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If you got those cuts so long ago why didnt you crop them out and move the flowers? You would have had plenty of coin to get in on a few of the pre orders. I mean, after copping those cuts it was the least you could have done dont you think? But instead of doing that didnt you try to on-sell the clones? And you are seriously complaning that you didnt get some free packs?

Im not trying to call you out here bro just keepin it real as you yanks like to say... :lol:
read above, I never sold a dam thing of his, please ask around. try and find one person that will tell you they got something from me, go ahead I'll wait...

also, never was I complaining, I stated what I believed to be a fact, bc I didn't know of anyone that did receive those free packs, and after being corrected, I even edited my original post and correcting my original statement!

like dam, seems like it's just the same shit and different day over here, why so much negativity
I will dub thee, KY jr, lmfao. Neverending requests for beans, cuts etc. :bigjoint:Did you get any good trades for those cuts you were trading on strainly, just been a month or so ago, I seen em on there.
only thing I've ever traded on strainly was my jelly pie! so you full of shit if you seen his cuts from me on there a month or 2 ago!
lIke God dam, u people love to feed off rumors huh, half of you I have personally talked with before, but none of you could message me and find out the truth? oh right, you didn't care enough, but now you care enough to go around starting shit, when yoi have zero clue what went down or even why! OK I see...
read above, I never sold a dam thing of his, please ask around. try and find one person that will tell you they got something from me, go ahead I'll wait...

also, never was I complaining, I stated what I believed to be a fact, bc I didn't know of anyone that did receive those free packs, and after being corrected, I even edited my original post and correcting my original statement!

like dam, seems like it's just the same shit and different day over here, why so much negativity

All good man, probably all just a misunderstanding bongsmilie
All good man, probably all just a misunderstanding bongsmilie
no not completely, I did post both of his cuts, for a reason I'm not going to blast all over this thread. but yes I did post both them, on strainly with the most recent pics I had just posted on cp! but I did not, and do not have any intention of selling or trading them ever, the post was up for right about 6-7 hours, that's when I noticed HB found it! so some of the story you guys have heard is very true, but you didn't hear the whole story, there was something I wanted and needed to know! and I found out, was it a fucked up way to find out yes, was there another way. I've got no clue! as most of you know I have always been one of the very first people to step up and take HB side, I've defended him here on this site many times, and that's even the reason I was banned from this site! so no, I wouldn't fuck him over like that! do I have the same respect for him that I once did, no I do not! but that doesn't mean I go around shitting on the guy, and trying to fuck him over!
no not completely, I did post both of his cuts, for a reason I'm not going to blast all over this thread. but yes I did post both them, on strainly with the most recent pics I had just posted on cp! but I did not, and do not have any intention of selling or trading them ever, the post was up for right about 6-7 hours, that's when I noticed HB found it! so some of the story you guys have heard is very true, but you didn't hear the whole story, there was something I wanted and needed to know! and I found out, was it a fucked up way to find out yes, was there another way. I've got no clue! as most of you know I have always been one of the very first people to step up and take HB side, I've defended him here on this site many times, and that's even the reason I was banned from this site! so no, I wouldn't fuck him over like that! do I have the same respect for him that I once did, no I do not! but that doesn't mean I go around shitting on the guy, and trying to fuck him over!

I know you posted the cuts cos I saw them, I know you got called out because I saw those posts before they got deleted, so there were no stories and rumours and shit it was just what was posted publicly and then deleted. But we are just taking the piss dont take things so seriously we will all be dead soon enough :bigjoint:

I knew I never should have cane back to this site, more negativity then I've ever seen in my life on this dam site, I'm out!

See above ^^^
I know you posted the cuts cos I saw them, I know you got called out because I saw those posts before they got deleted, so there were no stories and rumours and shit it was just what was posted publicly and then deleted. But we are just taking the piss dont take things so seriously we will all be dead soon enough :bigjoint:

See above ^^^
yep, and I have everyone of those screen shots. including personal messages, I have them bc I knew they were going to be deleted ahead of time! as I have said, it was done on purpose bc there was some things that I just wanted to know! and there wasn't any other way to find out, without actually fucking him over! and considering how much I've stood up for him in the past, I just really wanted to know! and I've found out everything I needed to know!
but you know, I'm still waiting for you to find one single person that got any of hb cuts from me? go ahead as I said I'll wait! but yeah I only came here to bitch about free shit, that's why I even corrected my original post hours ago. you go it, yall just know everything! I must say I'm disappointed in some you guys. if you wanted to know you could have just asked! if it didn't matter that much, then why does it matter so much now?
I got my purple punch, gg4, dubstep and walter white and a pack of purple cake and space gorilla on the way, I will run those when i have room. I had to get another light for the occasion to fill out more space in the flower room :D

Its going to be raining frosty colas come September. :D
yep, and I have everyone of those screen shots. including personal messages, I have them bc I knew they were going to be deleted ahead of time! as I have said, it was done on purpose bc there was some things that I just wanted to know! and there wasn't any other way to find out, without actually fucking him over! and considering how much I've stood up for him in the past, I just really wanted to know! and I've found out everything I needed to know!

lol what? Putting clones up on strainly was the only way to find out if your wife was cheating on you or something? Cant imagine what else would be so damn important that you would risk the hit to your reputation..

What are you going to find out from putting clones up on strainly besides who wants the listed clones?

Or is it some oracle shit? Post a clone and get all your answers questioned?? Personally I would ask for the winning powerball numbers ftw
yea, well this just isn't true, I was like third on the list, and I was also on the chuckers site the hour it started, I've messaged about the testers, and I've brought it up many times in the threads, even as of right now, I only have one pack of his gear, and that's thanks to heathen, bc he had one of his extra packs from his order sent to me instead. and that's the only reason I have a pack, if it wasn't for him, I still would not have gotten a single bean. so just saying, I'm not sure anyone that I know of received any packs for free from the original "tester" list.

I know he did hook up a lot of ppl with free packs that either paid money, or had issues with their order, and a lot of ppl just received extra free stuff just for the hell of it I guess. but the tester list, as far as I know, no one got anything from that! at least I didn't for a fact!

edit: apperently I was wrong, I'm told a bunch of ppl got their 3 packs, I guess some how I just missed the train. hell if I know...

Glad you edited your post at the end. I was gonna rip you a new asshole to replace your old used up one. To verify..you DID miss the train and no one gives a shit. GTFO Cornholio :blsmoke:
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