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Just to recap..

Heisen bashes @gu incessantly about how he does business.Then turns around and becomes partners with him. He basically sold out.

Heisen says everything will be tested. Nothing is being tested other than germ rates.
Heisen says hes going to beat everyone's prices. Prices are going up now.
Heisen says everyone getting 3 free packs if your on special list. To my knowledge, this is happening anymore.

He said his service would be A1. Yet it seems half the customers(myself included) didnt get what they ordered.

He said the other forum wouldnt ban anyone. As we know, this is not the case. He acts like a fool on this forum and others and then berates others for their behavior. Hypocrisy?

Did i miss anything?

I dont want to bash the guy but if you say one thing and do another it just rubs me the wrong way. He definitely bit off more than he could chew. Why make all these crosses and take a bunch of pre orders that he didnt even know if he could fulfill? Especially just starting out. I do think there will be some fire in there. Im also seeing guys bashing Heisen only now that they got banned at the other place. I never heard anything about impending herms until 1 guy got banned over there at chuckers p.

I was the one that got banned over there, I didn't say the seeds he is selling will herm, but I did say that if he continues down the road of making cross after cross without testing he will have trouble in the future. I was specifically and only talking about what could happen if he starts crossing his S1's with other S1's. I told him he might have some problems if he does that because Silver isn't some magic that stops herms in their tracks. I also didn't say he was doing anything wrong or that how he was doing things specifically would cause any herms. (Although having all his "males/pollen donors" in one room assures that at least some pollen is getting over and landing on his other pollen donators, most of his seeds will have the "mom" he chose, but certainly not all of them will)

The truth is that a lot of the strains he is running have herms in their genetic background, so there are in fact going to be some recessive genes that come out to play if he starts crossing his Fem's with other FEM'S. It's not any different than if he were doing the same and using actual males. He should still be testing them before sending them out, it doesn't matter how you do it. When you are making crosses, especially from strains that we all know have some intersex traits in their genetic background, you must test them or you can not promise that there will be no herms.

In fact I would suggest that if he starts crossing his own Fem Crosses with other Fem Crosses that he makes that by that point in time he can expect about 25% of them to hermi under stress. That comes from every bit of experience I have ever had with running S1's and I have been at this since the late 80's. Now it's true that I have not crossed S1's made with Silver with other S1's made with silver, but I don't believe there is any reason to believe that you can get away with it, just because you used silver, the recessive genes are still in there and until you grow them out and get rid of them they will remain there.

I asked the simple question. Has ANYONE created two lines of S1's and then Crossed those S1's together without having at least some of those offspring hermie under stress? Anyone? I fully admit I could be wrong, but why would it be different than Males? Even when you run males from these high speed crosses you know you have a chance that the recessive genes will contain intersex traits under stress.

And then he was mad because I pointed out that he shouldn't act like he knows it all when in fact he didn't know enough to dry his beans out before he shipped them. I had to come on there and explain to people why their seeds were jacked up and what to do about it. He either didn't know what was going on or was willing to let people thin that they themselves had messed up and not him. People paid good money, myself included because we were told these seeds were all tested, the crosses have not even been run yet, let alone tested under stress for hermies. (Which you should do even when using males)

I bit my tongue a bunch of times and I did not in any way shape or form intent to get into a fight with the guy. In fact I had intended to do a grow journal with his seeds, but I'm not going to give him free publicity by testing his seeds out after he banned me. I don't have a lot of money to buy seeds with and my purchase from him was the majority of my seed budget for the year. Being a disabled Vet means I don't have the extra money to just toss around. I sure didn't expect to get dumped on, not when all I was honestly doing was trying to stop the guy from making a really bad and amateurish mistake. In fact I think I was being quite helpful by telling people he sold seeds to that they needed to air out their seeds some place cool and dry before they try sprouting them. I also explained to a bunch of people how to get better germination rates and what to expect from the Freaks/mutants that come about from popping beans before they are fully dry.

Oh and I'm not some dude from some other forum who is just pissed about some other thing that went on. I absolutely was NOT trolling. And this is my first post ever on this site and Chuckers paradise was the only pot forum I ever posted on in my entire life. I simply followed his work and thought, hey the guy has some nice fem's, I'll give them a try and "Come out of the closet" now that it's finally legal in Mi. (I've had my med card for years and lived in Ca before that but it's still strange to talk about any of this openly for me) I didn't expect to spend my hard earned cash, try to give good advice and then get banned for my effort.

Now of course I won't dare buy from him again even if he does get his stuff together, who knows what someone that unstable would send me? It's not worth the worry that he would be petty enough to mess with me and send me junk.

It's a shame is what it is and believe it or not, I still wish him the best of luck. I don't think anyone got scammed on these current seeds but he's not testing and he said he would be, that's kind of scammy and if he keeps crossing everything together he's bound to have problems because of it. Without doing the testing, he's relying on his customers to test them for him and I've never seen that turn out well, especially not when crossing FEM seeds with other FEM seeds to do it with, which is where he seems to be headed.

