NFTG. Nectar For The Gods

Thug pug can be touchy with feed ... ful power is good for foliar , when cloning I use it to help with it while its building roots , or after a transplant .. #4 soil , has a ph around 7.0 and a low ppm which is good for a seedling or young plant but should start a light feed right away ... Just got a sample of max microbe and playing with it , as far as tea days , cultured , photo plus , fish shit , ..... been playing with ACCT brewing bu blend , EWC , bokashi and using Neptune fish and molasses and watching the ph and ppm ... had ph start at 7.6 and at 48 hours had a ph of 4.1 all awhile watching the ph from start to the 48 hour mark .. now ill take that tea and mix in fresh water to dilute the strength ... with ph at 4.1 it made the mix at a ph of 6.5 ... im still messing with it and learning ..the idea ph I would like it to be is a 6.8-7.0 ... but I added the tea to a "test" plant and she seems to love it ... also added it to my out door garden and they seem to love it .. I have a tomato plant already producing fruit and its 3 foot tall....
Nice!! Let me know how the samples go. I got EZ tea veg and bloom along with Dr.Root. Im going to start playing around with making my own tea pretty soon. Thanks everybody for the tips.
Nice!! Let me know how the samples go. I got EZ tea veg and bloom along with Dr.Root. Im going to start playing around with making my own tea pretty soon. Thanks everybody for the tips.

you can play with nectar pretty good and the schedule as long as your watching your slurries the FFT , FFF can be played any way you want
Thug pug can be touchy with feed ... ful power is good for foliar , when cloning I use it to help with it while its building roots , or after a transplant .. #4 soil , has a ph around 7.0 and a low ppm which is good for a seedling or young plant but should start a light feed right away ... Just got a sample of max microbe and playing with it , as far as tea days , cultured , photo plus , fish shit , ..... been playing with ACCT brewing bu blend , EWC , bokashi and using Neptune fish and molasses and watching the ph and ppm ... had ph start at 7.6 and at 48 hours had a ph of 4.1 all awhile watching the ph from start to the 48 hour mark .. now ill take that tea and mix in fresh water to dilute the strength ... with ph at 4.1 it made the mix at a ph of 6.5 ... im still messing with it and learning ..the idea ph I would like it to be is a 6.8-7.0 ... but I added the tea to a "test" plant and she seems to love it ... also added it to my out door garden and they seem to love it .. I have a tomato plant already producing fruit and its 3 foot tall....
that's awesome bubba, love the Tea experimenting....when the ph dives in the Tea it's the protozoa dominating and a great tool for nutrient cycling!! And all the info is spot on for the NFTG newcomers!!
that's awesome bubba, love the Tea experimenting....when the ph dives in the Tea it's the protozoa dominating and a great tool for nutrient cycling!! And all the info is spot on for the NFTG newcomers!!
Yoo Irie i saw on ur profile we got the same birthday 10 years apart I'm aug 31 1989 hahaha birthday bros.
Nice!! Let me know how the samples go. I got EZ tea veg and bloom along with Dr.Root. Im going to start playing around with making my own tea pretty soon. Thanks everybody for the tips.
There has been a few different Cultured / NECTAR recipes. Cultured website has their most recent feed schedule broke down to early/mid/late for both VEG and BLOOM, with the Dr. Root for early innoculation and taking cuttings, plus it can be combined with EZ VEG once cuttings/seedlings start getting more establishing (approx. 14-21 days old). I did notice the CB schedule has been adjusted some over last couple years, I reccommend you follow what's on their site now and you can modify it more once you get a feel for how your plants react. It's a great opportunity to learn how the addatives(tools) work in your garden. I always put 5-30ml of HERC in my EZ TEA, then for VEG I add 5 ml each of krak, peg, and Persephones; PH to 6.3-6.5; then add 5 ml Of EZ TEA VEG and the plant and build up from there. For BLOOM I do the same plus 5-20 ml of Tritons and/or Morpheus; PH to 6.5-6.8; then add 5 ml of EZ TEA BLOOM and plant and build up from there.
Here's a kickass tip if you want to dive down the rabbit hole with me!!--
Since you have Ful-power, foliar spray the reccommended dose of Ful-power w/ HYGEIA or some type of organic setting agent plus 5 ml Of Aphrodites per quart the following day after a VEG tea day, as well as after BLOOM teas up to 2 weeks in!! You want to just drench the Aphro after tea days once passed the foliar threshold. The magic is in the foliar application though, brix levels sky rocket!! The plant will take in the fulvic and carbs through the leaf stomata which stimulate the plant to pump them down into the freshly innoculated rhizosphere in the form of specific exudates that attract and feed specific microbes to ensure the plant then gets the nutrients & minerals digested into plant available forms ...SYMBIOSIS BABY!!.... This tip is still beneficial as a root drench because we need to keep the microbes feeding and colonizing and they gobble up the carbs but when we can foliar it puts the plant in the driver seat. Don't get overwhelmed by all this, I just like to explain to the best of my knowledge and experience what is going on with the plant when gardening with a healthy living rhizosphere, which in return opens the doors to more pronounced genetic expressions. Just stick to the schedules and try to keep a "feed the soil" mindset----- "You asked Loop" LOL!!
