312w, CFL's, 4 plants, TV Cab growbox: GrowJournal.


Well-Known Member
Ok so it has officially been 3 weeks since they poked their heads out of the ground, I gave them 1/2 strength shultz 10/15/10 liquid plant food today as well as bought some molasses and I was considering some Natures Creation 3/3/3 organic ferts with mycro(...)fungi, anyone heard of this?

Here's some pics of the new HPS system with the light turned off.



Well-Known Member
Ok so I was inspecting the plants, and I think I found a preflower on one of them, how is this possible? They have been on 24/7 light since sprouting. I am trying a find a better camera so I can get a closeup of the hair. It is just 1 hair on the plant coming out by the nodes.
Happens all the time I had 3 plants autoflower on me after 33days luckily they were all girls :)


Well-Known Member
The Girls will LOVE you and reward you for buying that HPS.

They look really healthy, at this rate your going to get a great harvest.:weed:


Well-Known Member
Thanks dude I couldn't have done it without this site, it has really taught me a lot. I really wanted to stay all CFL but with how cheap that HPS was and how well it lights with 150w compared to 6 CFL's it was well worth the money.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, there has been a lot of growth under the new 150w HPS light paired with 8 26w CFL's, here is a few pics at Day 24, I will start 12/12 on Wednesday.

Here is a pic of each plant, and a side shot with each plant.



Well-Known Member
Ok, so I ordered the light and it came 2 days later, I went to the depot and constructed my own reflector as well as made a remote ballast, this is the new setup.
omg dem hes right derr sexy so u using the hps hummm I think I need a nice reflector.... how did u make urs?


Well-Known Member
omg dem hes right derr sexy so u using the hps hummm I think I need a nice reflector.... how did u make urs?
I went to the Home Depot and bought a sheet of metal from the heating and cooling dept. I then bought flat white high temp paint, some nuts and bolts, and hooks to hang the reflector, I bought an L bracket to attach the HPS bulb, I cut the metal to the size reflector I wanted, then using a 2x4 I bent the metal into the shape I wanted, drilled holes from the nuts and bolts and walaa.


Well-Known Member
I went to the Home Depot and bought a sheet of metal from the heating and cooling dept. I then bought flat white high temp paint, some nuts and bolts, and hooks to hang the reflector, I bought an L bracket to attach the HPS bulb, I cut the metal to the size reflector I wanted, then using a 2x4 I bent the metal into the shape I wanted, drilled holes from the nuts and bolts and walaa.

Sound beautiful!!!!!


Well-Known Member
grow is lukin realli well .. i shall b keepin my eye on it .. shud do a journal myself hav 3 wee seedlins that sprouted threw last nite ..


Well-Known Member
Ok well they are big enough now to put into 12/12. Tonight at 10 the lights go dark. I will definitely keep everyone updated for the next week.


Well-Known Member
So before I was going to put into 12/12 I wanted to inspect after I made that last post and... Pic attached, look right in the middle, where I fimmed the plant theres a long white hair coming out and on the other side are two white hairs that you cannot see. This is my biggest and bushiest plant so I am naturally very excited. Sorry for the crappy pic quality but its the only camera I have.



Well-Known Member
There is one long hair on the left, and two small hairs on the right, as well as a couple more hairs a bit lower down that you cannot see.



Well-Known Member
damn that looks like it could be a pistol but, it kinda looks like its might be the light hitting the stipule just right. the first pic i saw some potential but its kind blur at teh preflower site. so imma say im about 80% sure thats a girl


Well-Known Member
try this put a white peice of paper behind your plant where ur taking the picture this will cause the camera to auto focus more on the plant instead of the back lighting