PLEASE...i need help choosing led strips and driver


Well-Known Member
can somebody please explain to me why on ledgardner all the 5x5 use 2 drivers not a 600w driver. reason i am askign is i am building mine to fit both 3x4 and 4x4 spaces as i need the versatility. my dimensions were gonna be 30"x48" approx. the space is a 3x4 flower closet, eventually i will move it to a 4x4 chamber, and after that a 4x8 chamvber using two of these diy builds.. please advise:

10x Samsung F-Series LT-FB22B 4′
1x meanwell HLG-600H-48B
**my issue is this uses 2 xtra strips than the sample 4x4 build on led gardner and will require a second driver or a bigger drever. i decided to look at their 5x5 builds to see which driver if i wanted just one, but they all use 2 drivers. i would rather use one per light if feasable.
so is there a reason i should not be doing this single driver for those 10 strips? also can i get away with aluminum channel only no heatsinks with this build? if so how thick for the aluminum? mytemporary closet flower room runs pretty cool now with around 600w real draw of mars hydro lights(4 in total) and too hot with my 600w hps to give you folks of the temp situation. basically i should be fine temp wise in the room, just wanna know if there is an issue with build itself
I believe its because they are shooting for 700w or a bit less per 5x5 build.

From what I can see the meanwell hlg600h-48b fits fine for 580+w on 10 of those strips.
But I wouldn't take my word as gospel.
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Just buy yourself some COB leds.... the 250w version is under $100 and the 300w version is just over $100. I would keep them a min. of 30" away from the plants though - COB will totally give them some good light burn. I use a bunch that are similar to these for my plants:,1800W-...b+grow+light&qid=1556897345&s=gateway&sr=8-23,X6-Sun...b+grow+light&qid=1556897345&s=gateway&sr=8-10

My plants have always loved them and I have no heat issues. The yields I get are as good or better than anything I see people posting they get. I mean, there's been a few grow journals I've been like HTF did you get that kind of yield - but those are few and far between.
Just buy yourself some COB leds.... the 250w version is under $100 and the 300w version is just over $100. I would keep them a min. of 30" away from the plants though - COB will totally give them some good light burn. I use a bunch that are similar to these for my plants:,1800W-Sunshine-Greenhouse-Flowering-1500W-White/dp/B075XHST5S/ref=sr_1_23?keywords=cob+grow+light&qid=1556897345&s=gateway&sr=8-23,X6-Sunshine-Spectrum-Greenhouse-Flowering/dp/B0778Z8M5H/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=cob+grow+light&qid=1556897345&s=gateway&sr=8-10

My plants have always loved them and I have no heat issues. The yields I get are as good or better than anything I see people posting they get. I mean, there's been a few grow journals I've been like HTF did you get that kind of yield - but those are few and far between.
i appreciate it man, but i am aware of all the lighting options including cobbs. i am doing it this way for a reason. i have cheap older tech led lights rn, i don't wanna buy more of those. i wand to make something to fit my space perfectly and distribute light evenly and stirps are the best way. i also know ppl who i respect specifically reccomend for all sorts of tech reasons they laid out in a long DM, thati use the strips F or q series.
to be clear i am not even looking to use HLG quantum boards with the same diodes. i am looking to do exactly what i said. use 4ft samsung strips. please stay within that paradigm
1LB? You'll have to clarify that question. Like total yield I get from a grow area using LEDs or total from a single plant? I mean, I grow a lot of strains that won't ever produce, on a single plant, 1lb dry weight for anyone under any circumstances :P In fact, I prefer growing small and medium sized strains. But yes, I occasionally grow larger strains... Like I said, I get as good if not better yields on a per plant basis as anything I've seen others post or people I know say they got - with few exceptions.