There has been a few different Cultured / NECTAR recipes. Cultured website has their most recent feed schedule broke down to early/mid/late for both VEG and BLOOM, with the Dr. Root for early innoculation and taking cuttings, plus it can be combined with EZ VEG once cuttings/seedlings start getting more establishing (approx. 14-21 days old). I did notice the CB schedule has been adjusted some over last couple years, I reccommend you follow what's on their site now and you can modify it more once you get a feel for how your plants react. It's a great opportunity to learn how the addatives(tools) work in your garden. I always put 5-30ml of HERC in my EZ TEA, then for VEG I add 5 ml each of krak, peg, and Persephones; PH to 6.3-6.5; then add 5 ml Of EZ TEA VEG and the plant and build up from there. For BLOOM I do the same plus 5-20 ml of Tritons and/or Morpheus; PH to 6.5-6.8; then add 5 ml of EZ TEA BLOOM and plant and build up from there.
Here's a kickass tip if you want to dive down the rabbit hole with me!!--
Since you have Ful-power, foliar spray the reccommended dose of Ful-power w/ HYGEIA or some type of organic setting agent plus 5 ml Of Aphrodites per quart the following day after a VEG tea day, as well as after BLOOM teas up to 2 weeks in!! You want to just drench the Aphro after tea days once passed the foliar threshold. The magic is in the foliar application though, brix levels sky rocket!! The plant will take in the fulvic and carbs through the leaf stomata which stimulate the plant to pump them down into the freshly innoculated rhizosphere in the form of specific exudates that attract and feed specific microbes to ensure the plant then gets the nutrients & minerals digested into plant available forms ...SYMBIOSIS BABY!!.... This tip is still beneficial as a root drench because we need to keep the microbes feeding and colonizing and they gobble up the carbs but when we can foliar it puts the plant in the driver seat. Don't get overwhelmed by all this, I just like to explain to the best of my knowledge and experience what is going on with the plant when gardening with a healthy living rhizosphere, which in return opens the doors to more pronounced genetic expressions. Just stick to the schedules and try to keep a "feed the soil" mindset----- "You asked Loop" LOL!!
Your the man!! Im deff going to try all of this, this nectar community is awesome. I was emailing back and forth with scott and he was very welcoming and offers any kind of help like you guys do. Ill deff be taking a trip down the rabbit hole. Been wanting to run organics for a long time. Ive only done advanced because thats what I was taught. Ill keep you guys posted. I popped those beans about 24 hours ago so hopefully we take off very soon. Im going to read your comment about 3-4 more times and try to take all of it in. As of right now I was going to plant the beans and mist the soil with some very light slf dr root and zeus juice.
Your the man!! Im deff going to try all of this, this nectar community is awesome. I was emailing back and forth with scott and he was very welcoming and offers any kind of help like you guys do. Ill deff be taking a trip down the rabbit hole. Been wanting to run organics for a long time. Ive only done advanced because thats what I was taught. Ill keep you guys posted. I popped those beans about 24 hours ago so hopefully we take off very soon. Im going to read your comment about 3-4 more times and try to take all of it in. As of right now I was going to plant the beans and mist the soil with some very light slf dr root and zeus juice.
what's your water source....tap, filtered or RO?
How often do you slurry? Once a week after feeding to see how much shes eating I assume?

I use RO water too..... slurries ? depends how anal you are or if working with a new strain ... usually you only want to do a slurry if there is an issue .. BUT ! I do it before I feed cause that tells me which way I need to go ...
I use RO water too..... slurries ? depends how anal you are or if working with a new strain ... usually you only want to do a slurry if there is an issue .. BUT ! I do it before I feed cause that tells me which way I need to go ...
Thanks thats kind of what I figured. Another question is my tds meter has 2 diff settings one is us and the other is metric I believe. They both give me 2 diff readings the us setting gives me higher readings then the metric. Which one do I use for the ppm tests? And do you PH your foliar feeds?
I use RO water too..... slurries ? depends how anal you are or if working with a new strain ... usually you only want to do a slurry if there is an issue .. BUT ! I do it before I feed cause that tells me which way I need to go ...
