feeling special; looked at my messages and the girl i been trying to get to know who ghosted me previously replied back for once. i honestly don't know where to go from here though like at that weird stage where i want to ask her on a date but at the same time we barely know each other that much. can't even ask her on a date either no car so it's kind of shameful for me. back when i was younger i gave no fucks i could be straight up like yea i don't drive and they'd understand cause we were young but now it's like "this mfer doesn't even drive."
just gonna try and talk to her more get to know her a little better and then ask. waiting for my sister to land though which should be soon we got to pick her up at the airport and then get ready for my cousins graduation. im so happy im off tomorrow i can get some sleep at least. idk what we are going to do for dinner tonight though maybe my dad wants to go out to eat dinner idk.