Trump spent $102 million playing golf, on the taxpayer's dime


Well-Known Member
Donald Trump’s golf habit has already cost taxpayers at least $102 million in extra travel and security expenses, and next month will achieve a new milestone: a seven-figure presidential visit to another country so he can play at his own course.

U.S. taxpayers have spent $81 million for the president’s two dozen trips to Florida, according to a HuffPost analysis. They spent $17 million for his 15 trips to New Jersey, another $1 million so he could visit his resort in Los Angeles and at least $3 million for his two days in Scotland last summer ― $1.3 million of which went just for rental cars for the massive entourage that accompanies a president abroad.
Trump “aides and staff” drank up a bar tab for $1000 at Moron Lardo. Nobody paid. The club sent the bill directly to the White House where we gladly paid for the louse souse.
Expenditures are only a problem when a Democrat is in office.

When was the last time the deficit or national debt was in the news



President Barack Obama walks out of Island Snow after paying a visit to get shave ice during a family vacation on Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015, in Kailua, Hawaii. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) more >
Obama's Hawaii Christmas vacations cost taxpayers $35 million over 8 years
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 22, 2016
For the last time, taxpayers are paying for a Hawaiian Christmas vacation for President Obama and his family, an annual luxury getaway that has cost the Treasury easily more than $35 million over eight years.

Golfing on oceanside courses, dining at high-end restaurants and frolicking on stunning white-sand beaches where security guards keep other tourists at bay, the president and his family are in the midst of a 17-day holiday that requires dozens of Secret Service agents, military personnel and other government employees to guarantee their safety and ease of travel around Oahu.

Remember how Trimp told these idiots he wouldn't have time for vacations? But he has spent nearly three times more in 2.5 years.


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Trump “aides and staff” drank up a bar tab for $1000 at Moron Lardo. Nobody paid. The club sent the bill directly to the White House where we gladly paid for the louse souse.
In Trump world that is an obvious charge back to the campaign, maybe double dip on a tax write-off as well


President Barack Obama walks out of Island Snow after paying a visit to get shave ice during a family vacation on Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015, in Kailua, Hawaii. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) more >
Obama's Hawaii Christmas vacations cost taxpayers $35 million over 8 years
By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Thursday, December 22, 2016
For the last time, taxpayers are paying for a Hawaiian Christmas vacation for President Obama and his family, an annual luxury getaway that has cost the Treasury easily more than $35 million over eight years.

Golfing on oceanside courses, dining at high-end restaurants and frolicking on stunning white-sand beaches where security guards keep other tourists at bay, the president and his family are in the midst of a 17-day holiday that requires dozens of Secret Service agents, military personnel and other government employees to guarantee their safety and ease of travel around Oahu.
Yeah but due to skin tone he has a lower value to the Republicans
Trump “aides and staff” drank up a bar tab for $1000 at Moron Lardo. Nobody paid. The club sent the bill directly to the White House where we gladly paid for the louse souse.
A guest at a private golf club isn't allowed to pay,the round of golf,food & drink is billed to the member on a monthly basis. I doubt these people drank & dashed,the club billed Trump.
well apparently my tax dollars are paying for trump cocksuckers to eat and drink at his chintzy fucking shitholes so in a way i am a member of a cuntry club
Then you know guests don't pay the bill. your tax dollars pay for alot of worse things. So he golfed twice as much as Obama right? So it's ok to spend 50 million but 100 millions is rediculous?