The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

If there's a silver lining to the tale of Donald it will be that he single handedly destroyed the republican party for a generation, topped it up with racist and loonies, drove out the people with brains and common sense. The GOP has lost complete support in the national security, military and legal communities and will become a regional party at best, Donald is gonna burn it to the ground and use up every bit that he can. He will have to go to prison because the GOP could never recover with him on the lose calming a fixed election.

The fight between right and left will now occur inside the democratic party, lots of conservatives and independents have joined up and the left wing of the party is gonna get overwhelmed in 2020. That's not to say they won't be a powerful force in the party, Bernie may never be president, but he sowed the seeds and you can see it the fresh faces in the congress, the progressives are gonna have a big say in the party moving forward. I think by getting rid of the GOP for a while things will straighten out pretty quickly, I mean just look at California when they turfed the republicans.

Another good thing about the regime of Donald is that he has corralled all the grifters and assholes in America into one place where they will be easy to get, Manifort and Stone are just two examples of many more to come. Over 60 people went to jail over Watergate in the seventies, how many do you figure will end up in jail or squeal deals over Trump? Hint, lot's of people are gonna go to jail, hundreds, and the democrats won't have to lift a finger against them either, they broke the law and the lifers in the DOJ will get them. There are 900 hundred former prosecutors to choose from for the new DOJ who will hammer the shit out of all of these assholes in coming years.

The era of Trump has created a stark political landscape where you can see some of your neighbors and family in a harsh light that shows fine detail and makes well defined shadows.
I see it a bit differently.

The Democratic Party has always had a left wing. Nothing in Bernie's policies or rhetoric is new and coming from him, useful. He is an inept Congressman who leeched off the Democratic Party. A parasite. He may even be a traitor. At the very least, his association with brutal dictators should give one pause about where he is coming from. He deserves no accolades.

The great recession accompanied by a generational shift and increased diversity in ethnicity and race is what is driving of the movement left. Bernie has opportunistically said the right things to get their attention but he in no way "sowed the seeds" of this leftward political shift.

Trump's base is what the remains of the silent generation and their conservative baby boomer children. They still hold a lot of power and numbers. They are waning while the a new generation is coming into prominence. The 2020's will be a dynamic era with shifts back and forth until a the new generation finally gains the upper hand both economically and in the voting booth. My main concern is that the right will use their current tools of ignorance, propaganda and voting booth shenanigans to suppress the rule of the majority. They already hold power as a minority. .
It's amazing isn't it? If you talk to people around me you get the same thing. "We love President Trump". You can ask them why and they'll say "he's making America great again". But if you really dig down, there is nothing behind it that doesn't directly involve his hatred of people with dark skin. They say he is protecting America, and he is in a sense, if you mean stupid white people with closed minds.

All criticism can be deflected from him by their false equivalencies, if you bring up his crimes and lies, they just say "they all lie" or "they all steal". Its kind of amazing how they bend their perceptions. Its ok for the US to spend $102 million to Trump's own businesses on Trump's golf outings (and really, this is classic Trump - go look up the story behind how Donald fucked up Eric's legit fundraising with St. Jude's Children's Hospital by turning it into a machine to divert charitable donations into a cash stream for himself) as long as a black man isn't "Golfing on oceanside courses, dining at high-end restaurants and frolicking on stunning white-sand beaches where security guards keep other tourists at bay, the president and his family are in the midst of a 17-day holiday that requires dozens of Secret Service agents, military personnel and other government employees to guarantee their safety and ease of travel around Oahu."

One I hear in Indiana, you tell a red shirt how he is nothing but a con man and they think that's great. "Yes we need a con man to deal with china" im not even joking I heard this from several red shirts out here.
I see it a bit differently.

The Democratic Party has always had a left wing. Nothing in Bernie's policies or rhetoric is new and coming from him, useful. He is an inept Congressman who leeched off the Democratic Party. A parasite. He may even be a traitor. At the very least, his association with brutal dictators should give one pause about where he is coming from. He deserves no accolades.

