FISA Abuse by FBI

There was no collusion. I just like hearing Russian accents so I kept calling the Russian embassy to ask for their mama's recipes for blinis.
I am going to exert executive privilege on the document that "totally exonerates!" me.

And, no you can not ask any more questions abt it.

Case close! No Collusion! Hannity agrees! What more do you people need?!
Perhaps it is just me, but I don’t think partisan government folk need access to all email and phone calls of a political candidate.
Perhaps it is just me, but I don’t think partisan government folk need access to all email and phone calls of a political candidate.

This thread of you and numb nuts nitro is great. If you replaced her with him, your dillusions and projections are some what accurate. Also, do you smoke crack, meth, or both?

I don't see it damaging the dem party, just the outgoing administration or maybe just Hillary depending on the email content. Even if she did nothing wrong, it is going to remain a political mess for her in the near term.
I'm going to put in a request for a new body on a different planet, too many idiots on this one lol.
I think that according to his religion, mankind will first devour life on this planet before moving on in spirit to the next and begin again. I wonder where mankind was about 300,000 years ago when we came here?

MoonBug would have one believe humans are cosmic locusts. It aligns well with US style libertarian-ism. Religious nuts always put themselves as God's chosen ones. Or in this case, the Devil's.