Yeah it's nice that they sell diy parts so you don't have to deal with rivets if you don't want, rivets?! I don't like rivets. HLG boards are great, but I hate rivets!
Yeah it's nice that they sell diy parts so you don't have to deal with rivets if you don't want to.
The HLG 550 V2 Rspec is available now. I don't believe the UVA bar is available yet, you'll have to check with HLG.Are these available to buy now? The red metal mounting board and black plastic HLG 550 look really sharp. Reminds me of a Ferrari.
RivetsBig P are they rivets? Or allen key screws?
Right, this is the non-DIY version. I would think a DIY'er should be confident in their skills to remove rivets.Chunky buggers! Don't like them either but this is the 550 so its not meant to be DIY'd anyhow.
Looks sleek BTW, impressed on the heat sink temps with such a sleek design.
I do not, other than asking @Stephenj37826 to hear it from the horses mouth.I have read in some other threads the rspec run 4000k and others claim its 3500k do you know which one it actually is?