The great recession accompanied by a generational shift and increased diversity in ethnicity and race is what is driving of the movement left. Bernie has opportunistically said the right things to get their attention but he in no way "sowed the seeds" of this leftward political shift.

Trump's base is what the remains of the silent generation and their conservative baby boomer children. They still hold a lot of power and numbers. They are waning while the a new generation is coming into prominence. The 2020's will be a dynamic era with shifts back and forth until a the new generation finally gains the upper hand both economically and in the voting booth. My main concern is that the right will use their current tools of ignorance, propaganda and voting booth shenanigans to suppress the rule of the majority. They already hold power as a minority. .
I don't take such a dim view of Bernie, but then again I don't know too much about him. Your right about the democratic party and it's history of progressive politics, but they lost their way with the Clintons going after the elites and forgetting working people. Bernie stayed the course, which was why he was not a democrat, though I believe he is one now. He helped to anchor the left in America through some rough spells in the 90's and 2000's and gave Hilary a run for her money in 2016, he also showed many ordinary Americans that there was some hope of regaining control of their government.

Having said the above I think Joe Biden will beat Trump like a drum and that's the most important thing, Joe seems to care about regular folks more than most politicians. He stood by Obama and he's popular among black Americans as well as many working class people, Biden will appeal to many former republicans, conservatives in general and independents. I figure Joe will walk away with it and might even win every state in the union, besides Donald ain't done fucking up and fucking America yet. Let's hope Joe also gets a big house and senate majority after a nice juicy impeachment trial where the GOP votes not guilty in a slam dunk trial just before the election.
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Placing all republicans on notice will speed up the process.

Shame, it's a terrible thing to waste.
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It's gonna get a lot worse than that, the TV ads that the democrats and a host of PACs will run against McConnell will make yer hair stand on end, he's married to the mob and kisses not just the Don's ring, but his ass as well. Mitch is running in the 30"s back home in his state and his cock is on the chopping block in 2020 and he's worried, "What will that crazy cocksucker Trump do or say next"? Having Mitch and the rest of the republican senators on the spot with a slam dunk impeachment trial just before the election or primary would put most of them in an impossible situation. I think that's Nancy's plan and one of the reasons why she is slow walking impeachment until lot's of public hearings and bad news days for Donald, hammer the fucker into the ground before the final stomp to put him out of his misery. The republican senators will either impeach him and be fucked with the base or find him not guilty and be fucked by the public in most cases.

I figure Mitch will delay the impeachment trial until after the primaries or after the election, if he has a choice, but I figure Nancy is smart enough not to give him one. Also he'll have to deal with Donald's daily antics, crimes and constitutional violations which will put more heat on him to act.
I don't take such a dim view of Bernie, but then again I don't know too much about him. Your right about the democratic party and it's history of progressive politics, but they lost their way with the Clintons going after the elites and forgetting working people. Bernie stayed the course, which was why he was not a democrat, though I believe he is one now. He helped to anchor the left in America through some rough spells in the 90's and 2000's and gave Hilary a run for her money in 2016, he also showed many ordinary Americans that there was some hope of regaining control of their government.

Having said the above I think Joe Biden will beat Trump like a drum and that's the most important thing, Joe seems to care about regular folks more than most politicians. He stood by Obama and he's popular among black Americans as well as many working class people, Biden will appeal to many former republicans, conservatives in general and independents. I figure Joe will walk away with it and might even win every state in the union, besides Donald ain't done fucking up and fucking America yet. Let's hope Joe also gets a big house and senate majority after a nice juicy impeachment trial where the GOP votes not guilty in a slam dunk trial just before the election.
This country was more conservative in the days of Clintons. You maybe don't know how well liked Reagan was. He won by a landslide and GH Bush took the Democrats to the woodshed in 1988. So, no, Clinton wasn't "lost their way". When the liberal wing abandoned the party in 2000, it heralded the first full Republican take-over of government since the 1920's. I don't know what they thought would happen but their refusal to support Moderate Democrats moved the Democratic party to the right in order to survive.