I simply tried to tactfully suggest he not go down that path and that he stick to crossing back to the clones he has and not to cross FEM to FEM without testing and for that I got banned.

No good dead goes unpunished I guess.
I was the one that got banned over there, I didn't say the seeds he is selling will herm, but I did say that if he continues down the road of making cross after cross without testing he will have trouble in the future. I was specifically and only talking about what could happen if he starts crossing his S1's with other S1's. I told him he might have some problems if he does that because Silver isn't some magic that stops herms in their tracks. I also didn't say he was doing anything wrong or that how he was doing things specifically would cause any herms. (Although having all his "males/pollen donors" in one room assures that at least some pollen is getting over and landing on his other pollen donators, most of his seeds will have the "mom" he chose, but certainly not all of them will)

The truth is that a lot of the strains he is running have herms in their genetic background, so there are in fact going to be some recessive genes that come out to play if he starts crossing his Fem's with other FEM'S. It's not any different than if he were doing the same and using actual males. He should still be testing them before sending them out, it doesn't matter how you do it. When you are making crosses, especially from strains that we all know have some intersex traits in their genetic background, you must test them or you can not promise that there will be no herms.

In fact I would suggest that if he starts crossing his own Fem Crosses with other Fem Crosses that he makes that by that point in time he can expect about 25% of them to hermi under stress. That comes from every bit of experience I have ever had with running S1's and I have been at this since the late 80's. Now it's true that I have not crossed S1's made with Silver with other S1's made with silver, but I don't believe there is any reason to believe that you can get away with it, just because you used silver, the recessive genes are still in there and until you grow them out and get rid of them they will remain there.

I asked the simple question. Has ANYONE created two lines of S1's and then Crossed those S1's together without having at least some of those offspring hermie under stress? Anyone? I fully admit I could be wrong, but why would it be different than Males? Even when you run males from these high speed crosses you know you have a chance that the recessive genes will contain intersex traits under stress.

And then he was mad because I pointed out that he shouldn't act like he knows it all when in fact he didn't know enough to dry his beans out before he shipped them. I had to come on there and explain to people why their seeds were jacked up and what to do about it. He either didn't know what was going on or was willing to let people thin that they themselves had messed up and not him. People paid good money, myself included because we were told these seeds were all tested, the crosses have not even been run yet, let alone tested under stress for hermies. (Which you should do even when using males)

I bit my tongue a bunch of times and I did not in any way shape or form intent to get into a fight with the guy. In fact I had intended to do a grow journal with his seeds, but I'm not going to give him free publicity by testing his seeds out after he banned me. I don't have a lot of money to buy seeds with and my purchase from him was the majority of my seed budget for the year. Being a disabled Vet means I don't have the extra money to just toss around. I sure didn't expect to get dumped on, not when all I was honestly doing was trying to stop the guy from making a really bad and amateurish mistake. In fact I think I was being quite helpful by telling people he sold seeds to that they needed to air out their seeds some place cool and dry before they try sprouting them. I also explained to a bunch of people how to get better germination rates and what to expect from the Freaks/mutants that come about from popping beans before they are fully dry.

Oh and I'm not some dude from some other forum who is just pissed about some other thing that went on. I absolutely was NOT trolling. And this is my first post ever on this site and Chuckers paradise was the only pot forum I ever posted on in my entire life. I simply followed his work and thought, hey the guy has some nice fem's, I'll give them a try and "Come out of the closet" now that it's finally legal in Mi. (I've had my med card for years and lived in Ca before that but it's still strange to talk about any of this openly for me) I didn't expect to spend my hard earned cash, try to give good advice and then get banned for my effort.

Now of course I won't dare buy from him again even if he does get his stuff together, who knows what someone that unstable would send me? It's not worth the worry that he would be petty enough to mess with me and send me junk.

It's a shame is what it is and believe it or not, I still wish him the best of luck. I don't think anyone got scammed on these current seeds but he's not testing and he said he would be, that's kind of scammy and if he keeps crossing everything together he's bound to have problems because of it. Without doing the testing, he's relying on his customers to test them for him and I've never seen that turn out well, especially not when crossing FEM seeds with other FEM seeds to do it with, which is where he seems to be headed.

I simply tried to tactfully suggest he not go down that path and that he stick to crossing back to the clones he has and not to cross FEM to FEM without testing and for that I got banned.

No good dead goes unpunished I guess.
I have to ask, does he stand behind what hes selling? I mean if there is a problem will he take care of the issue?
I have to ask, does he stand behind what hes selling? I mean if there is a problem will he take care of the issue?

I have no idea if he does or not. I only know that he treated me like garbage and I was doing my best to be polite. He's now over on Chucker's talking gargabe about me even though I didn't go out of my way to be rude even after he banned me. In fact I didn't say one bad word over there about him and I'm still a member. I could be over there starting a thread right now giving him smack talk. Instead the guy takes my money, blocks me from his thread and talks about me behind my back. If you want to do business with him it's on you, but unless you are really desperate for seeds why bother? There are lot's of people out there who know how to treat a customer and who are being honest.

