Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

Man he was offered a couple hundred thousand to do all the schools in his county or something, basic boxes and formica tops, but said he just couldn’t get off on building the same boxes day in day out and slapping some mica on top. Look forward to seeing if he has anything at his shop to get some pics of.

I agree with him completely. Fuck the drone work lol.

All mine are going to be custom open face cabinets in natural with a solid oak plank countertop in charcoal. Did some color splotching on some cut boards and it looks fucking gorgeous.

Custom work is so much more gratifying. They can teach any fucking idiot how to build boxes. You're grandpa is a special guy. Soak up everything you can. Mine passed 3 years ago in July... so much I want to ask now that I didn't know then.
My after lunch chore. When life hands you oak trees... make fucking boards lol.

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that's awesome man! i'm an amateur woodworker myself, it's fun to see that you chopped, stripped, and dried your own trees from your own property - that's neat.

i'm assuming you have some sort of chainsaw sled / mill?

my projects are more like house warming gifts, the occasional thing for family, etc.
that's awesome man! i'm an amateur woodworker myself, it's fun to see that you chopped, stripped, and dried your own trees from your own property - that's neat.

i'm assuming you have some sort of chainsaw sled / mill?

my projects are more like house warming gifts, the occasional thing for family, etc.

I know a little about trees and wood prods...but my crasftmanship skills are somewhat’s the 35 year old black walnut pipe, i made....

Nice boards, well stacked and it smells good in there...

I like your style man...

Reminds me of whisky barrels as it drys. Fuck Febreeze lol.

I’d be interested in seeing partial & complete professional carpenter?

Hell no lol. I just wanted to build my own house... self-gratification, I guess.

My wife has been taking pics along the way. I'll have to get them on this thing to post them.
that's awesome man! i'm an amateur woodworker myself, it's fun to see that you chopped, stripped, and dried your own trees from your own property - that's neat.

i'm assuming you have some sort of chainsaw sled / mill?

my projects are more like house warming gifts, the occasional thing for family, etc.

Chainsaw mill (Stihl 661, fucking monster, love this saw!) for the beams, bandsaw mill for the boards. Beams were 28-36 ft. Wouldn't fit on the bandsaw.

I don't mind woodworking but I love smithing. Taking a shit piece of steel and turning into a tool or weapon or mount or anything you may need... made with heat and a hammer. I suppose woodworking is the same, raw material to finished product... you just don't get to beat shit as hard lol.
Chainsaw mill (Stihl 661, fucking monster, love this saw!) for the beams, bandsaw mill for the boards. Beams were 28-36 ft. Wouldn't fit on the bandsaw.

I don't mind woodworking but I love smithing. Taking a shit piece of steel and turning into a tool or weapon or mount or anything you may need... made with heat and a hammer. I suppose woodworking is the same, raw material to finished product... you just don't get to beat shit as hard lol.

Nice man, dying breed...