New to COCO, wanna help?

Interesting Perlite and Coco info.....Near the end of this video.

I've tried straight Coco in DTW.....had some troubles with oversaturation, aeration, root rot.
For this bunch i plan to use 2g fabric pots. Trying to find a mom out of the 10 beans, plan is to keep moms in soil, hoping to have my table all setup and ready for clones by the time these gals are able to produce clones lol.
I just rehydrate it with a nutrient solution and use it. But not all coco is the same. Many people soak and rinse others just rehydrate and use it like I do. The Botanicare 5kg blocks that I use say on the bag that it's rinsed and buffered. Just rehydrate and use.

Q: Do I need to buffer or rinse Cocogro before planting?

A: All Botanicare coco is pre-buffered and rinsed before packaging to eliminate any salts. If you do wish to rinse Cocogro, use R.O. water and a 2:1 ratio of water to coco by volume to flush the soil before planting.

Q: How is Cocogro processed? Why don’t I need to add calcium?

A: Cocogro is naturally aged, buffered with calcium nitrate, and hydrated with our proprietary fulvic acid, humic acid, and trace mineral treatment.

Yea, so is Canna Coco, buffered, old habit butt had too many probs with unbuffered coco do I flush them anyway.
I have never flushed Canna coco and haven't had any problems. I also have no problem reusing it 3 times or more. Cannazym breaks everything down to be reused just fine.
Hey guys

I buffered and pre charged my coco at 5.9 ph...was under the impression it should be between 5.8 and 6.0 for coco

i just read back through this thread and TE posted a link to an article stating ph should be higher than 6.2 when buffering/precharging

did i mess up? should i run more buffering solution through at the higher than 6.2 ph? or will it be fine at the 5.9 mark?
Hi Diggs,
I wouldn't worry. I don't even check ph when buffering. Just tap water and calmag at whatever ph it happens to be at. Close to 7 whould be my guess...

Thanks JD

Another question if you don't mind. How wet is your coco when you guys are dropping seeds in?

Rinsed mine yesterday with hopes of dropping the newly germinated seeds in today, but I fear the cups are still very heavy/soaked. Which I assume like soil we don't really want it too wet?
I'd say damp rather then wet. Not hard to extract moisture. You can take a pile of the wet stuff and simply squeeze it...handful by handful. Or rig up some sort of centrifuge with a peace of rope attached to a small pot or something with holes on the bottom.
Or just let it sit in the pot and drain, coco can hold only so much moisture. I do my initial flush then transplant a clone the next day, then give it more water to settle the roots. Seed is the same way, you can plant anytime, just be sure to keep it damp.
I'd say damp rather then wet. Not hard to extract moisture. You can take a pile of the wet stuff and simply squeeze it...handful by handful. Or rig up some sort of centrifuge with a peace of rope attached to a small pot or something with holes on the bottom.

Ya i guess that would work lol, never considered just ringing it out , i also never mixed any perilite with the coco when i put it in the cups, was thinking of removing and mixing some with it before planting anyway. Maybe thats what ill do, remove from cups, ring it out a little and add some perilite. Should be ready for the newly germinated seeds by then.

Another option, i have jiffy pellets here, according to some reading ive done this morning, you can sprout seeds in the jiffys and then transplant to coco with no issue.
Or just let it sit in the pot and drain, coco can hold only so much moisture. I do my initial flush then transplant a clone the next day, then give it more water to settle the roots. Seed is the same way, you can plant anytime, just be sure to keep it damp.

right now, the cups are still leaking water into the tray since last evening. they all still feel very wet and heavy.

Each cup has 6 holes around outter perimeter of bottom of cup for drainage
right now, the cups are still leaking water into the tray since last evening. they all still feel very wet and heavy.

Each cup has 6 holes around outter perimeter of bottom of cup for drainage

Coco holds 70% of the moisture and 30% O2. They are going to feel heavy,
Maybe thats what ill do, remove from cups, ring it out a little and add some perilite. Should be ready for the newly germinated seeds by then.

Another option, i have jiffy pellets here, according to some reading ive done this morning, you can sprout seeds in the jiffys and then transplant to coco with no issue.

Ya, I think you would want perlite in the solo cuops. Even the seedlings prefer a well draining medium.

Jiffy pucks work fine too. Your call...