The fact is that he didn't test any of his crosses and that's actually fine. I'd still buy them if he wasn't such a jerk. I'd buy them knowing that they were not tested and with the full knowledge that some of them might have problems. But he posted that ALL of them were tested and that was a lie.

He just took that down his statement that they are all tested, by the way, so at least he is no longer lying about having tested all of them. That's a good thing and I think people will still buy from him anyway. Some people are that desperate and I don't blame them, but I'm not that desperate.

I had 100% intended to drop this and didn't even bring it up until I found out he was over there talking about me behind my back. He could have PM'd me or anything else but instead he blocks me and talks behind my back.

What a lousy way to be introduced to pot forums.
I have no idea if he does or not. I only know that he treated me like garbage and I was doing my best to be polite. He's now over on Chucker's talking gargabe about me even though I didn't go out of my way to be rude even after he banned me. In fact I didn't say one bad word over there about him and I'm still a member. I could be over there starting a thread right now giving him smack talk. Instead the guy takes my money, blocks me from his thread and talks about me behind my back. If you want to do business with him it's on you, but unless you are really desperate for seeds why bother? There are lot's of people out there who know how to treat a customer and who are being honest.

The fact is that he didn't test any of his crosses and that's actually fine. I'd still buy them if he wasn't such a jerk. I'd buy them knowing that they were not tested and with the full knowledge that some of them might have problems. But he posted that ALL of them were tested and that was a lie.

He just took that down his statement that they are all tested, by the way, so at least he is no longer lying about having tested all of them. That's a good thing and I think people will still buy from him anyway. Some people are that desperate and I don't blame them, but I'm not that desperate.

I had 100% intended to drop this and didn't even bring it up until I found out he was over there talking about me behind my back. He could have PM'd me or anything else but instead he blocks me and talks behind my back.

What a lousy way to be introduced to pot forums.
if you want some quality seeds with great fucking customer service, check out seedsherenow.com they are awesome
I have no idea if he does or not. I only know that he treated me like garbage and I was doing my best to be polite. He's now over on Chucker's talking gargabe about me even though I didn't go out of my way to be rude even after he banned me. In fact I didn't say one bad word over there about him and I'm still a member. I could be over there starting a thread right now giving him smack talk. Instead the guy takes my money, blocks me from his thread and talks about me behind my back. If you want to do business with him it's on you, but unless you are really desperate for seeds why bother? There are lot's of people out there who know how to treat a customer and who are being honest.

The fact is that he didn't test any of his crosses and that's actually fine. I'd still buy them if he wasn't such a jerk. I'd buy them knowing that they were not tested and with the full knowledge that some of them might have problems. But he posted that ALL of them were tested and that was a lie.

He just took that down his statement that they are all tested, by the way, so at least he is no longer lying about having tested all of them. That's a good thing and I think people will still buy from him anyway. Some people are that desperate and I don't blame them, but I'm not that desperate.

I had 100% intended to drop this and didn't even bring it up until I found out he was over there talking about me behind my back. He could have PM'd me or anything else but instead he blocks me and talks behind my back.

What a lousy way to be introduced to pot forums.

if you want some quality seeds with great fucking customer service, check out seedsher enow. they are awesome

Thanks, I'll check them out. I've actually had really good luck up until this encounter with HB. In fact this is the first negative experience I have had with ANYONE selling seeds so far, everyone else has been very professional and first rate.
I have to ask, does he stand behind what hes selling? I mean if there is a problem will he take care of the issue?

Well now I can actually answer that question, because I contacted him on Chuckers and it led to another big mess.

First he offered me money back and ask what paypal I used, then he asked me to send the seeds back, which of course I was expecting to do, nobody keeps the stuff and gets a refund, so I told him that was fine, I would send them back and I asked him for his address. He didn't give me the address and instead cussed me out some more, I asked him again for the address and got more of his nonsense, but no address. At that point he stopped replying. I figured he would send the address in the morning or he wouldn't but I wasn't going to continue to fight with him.

Then I check my personal e-mail and he is now accusing me of getting his paypal account blocked. I did not say one word to paypal, heck I paid as a "gift to a friend" in the first place. and I promised twice that I would not contact paypal and I said I wouldn't even contact paypal even if he didn't give me back any money at all. I told him twice he could have his seeds back and refund me or not refund me and either way I'd leave him alone if he just left me alone.

I then went to check the chuckers account and now I have been blocked on Chucker's completely, which is fine, It's not like I posted a whole bunch and lost long time friends or anything, but it was still an unbelievably bad situation and it still is actually.
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For anyone who reads this:

I don't know who contacted paypal in regards to him but if you know who did, would you please let him know; that would be nice. Just so he stops blaming me at least, I don't need this stress. If you don't want to let him know directly then please tell someone else on here or at chuckers so they can spread the word that I didn't mess with his account.
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For anyone who reads this:

I don't know who contacted paypal in regards to him but if you know who did, would you please let him know; that would be nice. Just so he stops blaming me at least, I don't need this stress. If you don't want to let him know directly then please tell someone else on here or at chuckers so they can spread the word that I didn't mess with his account.

Who are you ?
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