This country is still more conservative than the liberal or "Progressive" left has convinced itself it is. Maybe they spend too much time talking to each other and dismissing outright people who point out that Obamacare is accepted but regarded with suspicion by a large number in this country. Biden is mainstream moderate left, not conservative according to (I think) most people in this country.

That said, I don't like Biden but will vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination.
Alcohol and tobacco are recession-proof, as is hate and fear in politics. Add resentment and the Republican Party has the recipe to survive. They play on mankind's primal tendencies. Keep them uneducated, poor and that recessive gene pool full.
There is going to be a shift in power to the left but not in the next few years. More like ten.
This country was more conservative in the days of Clintons. You maybe don't know how well liked Reagan was. He won by a landslide and GH Bush took the Democrats to the woodshed in 1988. So, no, Clinton wasn't "lost their way". When the liberal wing abandoned the party in 2000, it heralded the first full Republican take-over of government since the 1920's. I don't know what they thought would happen but their refusal to support Moderate Democrats moved the Democratic party to the right in order to survive.

This country is still more conservative than the liberal or "Progressive" left has convinced itself it is. Maybe they spend too much time talking to each other and dismissing outright people who point out that Obamacare is accepted but regarded with suspicion by a large number in this country. Biden is mainstream moderate left, not conservative according to (I think) most people in this country.

That said, I don't like Biden but will vote for him in the fall if he wins the nomination.
True, your explanation is more nuanced than mine, America turned hard right after Reagan, but Dubya and the crash of 2008 took care of a big part of that. Still you could see the turn to the right in the party under the Clintons and the difference between them and the republicans was just culture wars, they all marched to the tune of the big money and this turned off many.

I also agree about the "left" in general terms, in that the twitter universe is inhabited by different people than those who actually vote and some of the media is some what guilty of this too. Most people don't know or care about Russian influence or if Trump is in Putin's pocket or up his ass, the media is rightly obsessed with the unfolding drama because it's not only their job, but their duty. Many people especially Trumpers live in their own media bubble, abetted by google and youtube who show what yer interested in and like. That's why Pelosi is right about public hearings and Donald looking guilty as Hell squirming to get away with the crime(s) of the century. Trump's impeachment hearings and trial will make the OJ trial look like a bad YouTube video, yer gonna have wall to wall TV coverage and the high drama, just the thing to attract huge TV audiences (jury members too in the coming election). Nancy is trying to get the timing of the greatest show on earth just right, Dumbo the GOP elephant is gonna do the high wire act without a net and Donald the clown is gonna get shot out of a cannon at the end, no net for him either...
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True, your explanation is more nuanced than mine, America turned hard right after Reagan, but Dubya and the crash of 2008 took care of a big part of that. Still you could see the turn to the right in the party under the Clintons and the difference between them and the republicans was just culture wars, they all marched to the tune of the big money and this turned off many.

I also agree about the "left" in general terms, in that the twitter universe is inhabited by different people than those who actually vote and some of the media is some what guilty of this too. Most people don't know or care about Russian influence or if Trump is in Putin's pocket or up his ass, the media is rightly obsessed with the unfolding drama because it's not only their job, but their duty. Many people especially Trumpers live in their own media bubble, abetted by google and youtube who show what yer interested in and like. That's why Pelosi is right about public hearings and Donald looking guilty as Hell squirming to get away with the crime(s) of the century. Trump's impeachment hearings and trial will make the OJ trial look like a bad YouTube video, yer gonna have wall to wall TV coverage and the high drama, just the thing to attract huge TV audiences (jury members too in the coming election). Nancy is trying to get the timing of the greatest show on earth just right, Dumbo the GOP elephant is gonna do the high wire act without a net and Donald the clown is gonna get shot out of a cannon at the end, no net for him either...
There wasn't a "turn to the right" by the country in the 1980's or in the 1990's by Democrats with the Clintons. The Clintons were an expression of what the majority in the Democratic Party and the country wanted at the time. It should also be said that for the white majority, times were never better economically than then. Also, the majority of whites in this country has always been institutional racist if not outright racist. The laws enacted in the 1990's were an expression of that. Republicans wanted harsher laws. Just saying, Bill Clinton was centrist, institutional racist and managed to govern even when a hostile right wing Republican controlled Congress impeached him. Democrats gained seats immediately after he was impeached. too.

