Seed germination


Active Member
had a couple autos roots were 1inch in length never sprouted now I have a photo roots a little bigger planted in wet soil sitting on a window had to do it before it died idk how but one sprouted and now is turning brown don’t know what it could be but they were started the same day and like I said ones 1inch or so long and the other root end didn’t come out looks like a root rot brown but idk if it’s this so I put the one in soil didn’t deshell in paper towels like my others I started earlier any advice on keeping her alive and getting her to sprout ?
I plant directly into soil/soilless after scuffing up the seeds in a pill jar lined with 150grit sandpaper for 2 full minutes. Seems to be to many ways for things to go wrong with soaking and paper towel methods. If anything I might soak until the shells crack and put them right in the dirt.

Good luck with yours.

It happened again dirt does absolutely nothing for me they never sprout and like I said they were1in long roots now this photo I tried to start grew mold or something on the shell didn’t move at all above ground so I took it out and put it back in paper towel not sure if I can do this but whatever it’s pretty much dead in my mind already
It happened again dirt does absolutely nothing for me they never sprout and like I said they were1in long roots now this photo I tried to start grew mold or something on the shell didn’t move at all above ground so I took it out and put it back in paper towel not sure if I can do this but whatever it’s pretty much dead in my mind already

Almost sounds like Monsanto's terminator seeds. Seeds from crops grown from them are non-viable so people can't use seed from one crop to grow more.

Bunch of greedy a-holes!

Not sure what's going on with yours.

It happened again dirt does absolutely nothing for me they never sprout and like I said they were1in long roots now this photo I tried to start grew mold or something on the shell didn’t move at all above ground so I took it out and put it back in paper towel not sure if I can do this but whatever it’s pretty much dead in my mind already
You’re doing something wrong. I just germinated 12 in Dixie cups of seedling mix. Outdoors in Alaska. You’re trying too hard or doing too much.
It happened again dirt does absolutely nothing for me they never sprout and like I said they were1in long roots now this photo I tried to start grew mold or something on the shell didn’t move at all above ground so I took it out and put it back in paper towel not sure if I can do this but whatever it’s pretty much dead in my mind already
Yea it’s cause you’re planting seeds into soaked soil most likely. That’s why you get rot. Seeds do not like to come up in mud.