Always surprised about how touchy people are when it comes to their opinions on proper lighting for a cannabis grow. It's a weed people, the damn thing would grow in your ass crack if you let it. Pretty much every other plant in my garden, except for corn, requires more attention than cannabis plants :P And corn, well, that stuff is just grass so it's as resilient as cannabis.
i appreciate it man, but i am aware of all the lighting options including cobbs. i am doing it this way for a reason. i have cheap older tech led lights rn, i don't wanna buy more of those. i wand to make something to fit my space perfectly and distribute light evenly and stirps are the best way. i also know ppl who i respect specifically reccomend for all sorts of tech reasons they laid out in a long DM, thati use the strips F or q series.
to be clear i am not even looking to use HLG quantum boards with the same diodes. i am looking to do exactly what i said. use 4ft samsung strips. please stay within that paradigm
Ahh, understood. In that case, wish I could provide some advice, but I've never done that type of setup. Hope it goes well though!
1LB? You'll have to clarify that question. Like total yield I get from a grow area using LEDs or total from a single plant? I mean, I grow a lot of strains that won't ever produce, on a single plant, 1lb dry weight for anyone under any circumstances :P In fact, I prefer growing small and medium sized strains. But yes, I occasionally grow larger strains... Like I said, I get as good if not better yields on a per plant basis as anything I've seen others post or people I know say they got - with few exceptions.

Always surprised about how touchy people are when it comes to their opinions on proper lighting for a cannabis grow. It's a weed people, the damn thing would grow in your ass crack if you let it. Pretty much every other plant in my garden, except for corn, requires more attention than cannabis plants :P And corn, well, that stuff is just grass so it's as resilient as cannabis.
i'm not questioning your grow experience whatsoever, and i wasn't the one who asked about your yields, but your statement "It's a weed people, the damn thing would grow in your ass crack if you let it." is ridiculous when you boil it down to what ppl are after. i don;t think anyone questions you can end up with smokeable nice looking product doing almost nothing, but this forum is filled with ppl who are trying to accomplish allot more than grow a weed. if you don;t think that time, effort, knowledge and the right equipment for your space and skills is not gonna reap you benefits beyond what you put it then idk what to tel you other than you may not be growing very good weed, or you are a good gardner who is dismissing th erole his/her skills play and you have never tried poorly grown weed. whichever appleis tha statement you made is equally irrelevant.
again not knocking you at all, i have no idea what you do or what your smoke is like, but i cannot agree with your sentiment of - it's a weed so don't bother doing your best
i'm not questioning your grow experience whatsoever, and i wasn't the one who asked about your yields, but your statement "It's a weed people, the damn thing would grow in your ass crack if you let it." is ridiculous when you boil it down to what ppl are after. i don;t think anyone questions you can end up with smokeable nice looking product doing almost nothing, but this forum is filled with ppl who are trying to accomplish allot more than grow a weed. if you don;t think that time, effort, knowledge and the right equipment for your space and skills is not gonna reap you benefits beyond what you put it then idk what to tel you other than you may not be growing very good weed, or you are a good gardner who is dismissing th erole his/her skills play and you have never tried poorly grown weed. whichever appleis tha statement you made is equally irrelevant.
again not knocking you at all, i have no idea what you do or what your smoke is like, but i cannot agree with your sentiment of - it's a weed so don't bother doing your best
Oh yeah, I know it was someone else. But they deleted before I could reply so I wasn't able to reply directly to them. And no offense taken, I have thick skin. I also don't really have a filter, so don't take offense to anything I say as I don't ever mean to intentionally offend anyone.

My point is that producing high quality cannabis is rather easy when compared to 99% of other's not rocket science. I'd put my grows up against anyone here, any day ( I've been toking for over 30 years and have done so all over the world - so I'm confident in my ability to judge the quality of a little MJ). ANYONE who regularly gardens knows how simple producing high yielding cannabis crops is. Is it possible that I'm underrating how my knowledge and skill play a part? Maybe but I don't really think so. Right now I grow around 37 different fruit and veggies (many are just a different var. of the same though - like I grow 8 different tomato types) - a lot of which requires some real care and attention. But cannabis, I mean it's a weed - while I may have been exaggerating a little bit with the ass crack comment - it's not that far off. Just a basic understanding of food, water and lighting and the thing will flourish. I mean I generally only grow 3 - 5 lbs a run, so I'm not supplying a dispensary or anything LOL But I see people talking about low germination rates and losing plants, burning plants, etc... and I'm always shocked to hear it. I've never lost a single cannabis plant - EVER. And I haven't had a seed not germinate in probably 5 years (and the last time I did, it was totally my fault) - and I doubt it's because I'm just lucky - but I also don't do all this cup of water and paper towel nonsense a lot of people do (I prefer the jiffy seed pellets if anyone is interested).

I wasn't suggesting that people not do their best, that wasn't my sentiment at all. I was merely responding to the individual who was suggesting that LEDs somehow produce lower yields by pointing out that it's not true and that cannabis is so easy to grow you don't need to be a rocket scientist to do it.

