Well-Known Member
Fuck you Hell no. Eat all them Tide pods yourselfIt’s like them darn tablets with that WiFi thing . So I’ve been meaning to ask ,I found some tide pods . Anyone in ?
Fuck you Hell no. Eat all them Tide pods yourselfIt’s like them darn tablets with that WiFi thing . So I’ve been meaning to ask ,I found some tide pods . Anyone in ?
Right?? Just push the ash out whenever lol, fill it up and toke as needed@schmebulock , great glass item...enjoying right can pack about a week of bud in that small thing...i’d pity the poor boy who had a full one in one sitting...thanks for posting...
Back in the day before this term “ loud”,”gas” whatever the fuck is next . Just know kB .You guys smoke blunts this fat?
View attachment 4339588
Back in the day before this term “ loud”,”gas” whatever the fuck is next . Just know kB .
RSO seems like some weird heeby jeeby shit. How do you make it?
Yeppooooo that KB was the bees kneesYou in your 30s Ice? Sounds like a generational thing lol.
Yup in my 30s . I really think it is generation things . Also think what these kids call gas is just high mids .You in your 30s Ice? Sounds like a generational thing lol.
Roots looks like it’s my problem .
Haven’t smelt anything . So far . Idk I added some more gff . See my ph swang all the way up to 7.4 . This skunk hero is beast .That’s what my white widow roots look like in the end
Wasn’t until about the last three weeks they started to have a slight odor to them
They had that same color