What is ur best pheno with Bison breath? I bet it b hard pick cause every pheno pick u showd us lookd dam good. Cannot wait to pop bison breath & jelly pie next. I sadly sent gu a email for them to close my account yestrday. Didnt want to but i cant afford to lose money. On may 10th i sent 2 envelopes with my cash to them and stil havnt vot 1 bean of my order. If we think back its was that week that greenpoint had all the problems with there computers and emails. I dont think they stole my money, i just think my orders sumhow got lost in cracks while they was having the issues. Or usps worker got my money? I sent it to the right address. I emailed gu 3 times. I got 1 email saying he thought usps was backed up.? Not a word or even a thought from him that it could possibly could of been a mess up on his end? Like there wood b no way it could of been on them..? Being ive orderd over 10 orders with them i just was thinking that me being a loyal customer, that my buisness in past wood of been valued, and that this issue wood of taken care of by now almost a month later...? So it was good while it lasted but to prevent this again il just close that account and buy elsewhere no matter what sales they run. Sorry for the bs on my reply but thought id share my frustrations and he might finally settle this matter..? If not oh well thats life for ya. Good job on those stunning pics u allways post. I see why ur one of his testers.. Thx bud✌