The base of the Democratic Party was never "farther left" prior to Clinton either. What happened in the late '70's and early '80s was Democratic voters crossed over to Reagan for President but voted Democrat for Congress. Hence the split in control, Congress by Democrats and the WH by Republicans. That Democratic controlled Congress was much more conservative than the Democratic controlled House of today.

Bernie is just a parasite who feeds at a cost to Democrats. But that's not to say all left siders are like him. There is a small but growing contingent of Democratic Socialists within the ranks of elected Democrats in Congress and I hope they are able to work well with others to get things done unlike Sanders.

Agree about the bubble people live in whether left or right. Personally, I can't even guess if impeachment will happen or not. There has to be a shift in public sentiment before that can happen. Maybe Congressional hearings will accomplish that.
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And we’re off and running. Note the date and time. He’s so brave by the way. Kim called Trump a “dotard”. Endearing terms for each other.
Japan freaked out on this. They say Trump is not worried because the short range missiles can’t reach the USA. But they’re more than capable of striking Japan and South Korea which is where they’re aimed. We know they can strike anywhere in Japan because NK fired one that went over Japan and splashed down in the Sea of Japan. Of any country in the world that has a right to be concerned about atomic weapons it’s Japan.

Worth noting: Japan newspapers opined on the apparently out-of-date American adage “Politics stops at the waters edge” as Trump obviously uses any face time to carry on his agenda. Including attacks on Biden who I assure you Japan would prefer over the Ochre Ape.
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Trump is an aberration of nature. A blob of fecal matter that has assumed a life of its own. Leaving a putrid stench wherever he goes. I can hardly wait for his trip to the UK. We white folks know how to harangue and abuse people. The secret with getting away with it (for the most part) is being white. Oh and wearing something over your face as much as possible.
North Korean official spokesman on Sunday regarding John Bolton:

“Bolton should not be called a security adviser who works to secure security, but an adviser for security destruction who destroys peace and security. It’s not that strange that crooked sound will always come out the mouth of a man who is structurally flawed, and it’s best that this defective human product goes away as soon as possible.”
North Korean official spokesman on Sunday regarding John Bolton:

“Bolton should not be called a security adviser who works to secure security, but an adviser for security destruction who destroys peace and security. It’s not that strange that crooked sound will always come out the mouth of a man who is structurally flawed, and it’s best that this defective human product goes away as soon as possible.”
Fuck! I don't believe it, I agree with North Korea. Donald what have you done!:wall:
Worth noting: Japan newspapers opined on the apparently out-of-date American adage “Politics stops at the waters edge” as Trump obviously uses any face time to carry on his agenda. Including attacks on Biden who I assure you Japan would prefer over the Ochre Ape.
Japan is not the only place that wants to see the end of Trump, try every place but Russia who own him. Apparently almost 60% of Americans want Donald gone too and by the time the election rolls around it will be over 60%.

