Trump bails out farmers on the American Taxpayer's dime


Hankey for President 2020 not the first dumb shit to run.

I bet he's running or runny just like the turd we have not farmers will love him
Even if this last bailout passes, it will not cover losses incurred by soybean farmers. With the Chinese out of the market there is so much over supply the per bushel price has tanked. Even with bumper crops, they will not cover the cost of getting the crop in the ground, cared for, harvested and shipped to market. And now the double trouble of Midwest flooding is going to make making a crop that much harder. Lots of farms are going to be auctioned off. Most row crop farmers farm on credit. Two bad years and they can lose it all.
Even if this last bailout passes, it will not cover losses incurred by soybean farmers. With the Chinese out of the market there is so much over supply the per bushel price has tanked. Even with bumper crops, they will not cover the cost of getting the crop in the ground, cared for, harvested and shipped to market. And now the double trouble of Midwest flooding is going to make making a crop that much harder. Lots of farms are going to be auctioned off. Most row crop farmers farm on credit. Two bad years and they can lose it all.
There’s millions in losses from flood damaged corn, soybeans and wheat that nobody is going to cover. No insurance. No federal bailout program. All stored because Trump. The bastard hasn’t even tweeted his fake sympathy or asked for prayers for those poor hayshakers.
Are you trying to say its okay to force people to do "charity" for a cause that you like?
is it okay to force people to pay for and fill a trillion dollar plus hole in the fed to cover tax breaks for wealthy individuals and corporations, trumps regular weekend golf outings including security for his entire brood, frivolous misuse of US armed forces at the border, trumps tariffs, misuse of tax moneys by his cabinets members for their extravagant perks ?...No, but if i had a choice i would rather be forced to feed and educate kids, help impoverished americans by improving healthcare & housing, fix, repair the dangerous and crumbling national infrastructure, help our states and commonwealths recover from natural disasters.
is it okay to force people to pay for and fill a trillion dollar plus hole in the fed to cover tax breaks for wealthy individuals and corporations, trumps regular weekend golf outings including security for his entire brood, frivolous misuse of US armed forces at the border, trumps tariffs, misuse of tax moneys by his cabinets members for their extravagant perks ?...No, but if i had a choice i would rather be forced to feed and educate kids, help impoverished americans by improving healthcare & housing, fix, repair the dangerous and crumbling national infrastructure, help our states and commonwealths recover from natural disasters.

"If I had a choice..."

If I rob you and take some administrative fees from the money I get from you, you're okay with the robbery if I use the money to feed kids and stuff? Hey that sounds great!

Okay, about where do you live? I'll deduct my expenses and a very reasonable $100 per hour for my time to rob you and I promise to spend the money on feeding hungry kids. I have a friend who has agreed to sell me the food too. Of course he'll need to be paid etc, but yeah we'll do good things with your money.

I have another friend who knows a lot about houses, I'll bring him along, I'm sorry but if your house isn't up to his codes, we may have to move you out of it until it can repaired. For your own good.
How can conservatives support this socialist policy?....flip flop
They support his racist policies. Most of his supporters are like most in the country and don't have a clue about farming. The Roundup Ready or especially the Dicamba-Ready farmers don't know much about farming either, come to think of it. Trump validates the ignorant.
"If I had a choice..."

If I rob you and take some administrative fees from the money I get from you, you're okay with the robbery if I use the money to feed kids and stuff? Hey that sounds great!

Okay, about where do you live? I'll deduct my expenses and a very reasonable $100 per hour for my time to rob you and I promise to spend the money on feeding hungry kids. I have a friend who has agreed to sell me the food too. Of course he'll need to be paid etc, but yeah we'll do good things with your money.

I have another friend who knows a lot about houses, I'll bring him along, I'm sorry but if your house isn't up to his codes, we may have to move you out of it until it can repaired. For your own good.
Might be time to audit the federal reserve and jail some fkn bankers....End the IRS too
Trump is showing just how much he cares for the American farmer. He tanked their market, then offered to come in as a saving grace if they still show love for him. Farmers are being flooded out and not even a word from him. Trump wants to be the hero. Look at me and see what I'm doing... screw the little people I had to step on to get here.
Let’s borrow money from China to pay farmers not to sell to China so Americans can pay more for the goods we get from China

Smart thinking, sock

Those are good points. Except the things you mentioned are symptoms of a greater problem and not root causes.

What is money?