Greenpoint seeds!!

Looking stellar man.

Chopped mine yesterday. Buds are not the tightest, probly my doing. But the frost makes up for it. LOL smell at chop [and she was in the back of the tent where I couldn’t get my nose on her the whole grow dammit] was burnt rubber. But after a day of hang the rubber seems to be fading into maybe cookie, time will tell. Couple snaps.
At chop.

View attachment 4330255
Different bud after a day of hangen.
View attachment 4330256

Lookin good as well man. you definitely have a slightly different looking bud structure than me. what kinda light are you growing under? i'm HPS currently.
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Do u recommend them and their seeds?
Yea, most definitly. Fire.weed from
What ive ran of them. And seen.
Theres.haters always when som1 is doing things right. Dicernment is upto.u tho. following of haters.
Who.bitch ways.
Those.ppl.just dont underatand breeding and as I asked one.can you honestly say growing 20 years

I was catching heat for using his line in my breeding.
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According to the 1967 pages behind they are well liked. I did not read them all...I can tell you that I ordered ( first time )a reverse auction for $22.50 seed packs x2 and received no contact in 1 week ( sent 2 emails ). All I can say I hope the guy is OK.. regardless I got $65 in the mail since May 2 and have not heard a word. He seems well liked here so I don't want to ruffle any feathers on how I am feeling. I will let this pan out for now. Perhaps others can chime in'..

Do u recommend them and their seeds?
am i missing something? all the article talks about it how shitty that distribution center is. where is the part about GPS 'going down'? also, are you drunk? wtf does that even say at the end of the last post?

Fr tho, i may have been drinking...
But that dont change gps getting the.heat on them along with alot of CO. Ppl obivously.
Hes made.a major amount of.sells.worldwide. bitcoins alone can get a man in trouble. Its still illegal on a fed level dont forget.

If ppl is missing alot of packages coming and going, they prolly on his tail.(wont be no weed charge)

Everything I said b4 is 100% true with usa to usa mail.
If anything isnt making it to.him thats a bad sign for.him.
And if.any1 has ever dealt with feds like.swim. its very scary.. no normal jail.shit.

That distrubution center aint just "shitty" id be naive to believe that. they at that post office just arnt capable. Its a easy job...its their trade.

And gu is just ignoring orders.. yea hes catching heat.
If theres been ANY delivery probs. Us to us.. its For sure.. this aint the holidays.

Not far fetched at all..
I didnt pay for one order from GPS. AND GOT ALL my orders. . Got at least 3k from him.
Within 1.5 years.
So if ppl sending the bread and having problems, its just common sense.
If it wasnt for all tracking ppl got, id say maybe a exit scam.
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Just a little backed up on emails. Once they get past 300 unread it becomes a mountain to climb.
Thats good, last thing any of us.want for eachother is heat.

But str8 up if any USA packages are getting stopped.b4 they get its a cause.for.concern bigtime.

No telling what kinda crazy shit ur into, that puts up flags. Bitcoins.are

Im paranoid bc ive had search warrants brought up against my property, nothing bud either.
Everything is running the same on my side. Not sure what you’re referencing.
All the ppl.claiming that there packages are getting held up.b4 they get 2 u.
But like.I.said b4 usa to.usa is bullet proof, so many ppl.may just be full of it.
Bc its hard to believe any priority wld be have probs within our system.
Only way it wld,.wld be a cause for.concern.
Mail pile is bigger than ever. Probably just slow usps.
Priority aint slow tho.
And thats,
I have no.clue if they full.of.shit or.not.
Im not silly.enough to think this is any type.of threat to us buyers. Nor will it ever be.

If uve been getting all payments, then the others who saying this are.just amatuer (wannabe)scammers.
Who dont know.the law or.mail.system lol
If u gonna scam dont claim priority in other words. Lol b day card, letter mail.
Priority aint slow tho.
And thats,
I have no.clue if they full.of.shit or.not.
Im not silly.enough to think this is any type.of threat to us buyers. Nor will it ever be.

If uve been getting all payments, then the others who saying this are.just amatuer (wannabe)scammers.
Who dont know.the law or.mail.system lol
If u gonna scam dont claim priority in other words. Lol b day card, letter mail.
Think they were just referring to an issue with the system sending confirmation emails. I had no issues with 3 orders, and then on this last one, no email was received. But wrote down the order # and address for payment. Issue resolved.