"ditto"......especially do one to the #4 before you pot up to see where you stand. That will give you a baseline to start, record your #s b/c its he'll of a lot better than trying to remember, and cuff you will then be able to tell how much of your feeds are getting gobbled up.
Thanks thats kind of what I figured. Another question is my tds meter has 2 diff settings one is us and the other is metric I believe. They both give me 2 diff readings the us setting gives me higher readings then the metric. Which one do I use for the ppm tests? And do you PH your foliar feeds?
Should say 700 scale, that's what the fam all uses.....and you can run foliars 6.1 - 7.1
Should say 700 scale, that's what the fam all uses.....and you can run foliars 6.1 - 7.1
Damn I cant find any info on my tds meter. I saw in the bible it said theres 2 diff calculation I cant find which one it is on mine. Its a jenco 330. My old one i used was a ezmeter or something for like $12. I bought this new one for $80 because it had good reviews.
the higher number is prolly the 700 scale.can the meter be switched to EC?
Also in your humidifier do you guys run tap water or your r/o my tap water is city water with chlorine.
I would use RO or get a cheap RV camper hose end filter because it will leave white residue on everything.
ok i messed up lol. I never thought to test the ph of my ro water which comes out at 9.1. I mixed up some dr root slf and zeus juice i check the ph and its like 8.5 and the only 2 nutes i didnt buy were hygeia and hades down. My Ph of soil is 6.3 and ppm is 275. I didnt want to add that high ph solution so i found some spring water from the house that was 6.3 ph. I had just transfered 10 of the 12 pbb beans that popped. Then scrambled to find some water with a low ph. Any ideas to why my r/o water is so high in ph?
ok i messed up lol. I never thought to test the ph of my ro water which comes out at 9.1. I mixed up some dr root slf and zeus juice i check the ph and its like 8.5 and the only 2 nutes i didnt buy were hygeia and hades down. My Ph of soil is 6.3 and ppm is 275. I didnt want to add that high ph solution so i found some spring water from the house that was 6.3 ph. I had just transfered 10 of the 12 pbb beans that popped. Then scrambled to find some water with a low ph. Any ideas to why my r/o water is so high in ph?
Don't stick your ph pen in pure RO WATER!! It can damage the probe over time. There is no salt or metal ions to react with the hydrogen, better to put some minerals in it first, that will give you a more accurate reading. Bubba can chime in too, he uses RO. I used to but it became too much work so I switched to tap water run through a Boogie Blue plus filter. Nectar fam uses fullon for this.....kinda pricey, but a 1/2 ml would get something to react in the water. The quick and dirty way is to throw in a tbs of EWC, stir and let the natural humics and minerals create bonds in the water so you can get an accurate reading and a ph around 6.8. So when you added those couple bottles, you were able to get a better reading but all those bottles are neutral ph so won't drop the ph to where you need it but RO ph can go way up or down with a few drops of Hades or Oly....don't fret, work with what you have and you will find what works best for you....DIAL IN.... When I was using RO, I didn't start using it till plants were more established and I needed to mix more feed water. So like you did, used spring water on seedlings the first 14-21 days. This works best with myco fungi innoculation too because fungi doesn't like RO WATER....Its dead water and carries zero electrical charge for the fungi to communicate through and form relationships with the plant and the other microbes the fungi rely on to thrive. Theres absolutely nothing wrong with RO, except the waste, and like all aspects of a good grow some dialing in to be expected. Bubba can get his 2 cents in too, and I bet Scott has fielded this question a zillion times!!
Right !!!! RO will give false readings theres nothing there to read.... with RO many different ways to go about it .. like what Irie roots said or you can add fullon , magamp to RO before adding any nutrients to get a better reading .. I just mix it all up and then do my PH ....and slurry !!! if its in a bag and your gonna use it ? slurry it !!! I can tell you if you slurry #4 your ph will be 7.0-7.1 and have a low ppm , soil like roots organic , happy frog will have a high ppm and a low ph 5.8-5.9 and prolix has a low ppm but again ph of 5.9-6.0 ... you can make any soil work as long as your prep before use ...and its easier to work down the ph then trying to raise it ....I push the ph as high as a 7.1-7.2 not for long cause then you will start to get lookout ... if you have a ph of 6.0 its a bitch to get it to rise and an instant lock out the way Irie I use the boogie filter for my outside garden .. I do use RO when mixing my instant teas and always get a 6.6 ph ... when I brew my teas I use tap water and do a gas off for a couple hours before brewing .... ill post some pics later on .... Remember !!!! these nutrients are some labor . but !!! its a labor of love... you get out what you put in it

Irie ! check this out ....I was talking with a dude at my local hydro shop and he uses Herc with his synthetic nutrients and having great success !!! I was like ok ? and thought about it for a little ... makes sense , herc is washing the the roots of any build up .....
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