I think perhaps one way to test your theory is to start growing yourself a little garden of a dozen or so other plants - and in a few years, if you think cannabis is super easy - then maybe you're on to something :P
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Oh yeah, I know it was someone else. But they deleted before I could reply so I wasn't able to reply directly to them. And no offense taken, I have thick skin. I also don't really have a filter, so don't take offense to anything I say as I don't ever mean to intentionally offend anyone.

My point is that producing high quality cannabis is rather easy when compared to 99% of other's not rocket science. I'd put my grows up against anyone here, any day ( I've been toking for over 30 years and have done so all over the world - so I'm confident in my ability to judge the quality of a little MJ). ANYONE who regularly gardens knows how simple producing high yielding cannabis crops is. Is it possible that I'm underrating how my knowledge and skill play a part? Maybe but I don't really think so. Right now I grow around 37 different fruit and veggies (many are just a different var. of the same though - like I grow 8 different tomato types) - a lot of which requires some real care and attention. But cannabis, I mean it's a weed - while I may have been exaggerating a little bit with the ass crack comment - it's not that far off. Just a basic understanding of food, water and lighting and the thing will flourish. I mean I generally only grow 3 - 5 lbs a run, so I'm not supplying a dispensary or anything LOL But I see people talking about low germination rates and losing plants, burning plants, etc... and I'm always shocked to hear it. I've never lost a single cannabis plant - EVER. And I haven't had a seed not germinate in probably 5 years (and the last time I did, it was totally my fault) - and I doubt it's because I'm just lucky - but I also don't do all this cup of water and paper towel nonsense a lot of people do (I prefer the jiffy seed pellets if anyone is interested).

I wasn't suggesting that people not do their best, that wasn't my sentiment at all. I was merely responding to the individual who was suggesting that LEDs somehow produce lower yields by pointing out that it's not true and that cannabis is so easy to grow you don't need to be a rocket scientist to do it.

I think perhaps one way to test your theory is to start growing yourself a little garden of a dozen or so other plants - and in a few years, if you think cannabis is super easy - then maybe you're on to something :P

i don't disagree, just all gowers goals are not created equal. if your only goal is to grow quality sensi then i hear ya, but managing a library, making seeds and test running and hunting thru allot of fems changes allot, adds allot of work and factors. it helps to understand when, for example, your goals are more easily met in hydro or soil etc... my only point is ending up with some decent even good flower is not really the only metric to judge a grower. i hear you ppl def overcomplicte it, and idk how ppl can;t root clones either, my brother is one of em. but again i will say the more you know, and the more ways you try the better you are, even if the flower at the end of the day is the same. i am in my mid 40's so i've been around the plant a bit myself and i can tell you i have grown every way till sunday. all have their ups and downs and places to shine and they are not on the pro/con lists you see online. now i can tell ppl if flood and drain is their best option for them or i can be the guy to point out "hey, buddy you may not be considering all the noise at night with those pumps in a 12 bucket dwc etc." because ppl don;t know that shit untill you do it in your own environment. for some it's a non isuse, for others they sleep close by and noise is a factor. ppl also don;t consider that tho flood and drain is super low maintenence it is not a good set up when the meter man needs to service your meter. in thatcase individual soil pots are best.
anywya this is just random off the top of my head. just trying to express that ppl should alaways experiment and talk from a place of experience not from a place of "research online".
when i ask questions i can always tell when someone is answering with the normal shit you see and here all over online. <<< not referring to you if that isnt clear
can somebody please explain to me why on ledgardner all the 5x5 use 2 drivers not a 600w driver.
Possibly because a single 600W driver in a 5x5 is only 24 watt/sqft, a bit on the low side.
With the 480 and a 240 that brings it up to 720W and 28w/sf.
**my issue is this uses 2 xtra strips than the sample 4x4 build on led gardner and will require a second driver or a bigger drever.
Why do you say you can't put 12 strips on the 600h-48? Should work fine.

(Edit) what Corey said, never mind my echo
Possibly because a single 600W driver in a 5x5 is only 24 watt/sqft, a bit on the low side.
With the 480 and a 240 that brings it up to 720W and 28w/sf.
i agree and i didn't consider that because i wasn;t trying to do a 5x5 myslef i just wanted to see the next driver up, but yea when i looked they are doing 693-703w which makes sense clearly. i was so focused on my situation i didn't even think of that.