What did you accomplish today?

Yes, I was quite pleased to see someone had thoughtfully brought the fight to me. I've been to busy IRL to follow up virtual leads. Only to find it had been declared off limits! @sunni any chance you might give us a special Sunday dispensation to brangle about over that thread and kill it first thing Monday?

Lol. You guys have to get up earlier, or go to bed a lot later. I had a little fun while it lasted. Hope your trimming misery is almost over...

I woke up to find a dead horse in T&T's reception area. It was surrounded by an impressive array of bats, clubs, cudgels, truncheons and the odd mace. It also had a big NO BEATING - Mgmt placard hung on it. MMAANN am I frustrated.

(picks up nightstick)

(contemplates local inventory reduction of fragile, somewhat unwanted objects)
An example of the many useless items I store in my head:

The term "beating a dead horse" is nautical in origin. It refers to when you have paid off your debt to the ship and you draw your full pay. It was {is} common practice for sailors to run up rent and bar taps in port towns, and the Captain would {will} pay them off when they get hired, then keep the bulk of his pay until it's paid off.

I made edible in my Ninja Foodi! I'm so pleased with it. I crumbled a 1:10 ratio of bud to melted coconut oil in a canning jar, added 2" of water to my pressure cooker, placed the lid on the jar and put it on the offset rack and pressure cooked on low for 1 hour.

The oil measured 189 degrees on removal and filtered through a coffee filter to what you see. It's in the refrigerator cooling. I did lick the spatula, report on effectiveness to follow.
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I made edible in my Ninja Foodi! I'm so pleased with it. I crumbled a 1:10 ratio of bud to melted coconut oil in a canning jar, added 2" of water to my pressure cooker, placed the lid on the jar and put it on the offset rack and pressure cooked on low for 1 hour.

The oil measured 189 degrees on removal and filtered through a coffee filter to what you see. It's in the refrigerator cooling. I did lick the spatula, report on effectiveness to follow.

threw out my old bed, moved my computer into the new room so now im just going to live here. move all my stuff in the new room as well but still need to clean it out got a shit load of things in the room that isn't mine. my dad and sister and her bf removed the carpet and tiles in the bedroom as well as the vanity mirror and sink/cabinet in the half bathroom. i mean really it was a super easy job i don't have a lot of shit in my room and although yea it was dirty cause i don't care for a half bath to begin with nor used it as much it was easy to clean up.

still got 2 more things i need to bring over i will probably do it tomorrow after work or tuesday on my day off. it's just the tent and the aquarium both is going to be a pain to remove and set back up mostly the aquarium. other then that though renovation on the room should be extremely fast maybe a week tops the floors is what is going to take the longest and counter top since the counter top is going be marble but my dad is doing all the renovations himself since he already does it for a living. imma help of course.

going to work in about half an hour but overall productive day. happy that i work tonight but not with my boss. my boss leaving after 3pm when i get in. i also get paid today which is good im almost broke maybe $30 in my account right now. work tomorrow morning so going to be extremely tired.

idk if my dad got a check in for the car yet but it looks like he did but it's sunday of course so can't do much until tomorrow and hopefully the money comes in quick cause i aint trying to catch the bus to work. other then that though i mean i like this room only thing i really hate about it is i need to deal with 2 of the cats. one of um hates my dog so idk how that is going to go the other cat is okay with my dog. dislike the cats shedding as well and the cat that hates my dog is extremely clingy. i don't think they are going to leave this room though
Put a temp controller in the grow room, the AC on conserve mode doesn't register the actual indoor temp until the fan kicks in so it gets too hot. Swamp cooler is done, I'll rape some usable parts out of it and recycle the rest. Took the afternoon off and took a nap.
I've got a touch of work work to finish up, then home for supper. May pass on the camp tonight. That would be twice in two weeks. This is a habit I don't want to get into.

Anyway it's the new moon, which means no moon. I've had some of my historically bad hiking wrecks on new moons. My shins may thank me for wussing out.