congress stand up to clear crimes of obstruction of justice (and allowing subpoenas to be defied) when they were chomping at the bit to impeach a President for lying about getting his pole smoked by a fat intern in the 'oral office'?

Just wondering, don't expect any educated responses.
Because as Trump said about his cult of Personality
Donald Trump claimed he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters."
The other issue is Mitch McConnell sold out America
Imagine if Obama had done any one single thing that Trump sometimes does multiple times a day? He would have been dragged out of office and lynched in the street.
trumps greatest achievement to date was to normalize ignorance...he was a glaring success at doing so for just being true to himself, and it spread like a plague of locust to 24% of the US population...
Because as Trump said about his cult of Personality
Donald Trump claimed he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters."
The other issue is Mitch McConnell sold out America
As did Paul Ryan

Just makes the whole impeachment process a stupid political move instead of what its supposed to be for (to protect the country from a leader who is a criminal.
Basically they know the red shirt voters will vote them out the next time there up for reelection. All about power when it comes down to it. If the majority of Republican voters wanted Trump out he would have been impeached by now.
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Oh I forgot to add that Fox News definitely contributed to peoples perceptions of politics, it was crazy to see in the latest ratings that they held something like 70% of cable news ratings.

A network with .. Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Lauar Ingram ... people who just aren't very good at showing that they have much intelligence at all (CNN has theirs too, Don Lemon in particular, hate that guy).
The really funny thing is that most, if not all Republicans in office in 2015 said Trump was an insane fucking idiot, and now all those cunts are backing all his insane, fucking idiotic moves.
WHAT THE FUCK, is that about?
Fucking cunt Republicans.

Biden / Buttigieg in 2020 and put the GOP in a fucking hole and then shovel some dirt on them to cover the stench.
I kind of wish Biden had ran in 2016 but I understand he had a lot to deal with his son dying.

Of all the corrupt politicians though (and they are all corrupt), he seems like one of the lesser corrupt ones, i dunno.

Thankfully not being American I don't have to deal with that stress of getting Trump out in 2020 that you guys do.
Why won't the Republican Congress stand up to clear crimes of obstruction of justice (and allowing subpoenas to be defied) when they were chomping at the bit to impeach a President for lying about getting his pole smoked by a fat intern in the 'oral office'?

Just wondering, don't expect any educated responses.
Well, you're getting one;

Because with Trump, or rather his endless antics for the cameras and the MSM, are giving the Republicans exactly what they want; cover so they can do whatever they want, including strip Americans of their remaining rights and benefits, start new wars (why else would American trips be in Ethiopia and the Sudan?), dismantle all checks on corporate power in the Federal Government, etc, etc.

Any questions?
Oh I forgot to add that Fox News definitely contributed to peoples perceptions of politics, it was crazy to see in the latest ratings that they held something like 70% of cable news ratings.
that's a crowd that would rather get spoon fed biased opinions an propaganda in place of substantiated facts to nurture a false litany of narratives that they've chosen to wrap their little head in the sand brains around.
where i'm from it's mainly about the resurgence of tribal white privilege and hatred of the "other"...
no one here hasn't benefited at all from the trump administration except for a false sense of pride revenge and racial supremacy...
Why won't the Republican Congress stand up to clear crimes of obstruction of justice (and allowing subpoenas to be defied) when they were chomping at the bit to impeach a President for lying about getting his pole smoked by a fat intern in the 'oral office'?

Just wondering, don't expect any educated responses.
This just in, House of Representatives now controlled by Democrats.
Well, you're getting one;

Because with Trump, or rather his endless antics for the cameras and the MSM, are giving the Republicans exactly what they want; cover so they can do whatever they want, including strip Americans of their remaining rights and benefits, start new wars (why else would American trips be in Ethiopia and the Sudan?), dismantle all checks on corporate power in the Federal Government, etc, etc.

Any questions?
As soon as you spew MSM you smear democracy, stay out of Americas elections
This just in, House of Representatives now controlled by Democrats.

