Ethos Banana Hammock comparative(exodus thread)

I’m with you I agree I just questioned the discrepancies. Because I noticed It. There’s no hard feelings I just felt like you were twisting what I was trying to say and that shit frustrates me to no end I was never once doubting you. Or questioning you I just didn’t understand why those beans weren’t on the ETHOS website.

F#ck! I’m pissed! I leave for a couple, and thers 5 pages of nuclear war for me to figure out. Now is that legit?
it's good your skeptical man. I'm a new memeber with little to no posts and no avatar.

But like Smokexbreak said they are legit ways to be more anonymous online.

also you should be stripping the meta data from your photos when you upload them. If you have gps tagging enabled on your photos it literally has the coordinates of where you took the photo stored as meta data on the photo. You can use my script below as an example of how to strip the meta data(i use it to strip all meta data from photos i upload and reduce there size). Otherwise you can try online tools or more friendly tools by doing some google searches.



for filename in $dir_to_process/*; do
echo $filename
exiftool -all= $filename
jpegoptim --max=80 $filename
ls -l $filename --block-size=M
mv $filename processed/

echo "=======Cleaning up old files ========="
rm -f $dir_to_process/*.JPG_original

echo "============Done!============"

ls -l processed/ --block-size=M

Get you a tracking number in the AM smokebreak.

Adults can have disagreements without being motherfuckers. If you wanna send something ethos back, awesome.

If not. I’ll buy more seeds. They all come back around.

Soil has mine and haven’t heard back much so it’s all good. I’ll help and try to benefit anyone I can even if they don’t get me back.

I’ll get you a nice pack put together bro. You want some autos too or just photos?
I've been looking for something less expensive since 3D mentioned that. I'm having a helluva time finding anything cheaper that's talked about as much in the forums. The only other one I've seen in comparison is Dutch Master Gold Silica which is just as much. I'm buying a gallon of Rhino...

I’m starting to question if the silica has been my issue getting my PH in my hempy reservoirs down. In that article it says that its there until it’s used. If I’m adding silica in every time I feed if it’s in excess and just in then reservoir it may be effecting my PH. I know when I add it that it swings my ph almost 2.0

Holy fuck! You package your shit like that all the time lol. Just did it like you did... takes a while. The ODST seeds didn't want to fit lol.

Packed up though. Going out tomorrow. My wife insisted on sending your woman something. Hope she does her nails lol.
Legit has been used in this thread over 100 times in 6 hours I counted.

I just spent 7.5 hrs trimmin a less than half pound plant...last time EVER in my life, gottdammit!... and take it from me, that’s legit.. nex fuclinass almost-as-much-trim-as-bud plant goes in the burn pile!...the one outside!!!
I just spent 7.5 hrs trimmin a less than half pound plant...last time EVER in my life, gottdammit!... and take it from me, that’s legit.. nex fuclinass almost-as-much-trim-as-bud plant goes in the burn pile!...the one outside!!!

Fuck that!! Lmao I keep telling myself I’m never gonna trim for hours again. And then I harvest. Legitimately SUCKS ASS
Nah they got deported. *Bah-dah-bah*

Kidding kidding!!

Dude you think this fuckin silica is why I can’t get my reservoir PH down? I’ve Put 5.8 ph nutes last time and I just flushed at 5.8 and the runoff is 6.6-6.7. Like WTF.

It's very possible. You never mentioned silica... especially since it has K in it lol.