Can you blame Nancy for wanting Trump to lead the republicans into the 2020 election after they vote him not guilty in a slam dunk impeachment trial and a ton of dramatic TV hearings? Most folks will vote democrat straight down the ballot from president to dog catcher and there are congressmen and GOP senators in many cases, between the top and bottom. The democrats should be able to sweep the republicans from power completely in 2020, the trouble is every corrupt dollar in the USA will be thrown at their feet, money follows power.
The world leaders are preparing to squeeze what they can out of the orangutan-in-chief while they can by giving parades and meals. He's so easy. Just tell him what he wants to hear. The petulant 12 yr. old narcissist is in love with a younger one that controls N. Korea. Kim loves mushrooms.
Edit: Kim Flung Bung is in love with his primate lover. Species collide.
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It's hilarious to me how one person gets you all riled up. Why do you guys care so much about the opinion of one person? Since I hate the hard left as much as I hate retarded bible thumping right wingers I will just get another bag of popcorn and enjoy the show once again.

It's because they're a bunch of close-minded pussies that get butthurt whenever somebody disagrees with them. Did you not notice how several of them tried to close in on you and bully you into acquiescence? They're an e-gang, indigenous to RIU.

Watch, watch and see how many of the pussies come scurrying out of their holes to talk shit and protest my comment. They're to RIU what AIDS is to Africa.

"Trump's a criminal." Prove it. The DNC has the best going after Trump... they still can't turn anything up after an FBI investigation because he is innocent.

"He raped." Prove it. If the DNC could just get this one through.... he wouldn't just be impeached, he'd be imprisoned. But it isn't true, ergo they do not go after him. Even those shitheads would realize how stupid they'd seem. This is the most laughable bullshit the pathetic cum traps in this group throw out there.

The pathetic thing is that most of them are not simply anti-Trump. Most of them will tell you that ALL conservatives are racists. They sound fairly radicalized.

The thing that tickles me most is this: Trump is STILL their president. He will be so again in 2020 and there isn't a goddamn thing they can do about it and they know it. So they stew and fume... of all places... in the politics section of the RIU forums!!! lol, talk about activism! They could be out helping a DNC candidate campaign... but instead they patrol the halls of RIU, waiting to simultaneously jump all over anybody that disagrees with their dogmatic views. It's the gayest thing, really.
It's because they're a bunch of close-minded pussies that get butthurt whenever somebody disagrees with them. Did you not notice how several of them tried to close in on you and bully you into acquiescence? They're an e-gang, indigenous to RIU.

Watch, watch and see how many of the pussies come scurrying out of their holes to talk shit and protest my comment. They're to RIU what AIDS is to Africa.

"Trump's a criminal." Prove it. The DNC has the best going after Trump... they still can't turn anything up after an FBI investigation because he is innocent.

"He raped." Prove it. If the DNC could just get this one through.... he wouldn't just be impeached, he'd be imprisoned. But it isn't true, ergo they do not go after him. Even those shitheads would realize how stupid they'd seem. This is the most laughable bullshit the pathetic cum traps in this group throw out there.

The pathetic thing is that most of them are not simply anti-Trump. Most of them will tell you that ALL conservatives are racists. They sound fairly radicalized.

The thing that tickles me most is this: Trump is STILL their president. He will be so again in 2020 and there isn't a goddamn thing they can do about it and they know it. So they stew and fume... of all places... in the politics section of the RIU forums!!! lol, talk about activism! They could be out helping a DNC candidate campaign... but instead they patrol the halls of RIU, waiting to simultaneously jump all over anybody that disagrees with their dogmatic views. It's the gayest thing, really.
Your not a conservative, just an asshole
You're basing that off of one comment. You don't even know me. Name calling because you have nothing substantial to offer. I wanna play.

How about you go fuck your whore mother with your lil baby micro penis some more.

See how useless, baseless, and ridiculous that is? Seriously, what can you call me that won't be redundant? Seriously, this is the sort of brilliant argument we can expect from the educated left?

Me: "They call any conservative a racist."

You: "well.... you're not conservative, just an asshole."

Brilliant way to bounce back and really push your liberal ideas so that we can all be enlightened. "You're just an asshole." Nice fucking work, retard. You really cracked the case. I'm speechless.
Nationalism is a mental disorder