They don't control the Senate though. From how I understand American politics (I am Canadian) for him to be Impeached both the House and the Senate need to vote (I think 2/3) to impeach, which sadly won't happen any time soon.

I laugh at when Americans talk about the 'MSM'. I get to see all the different US 'MSM's and Fox is no different then CNN, they all act and report very nearly the same, just targetted to their specific demographic and each leaving out details of a story as it suits them (just like news has always done). Regardless of which one you like and which you hate at least they report *something*. Did we forget that Trump just uh got rid of the Press Briefings, we never know anything that is going on except the now super rare times that Sarah Sanders gets up there and spews vitriolic lies.

The real 'fake news' are all the many Russian, Chinese, NK proxy cyber groups that do nothing but disseminate false information, organize protests specifically designed to pit 2 conflicting groups right with each other, so much more. Russians are masters of kompromat and deception and just because the USSR fell in 1990 (or was it 91) doesn't mean Russia is no longer our enemy. They have for many decades and probably many to come been our most dangerous adversary.

I can't even imagine how happy and thrilled Putin is that he doesn't even have to do any of the work now, Trump just does it for him calling his own media sources 'fake news', Putin must love that (as do all the other Autocratic leaders that have already called dissenting views in their own Countries 'fake news'.

It seems so clear how corrupt and frankly evil Donald Trump is yet some Americans just believe everything he says without doing any follow up. Are those Americans really that dumb? Can't go do 10 minutes of research. Remind me of the anti-vaxxers.
They don't control the Senate though. From how I understand American politics (I am Canadian) for him to be Impeached both the House and the Senate need to vote (I think 2/3) to impeach, which sadly won't happen any time soon.

I laugh at when Americans talk about the 'MSM'. I get to see all the different US 'MSM's and Fox is no different then CNN, they all act and report very nearly the same, just targetted to their specific demographic and each leaving out details of a story as it suits them (just like news has always done). Regardless of which one you like and which you hate at least they report *something*. Did we forget that Trump just uh got rid of the Press Briefings, we never know anything that is going on except the now super rare times that Sarah Sanders gets up there and spews vitriolic lies.

The real 'fake news' are all the many Russian, Chinese, NK proxy cyber groups that do nothing but disseminate false information, organize protests specifically designed to pit 2 conflicting groups right with each other, so much more. Russians are masters of kompromat and deception and just because the USSR fell in 1990 (or was it 91) doesn't mean Russia is no longer our enemy. They have for many decades and probably many to come been our most dangerous adversary.

I can't even imagine how happy and thrilled Putin is that he doesn't even have to do any of the work now, Trump just does it for him calling his own media sources 'fake news', Putin must love that (as do all the other Autocratic leaders that have already called dissenting views in their own Countries 'fake news'.

It seems so clear how corrupt and frankly evil Donald Trump is yet some Americans just believe everything he says without doing any follow up. Are those Americans really that dumb? Can't go do 10 minutes of research. Remind me of the anti-vaxxers.
The top few right wingers that manage to have average intelligence like to muck up the facts. Impeachment is only the first step toward removal A trial must be held afteward.

The House of Representatives have the power to impeach a president. Once impeachment is completed by the House, the Senate is obliged to hold a trial. If convicted in the Senate, the President is then officially removed from office. For example, Bill Clinton was impeached by the House for lying to Congress but was acquitted by the Senate and so remained in office.

As soon as you spew MSM you smear democracy, stay out of Americas elections
You're smarter than this.

Did you address my points? No. Why not? Because they're all correct.

Moving on; let me straighten you out on your quaint notions of American 'democracy', or better yet I'll let a Harvard professor do it for me:

Short answer: Tweedism; 'you can elect anyone you like- as long as I get to choose the nominees.'
I laugh at when Americans talk about the 'MSM'. I get to see all the different US 'MSM's and Fox is no different then CNN, they all act and report very nearly the same, just targetted to their specific demographic and each leaving out details of a story as it suits them (just like news has always done).
Thank you! Seeing the forest for the trees changes one's perspective, doesn't it?