Help with 4x4/4x8 CMH set up questions


Well-Known Member
I have 2 315w cmh. Would it be better to put both in a 4x8 and only use about 6’ of my 4x8 and 2’ be empty or should I use two different 4x4 tents with one single cmh in each tent? Or does it even matter?

My legal state we are limited to 5 maturing


Well-Known Member
Invest in a light rail with a hanger kit to hang the two lights inline and use the whole 4x8 space. Then get a T-5 to veg in a 4x4.

Do you already have the tents? Budget?



Well-Known Member
I already have the tents yes. I just mainly wanted to know if the two 315 cmh would yield similar results in a 4x8 as they did in the 4x4. I plan on hanging a reflective thing so it drapes down from the ceiling to help reflect lights. So essentially inside would be a 4x6


Well-Known Member
My 4x4 yields have been great. They just always seem real squished together. I do uncle Ben topping and a manifold for my plants. Works great. Just 4x4 seems limited on space.


Well-Known Member
What are your growing conditions like? Did you have heat issues in the 4x4 with the two lights going? If not then you'll be fine in the 4x8.

My grow room is in a cold basement/crawl space so with only one 400W HID going my heater has to kick in once in a while to keep the temp at 75 even during the summer. It takes two of those or a 1000W going to get the exhaust fan to kick in from too high a temp.

I'm vegging some plants under a 400W CMH in a spare bedroom now and with summer on the way it's already hitting 80F in there with the window open. I don't have an exhaust fan in there so it's passive ventilation. Impossible to keep my RH up over 30% even with the humidifier going as long as the window's open. It's only 14% here in the mancave atm.

You should get better yields with the plants spread out a bit.
