Well-Known Member
Off topic but what are you feeding with?600 watt HPS. Done. Regardless of what all the LED guys say there is nothing wrong with HID. It's a proven lighting technology for growing plants and can be had for $150 instead of an $800 LED.
I'm so sick of everyone slamming HPS because they bought some overpriced LED and have to justify it by slamming a lighting technology that has been growing good weed for decades. Go ahead and spend $800 on a light that produces the same results as a $150 HID. I'm growing weed not playing with technology. I'll continue growing fire with my HPS while others are looking at charts, light spectrum's, and focusing on drivers. Plus the money I save by not spending four to five times as much to get the same light intensity will be well spent on single malt scotch.
Now I have to go plant some tomatoes in the garden. Oh by the way, I feed my vegetables the same nutrients I use to grow pot. I also don't pay for bottles of watered down chemicals in fancy bottles with cool sounding names. It's a damn plant. Not rocket science. And it doesn't need the latest doo dads and overpriced technology to grow.
Great post by the way