The "D" day pool, best guess as to when Trump is out

why don't you go shoot up a pizza parlor until you fin out, moron

they did. a federal judge found it credible enough to go forward. then they got more witnesses. then trump had his goons death threat the witness. witness tampering is not uncommon for trump. mueller listed his felonious witness tampering in his report.


clinton was never accused of rape.

you are a loser
Where's your proof that Trump did all that? I suppose you're just making more shit up because you're a ridiculous cuck that can't actually provide any proof of your claims.


Well-Known Member
He was accused, UncleCuck.
no, he wasn't

but trump has been accused of rape, and has SETTLED rape charges, by multiple women including his own wife

he is also on tape sexualizing a 10 year old child, describing how he rapes women, and praising his good friend and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein


Well-Known Member
Where's your proof that Trump did all that?
my proof that trump waspaying off women and sending his goons to make death threats at the exact same time that the lawsuit from the 12 year old girl he raped at the house of convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein dropped her case?

i dunno, ask his lawyer. i can give you his federal inmate number if you ask me nicely


Well-Known Member
He's a disgusting creep. Remember that time Bill said how, when you're famous, you can do whatever you want to do to women. "I don't even wait, I just grab them by the pussy."

Oh... Wait.
remember when bill clinton's first wife said he was upset about some bad hair plugs, so he threw her on the bed and then raped her? and then clinton had the court records sealed in the leadup to the election?

oh nevermind i'm thinking of someone else
my proof that trump waspaying off women and sending his goons to make death threats at the exact same time that the lawsuit from the 12 year old girl he raped at the house of convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein dropped her case?

i dunno, ask his lawyer. i can give you his federal inmate number if you ask me nicely
So because Trump's lawyer is in jail then that means that Trump's automatically guilty of raping dozens of women.

Maybe you should fix your cuck logic.
no, he wasn't

but trump has been accused of rape, and has SETTLED rape charges, by multiple women including his own wife

he is also on tape sexualizing a 10 year old child, describing how he rapes women, and praising his good friend and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein
Yes, he was accused of rape. Try doing a little research, dipshit.clinton rape.png


Well-Known Member
So because Trump's lawyer is in jail then that means that Trump's automatically guilty of raping dozens of women.

Maybe you should fix your cuck logic.
trump's convicted felon, federal prison inmate lawyer is in prison for paying off the women he raped (or had to pay for sex)

no one has 25+ women, including his own wife, say that they raped them. especially not someone who is on tape describing how he goes about raping women.


Well-Known Member
Juanita Broaddrick
she swore under oath that he never tried to do a thing to her.

your 100% cuckified "BUT CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is falling apart faster than a 12 year old girl's virginity in the company of trump at the house of his good buddy and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein
she swore under oath that he never tried to do a thing to her.

your 100% cuckified "BUT CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" is falling apart faster than a 12 year old girl's virginity in the company of trump at the house of his good buddy and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein
She changed her testimony because Clinton had his goons threaten to kill her.

You see? I can make bullshit up about Clinton in the same manner that you make up bullshit about Trump :)
What's the matter, you don't like it when people play the same game you play, Bucko? C'mon, let's keep making up lies about Clinton and Trump :clap:


Well-Known Member
She changed her testimony because Clinton had his goons threaten to kill her.

You see? I can make bullshit up about Clinton in the same manner that you make up bullshit about Trump :)
What's the matter, you don't like it when people play the same game you play, Bucko? C'mon, let's keep making up lies about Clinton and Trump :clap:
last i checked, clinton didn't have a lawyer in prison for paying off his rape victims, nor did he have 25+ accusers, nor did broaddrick ever say she received any death threats

whereas trump's lawyer is in prison for paying off trump's rape victims, trump does have 25+ women accusing him of rape (including his own wife), and the 12 year old girl trump raped at the house of his good friend and convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein did say she received death threats.

so except for getting everything completely wrong, you are doing great, socko